XXIV. LOVE?!....


He didn't wait to listen. Turned his back on her and left.


If he had waited for another second there, he would've unknowingly embraced her in a hug. It was heart-breaking to see his Buttercup so shattered and suffering. It was killing him to hurt her like this, but it had to be done. When he saw Jungkook that day, he realized how selfish he was being. He cannot put her life in danger. He needed to become the bad guy if it meant her well-being. He never wanted to become the reason behind her tears but today he was the sole reason behind them. How he wished he could just canoodle her in his arms, kiss her and let her know that he loves her but, he couldn't, he shouldn't. Turning away and ignoring her pleads was just a way to hide his own sobs. Her pleads and cries were making him insubstantial which he couldn't afford. He couldn't and shouldn't break down and show her his vulnerable side. Because one slip up and all his prior hard work that he put in to portray himself strong and who's not affected by all that's going on would be like adding salt to the already salty seawater. Completely useless.

He loved her and that's why he needed to ensure she was safe even if it's not with him. When you truly love someone all you want is them to be happy even if they aren't with you. He very well understood how Jungkook is the perfect guy for her. He will fill her life with beautiful colours and amazing filters, whereas he, himself will bring her nothing but pain, agony and misfortune. Jungkook fits all the criteria she once mentioned she wanted her dream boy to have.

But does love oblige to criteria? Isn't it something that comes to you as a surprise.

Love is freedom and finding it with a checklist is a complete waste because love knows no bounds it can occur anywhere with anyone and when it's your time no criteria, no checklist can obstruct it from claiming your soul. That certain someone you'd be waiting on will sweep you in the safety of their arms and curl you in the warmth of their soul. Nothing makes sense but all of a sudden everything seems even more scenic, even more pleasing than it already was.

Love is such a pure feeling. It's not every day that you fall in love. It's on one fine day or maybe even a one fine second when you feel your heartbeat tumbling out of your control, your brain messing around with the tingles you feel in your body, your whole world lightening up with fireworks and blossoming with beautiful flowers.

It was this feeling of being in love but still not being able to disclose it which was wrecking both of our leads. The damage, the sadness they were feeling was all real because their love was real, their feeling was pure.

The pain and agony that Taehyung was enduring made one thing clear, he was a goner for her and a very bad one at that. All he wanted was someone to suck out all of his misery. It was tormenting and torturing. The black void was once again swallowing him with her not being by his side. He had barred his heart for so long. He was habituated to the darkness he was feeling for the past twelve years up until she walked into his life and made his heart ravage its way out of the bars and thump and pound abnormally.

Tae's POV -

I didn't want to follow them but do any of my body parts know the meaning of following a command. Not at all. On no account. So, here I was staring or basically spying on Y/N and Jungkook. She was still crying her eyes out and it was so disheartening to realize that I was the reason they were set off. I know I am overreacting pushing her off just like that, but I am scared. I am terrified. I don't wanna lose her. I attract misfortune like a magnet, and it tends to take people whom I love away from me. It did so twelve years ago too. From that day on, I started shutting people out of my life. If this small incident is God's sign to pull me away from her and knock some sense into me so, be it. Jungkook is sent like a guardian angel in disguise. Holding her dear to my heart will only end up in something worse which I would never want. I just want to let go of her now before I am sufficiently not capable enough to do so.

I always knew she'd be happy with him, and it would be for the better, if I walked out of her life. Coz when I realized it yesterday that in not more than two weeks, it will be the day that turned my life upside down and made it go all topsy turvy, I understood what an emotional fool I had been, letting my heart take control, making my brain lose all its lucidity and capability of reasoning. To have made such impulsive decisions by listening to the red muscle on the left side of my chest when my psyche was very well guiding me not to go near her.

But all my rationalism had left me when I first laid my eyes on her and just like that, she had me wrapped around her pinkie. But not anymore.


Countdown to two weeks begins.

It had already been three days since that incident. Taehyung and Y/N hadn't spoken since. Y/N would regularly wait for him at the gate also at his locker, but he would never show up. He always turned in late. The classes he once excelled were now going downhill. She also excelled all classes when she first joined and now, she was barely making it. She was concerned and would always try and approach him, but he would just ignore her or at the most give her a crude reply. She was so broken and everyday there were new things established to kill her more. It was no different for him. Everything was crumbling him little by little. Everyone around them could clearly figure out how badly this whole torment was turning out for the both of them. Both of them were starving themselves till a point they'd faint but it was a blessing that the catering head in the cafeteria made sure everyone at least had a small portion to satisfy their stomachs. It seemed awful and sickening as days passed. Everything was gloomy and dull.

One of the guys who turned out to be the wild card in their story couldn't take all of this cuffuffle anymore and thought of confronting the main cause of the trouble. But before that he needed a backup.


Hey guys,
What do you think of this chapter... Do let me know in the comments below.

Who do you think is playing the wild card... Is it Jungkook??

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