Two-Bit Matthews

Y/F/N means your friend's name

You smoothed out the bottom of your dress and looked at yourself in the mirror. Once you were satisfied with how you presented yourself, you went downstairs.

Today was you and your boyfriend's, Two-Bit, one year anniversary. He promised to take you out somewhere for a surprise.

"What do you mean you're calling off the bet?" A familiar voice, most likely Dally's, asked firmly.

"I love her, Dally. I'm not going to treat her as a bet. That bet was thrown away a long time ago." Two-Bit replied.

You gasped, and quickly covered your mouth.

The room fell silent as you came into view.

"Two-Bit?" You furrowed your brows and felt tears well up in your eyes.

"Y/N! Oh god, you heard everything didn't you." Two-Bit rushed to your side and tried to comfort you.

You pushed him off,"Get away from me."

"Y/N, please." Two-Bit begged you.

"Go away!" You shouted and ran out the house, pushing Dally out of the way while you escaped.

Dally scoffed,"Don't chase after her. She's not worth it."

Two-Bit frowned at Dally,"Oh, stuff it!" Then, he bursted out the house to follow you.

You wiped tears as you ran while cold wind hit your reddened cheeks. You couldn't believe him. To think you meant something to him when you first met him.

"Y/N?" You turned around and saw your best friend, Y/F/N Winston, dragging your blind date along. He seemed strong, apart from the fact that he was wearing a Mickey shirt. You found it amusing.

"Yeah?" You smiled.

"This is Two-Bit. He'll be your date for tonight." She giggled and shoved Two-Bit towards you.

"Uh, hi, Y/N." Two-Bit smiled nervously, holding out his hand for you to shake.

"Hi," you smiled back and shook his hand. This was definitely the start of something exciting.

"Y/N?" A hand was placed on your shoulder.

You looked up from the necklace you were fiddling around with in your hands. It was Two-Bit.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to be a bet." Two-Bit tried to apologize.

You sighed and wiped your tears,"I don't know."


"Two-Bit, I'm not sure what we are anymore." You tried your best to hold in the oncoming tears.

"Wait, please!" Two-Bit tried to stop you, but he was too late. You had left him, stranded.


thank you guys so much for everything ahhhhh
so idk i want to start writing a stand by me imagines book, would anybody here read it? (:
