💫 Johnny imagine

Requested by : lovinguris  💕

Age :  both 17
Season : winter
Where : readers house
POV : y/n
Smut : 👎

          Cold. It's just really cold.
It's in the middle of winter and it's freaking freezing.
I'm stuck in my room, home alone, doing homework and school assignments.
    I have this one thing that I have to do.
I have to pick on person and write 7 pages about them.
Of course, I chose Johnny. My boyfriend.
I already had almost 5 pages done before Johnny climbed through my window.
"You don't have to sneak in."
Saying that, I start blushing at his existence.
A lot of girls at school don't see what I like about him, and I of course go off of them and get suspended a bunch.
I shiver slightly as the cold breeze comes through the window.
Johnny's pants is covered In snow.
Closing my books, I groan, throwing myself down onto the bed.
He giggles.
"School sucks" I groan to him.
He pulls his soaked pants off and sits next to me.
I smile.
"I have like, 5 million pages of math, and I have to write a whole paper...in one day!" I grab onto his shirt, staring into his eyes.
He kisses my nose, smiling and blushing.
"Just guess...and hurry so we can cuddle"
He says while kissing my nose.
He gets under the covers on the bed.
"Hurry" he pushes me.
I smile, pulling my books back out.

After about 40 minutes, Johnny starts whining for me to hurry again.
"Come oooon" He tugs on my shirt.
"I have to get done" I slap his hand away.
He pouts.
"I'll just skip tomorrow I guess" I smile.
His face lights up before he pulls me next to him.
I laugh and he wraps around my cold body.
"I love you"
He mumbles on my neck.

