How you met

Ponyboy: The two of you had history class together and got paired up to work on a project. You spent most of your time working on the project at his house where you met the rest of the gang.

Sodapop: You went to the DX to get gas for your car. Soda helped you and flirted with you the entire time. You left with a smile on your face and Soda had your number.

Steve: Your car had started making strange noises so you decided to take it to the DX to get it checked out. Steve had fixed your car in no time and you two talked for a while.

Two-Bit: You met at the Nightly Double where you went to catch a movie. When Two-Bit saw you, he immediately went to sit beside you and flirt with you during the entire movie.

Dally: One of your friends had dragged you to Buck's party. After a few minutes of being there, Dally walked over to you and offered you a drink. You two ended up getting drunk and dancing together for the rest of the night.

Johnny: You met at the lot. You had been there only once before when no one was there. You had snuck out and went for a walk because you couldn't sleep. You had ended up at the lot and that's where you saw Johnny. His cheek was bruised and you immediately asked him about it. He told you about his parents and the two of you talked the rest of the night.

Darry: You had just moved to Tulsa and your house needed to be fixed up. Darry was the one who had fixed your roof and the two of you ended up talking a lot while he fixed it. He offered to take you out the next day and you gladly excepted.
