what's the best way to start your day??

by trying to vomit your internal organs out.


seriously though. i'm sick. AGAIN.

I've been sick for a while, actually, I just forgot to tell you because I'm tired like, all the time and I literally can't do anything until about 2 PM. I can't actually get through a meal now.

Thank god I didn't eat dinner last night because I woke up this morning and tried to throw up. I didn't really have anything in my stomach though- I've been refusing to eat much for the past few days because it makes me feel sick.

I'm honestly just tired of this by this point. I'm used to pain now. I throw up really easily too- there are three separate occasions where I ate a little too much, then calmly threw up and was fine.

I'm probably gonna spend the day watching Princess Tutu and feeling vaguely nauseous.

S I g h.
