Take Them Down (5)

Gaara grins maliciously as he watches his victims fall unconscious. "Things might get a bit messy. Do you guys want to stay in or no?" he asks with a crazy smile.

The other members sweat drop. Strategist sighs. "No matter how troublesome, I'll stay," he says.

"I'll stay as well," Tracker says.

Leader claps his hands. "Of course I'm staying," he says. "What about you, Healer?" he asks.

Healer shrugs his shoulders.

Gaara hums. He walks over to the one named Chiro. He slaps his face. He scowls when he didn't respond. He proceeds to push chakra into his fist and punch Chiro in the abdomen.

The man's eyes shoot open as he coughs up blood. "Good afternoon," Gaara says with a giggle. He grabs Chiro by the hair and pulls him over to a chair. In front of the man was a desk and Gaara's chair.

Gaara takes a seat and smiles at the man. "So, how was your nap?" he asks. Chiro looks at him with frightened eyes. He begins to sweat and fidget in his chair. Gaara sighs. "So much for small talk," he says with a pout.

He stands up and sits on the edge of the desk. He was basically sitting beside the man. "So tell me, Chiro," Gaara begins, taking out a kunai and plays with it, "why are you and your friends here?" he asks.

"To find work. We were laid off," Chiro responds. He takes a deep breath and avoids Gaara's eye contact.

Gaara frowns. "I hate liers," he says. He puts the kunai up to Chiro's cheek and slashes it. He licks the blood off of the kunai as he smiles. "Why are you here in Konoha?" Gaara asks with a dangerously low voice.

Tracker shivers at what his boyfriend was doing. It...excited him.

Many cuts on Chiro later, Gaara was getting a written confession as he wiped the blood off of him.

"Let's take them to the Hokage."
