Chapter 9

Louis POV

Harry Styles in loose leggings that show his v-line is something I never knew I needed in life.
And apparently the crowd agrees with me.
Making eye contact with me all through his performance smirking at me is some sort of karma, and I love it.

At the end of his performance after he comes out of the locker room he's heading straight towards me.
"Do shots with me Lou" he says.
"Pardon?" I say in a sassy tone, "you heard me, Liam could you kindly get me and Lou some tequila shots please"

What the actual fuck has gotten into him, I mean I'm always down for shots but Harry isn't this straight forward.
"Also Louis I would like to ask you something.." his hot breath makes me shiver. I look up at him as if to say continue.

"Would you like to hang out tomorrow.. only if you want too, not as a date I just want to get to know-" I cut him off before he can finish his sentence.

"Lunch tomorrow at 1?" Harry looks down and smiles he doesn't give me an answer because by his reaction he's agreed "perfect I'll see you then but now let's do these shots."

After the shots I'm feeling a bit tipsy than I was ten minutes ago I mean what the fuck do you expect with tequila shots.

"Can I Harry take the Louis to go and dance with me?" Harry asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay lover boy" I laugh at him but he soon replies with "loulou you and I both know what happened the last time we were on this dance floor together"

"I remember it oh so well love" there is a pause but Harry soon puts his hand on my lower back and says "I'm the one who is meant to give you pet names not the other way round" he whispers to me.


Me and Harry have been dancing for an hour and my feet bloody hurt. "Hazza I'm going home me feet hurt" I say with a few giggles in between.

"Okay darling please be safe I'm a text away" Harry says he sounds genuinely worried, I brush the stupid thought away, that's the alcohol taking over my body, I think.

I nod up at Harry and give him a hug before I leave I say "I'll text you tomorrow" and I wave at him and no surprise he waves back with that charming styles smile that will never fail to give me butterflies.

Ugh definitely took too many shots.

I have to walk to the flat as I didn't take my car as I knew I would probably get shit face drunk.

I burst through the door and I am welcomed to an empty flat. Although I can hear soft snores coming from Niall's room, I laugh because Niall has always snored in his sleep.

I'm currently in the kitchen and I decide to take all my clothes off leaving me in my boxers. I do this most of the time when I'm drunk.

I leave my clothes where they are and take my phone to my room.

Once I'm in bed I find myself trying to find Harry on social media, I find his Instagram along with Zayn's and Liams as Harry had tagged them in multiple posts.

There's this one photo of Harry though and let me say I had a heart attack.

It's from Halloween, he's got scruffy hair and has a brown suit on with nothing underneath tattoos showing and big brown fluffy ears and big white fangs. The caption says "can anyone guess what I am?" With this 🐺 emoji.

What a dork, I think but then I smile that smile soon disappears as I realised I just liked the post and haven't even sent a request yet.

"Shit, ballocks, fuck" I whisper under my breath.


Harry: stalking my Instagram love? Don't worry I was doing the same thing to yours :)

Louis: fuck off I have no clue what your talking about.

Harry: sure darling but the notification I got through a minute ago definitely said louist91 liked your post.
Glad you like my wolf costume ;)

Louis: goodnight poopy head I'll see you tomorrow.

Harry: goodnight love :)

*time skip to the morning*

I wake up at 11 to Niall cheering to something on the tv.
I walk in and slap the back of his head, he turns around with a sad look on his face.
"Thanks for waking me up actually because I needed to be up"

"Then why the fuck slap me you piss head! And where are you going, oh wait let me guess, your going on a date with Harry correct me if I'm wrong, oh and I put your clothes in the wash your welcome."

"Sorry I just felt like it because your loud, and no we are just meeting up because he wants to get to know me more."
"Well when you guys are married I better be your best man" Niall says I just shake my head at him.

"Come on let's find you an outfit" he says and god I'm glad I have Niall in my life otherwise I would be completely lost.

We walk into my room and it takes Niall and I 30 minutes yes 30 to find me a decent outfit.

We decided on instead of wearing an Adidas track suit I should wear a loose black shirt with The Fray on it along with some loose ripped black skinny jeans and to finish it all off Niall let me choose the shoes which were black converse.

Finally I go and have a shower, I wash my hair with blueberry shampoo, blueberry is technically my signature scent, it's the scent of my perfume.

Once I'm out the shower I shave a bit but I keep the little stubble I have going on.

I brush my teeth and wash my face with warm water as I don't do skin care, fuck that shit.

Then I go into my room and get changed into the outfit Niall kindly chose for me. Once I'm ready the time is 12:15.

12:20 Harry texts me saying he will come and get me, so I give him my address.

I try to ask him where we're going but he said it's a surprise.

I fucking hate surprises.

*Authors note*

Hello guys that was chapter 9 wow! I have a lot planned for chapter 10 so make sure to follow my Instagram account to know when chapters will be up! Please give feedback, comment and vote if you want haha. You guys are always free to tell me your suggestions too.

Word count = 1228
