{71} Realistic, New Years hope, and unrealistic

It's almost Christmas and I cannot believe it.  That means New Years is soon and even Winter Break is coming to an end.  I am so nervous.  Harry and I plan on talking to my dad about letting me go back to Brookwood.  I'm afraid we're making this too realistic in our heads and we'll be even more disappointed after.  

Right now, Lyssa is playing the piano for Harry.  We decided he should sing "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay.  Lyssa learned how to play it on piano and Harry is catching on easily.  

"Cause in a sky full of stars ... I think I saw you." Harry sings along.  

"Shit, this part hard.  I have to go really high." 

"Harry, you're almost there." Lyssa replies, "I can play the keys down the piano a little more.  It will be your song once you're up there so sing it how you want."  

"Okay, let's try that." He nods. 

As Harry practices more and sounds absolutely amazing. . .I bite my lip at my twitter.  Lyssa, Harry, and I decided we would have a New Years Eve party at my house.  I put it out on twitter and it's already getting retweets.  The only person I'm worried about coming is Niall.  What if he doesn't come?  He has to.  New Years Eve means everyone will find their perfect kiss.  Would he even kiss me again? 

The last thing for practicing with Harry today was recording the piano.  We would do that so Harry could practice at home with it.  I thought the song sounded perfect with his voice and we were very excited.  When he performs this after break, I have to be there to watch.  Somehow I will.

A half an hour later, Harry and I are downstairs watching Netflix.  His eyes keep drifting everywhere but the tv and he plays with his hands a lot.  The fact I'm watching him do all of this, proves I'm bored too.  But my mind really is elsewhere.  There's so many different ways I've thought about trying to go back to Brookwood.  I know I don't belong at some 'all girls' school here.  I really do belong at Brookwood.  

First I thought about writing a letter to Dad.  That way I can be sure I say everything I'm thinking.  Letters can be persuasive also.  But if I talk face to face he will give me his reaction and true answer. It's driving me crazy thinking about this.  

I blurt, "I think I should talk to my dad soon.  Like really soon." 

"That makes two of us." Harry replies, "And I really will talk to him with you, if that's what you want."

"Well don't forget he likes you more than me, so maybe it will be for the best." I smile.

Both of our phones ding at the same time and I raise my eyebrow.  On my screen I see it's a text from Niall.  On Harry's screen... a text from Chelle. 

"That's not creepy at all." He picks up his phone. 

"Awkward." I joke. 

I read Niall's text... 'hi Gracie ! I saw yer havin a party ! problem is its tradition to go to my neighbors New Year's thing ! but dont worry, I'm figuring it out :/ xx -N'

Of course.  I was afraid he wouldn't be able to go and now there's a good chance he won't.  

I texted back,'It's all good:) I hope you can tho.. x -G'

"I think I'm going to call my dad.  See if he's in a good mood.  Then if he is, we will talk to him when he's home tonight." I decide. 

"Okay," Harry nods.

I dial up my dad and he could easily not pick up the phone.  But it must be my lucky day because he does right away.  I just keep repeating in my head, 'please be in a good mood, please be in a good mood'. 


"Hi Dad!" I put on my happy mode, "How is you day?" 

"What are you up to...?" He chuckles. 

Oh.  C'mon.

Harry is sitting there smirking at me.  He can probably hear what my dad's saying since it's so quiet down here. 

Trying to get this over with, I ask, "Can I talk to you tonight?  Not just... Let's get pizza and talk.  I want to talk to you about something." 

"Sure... is everything-" 

"Yes, I'm fine.  Don't worry about me, I just need to talk alright?" 

"Alright." My dad replies in a confused tone. 

"See you later!" I say, hopeful. 

After we hang up, Harry gives me a high five.  I don't see the reason but I gladly accept it.

"Step one done." He cheers, "He could have easily been in a bad mood but hey.. he wasn't."

"That's true.  I'm just scared to talk about this later." I admit.

"That is why I'm going to help and be with you." Harry pokes my side.  

  I stick my tongue out at him and we go upstairs.  Watching Netflix was kind of a bust.  When does that ever happen... gasp.  Actually it's probably the fact I'm freaking out inside right now.  Yeah, that's it.

Chelle's POV:  

 Oh how I love Christmas.  

Oh how I love the fact Harry can't be with me right now.

The first 'oh' is the only sarcastic one.  If Harry still can't get over his obsession with Grace, then fine.  Be that way.  But he can't keep getting over her and then running back.  I really did think we would work out again.  

All our best friends from Brookwood are separated and with our families for Christmas... the usual.  Then we hear that Harry and Grace just happen to be practically next door neighbors.  Of course they're going to hanging out.  When he doesn't answer my calls I start to get negative and can't help it.  

Then hearing they are having a big New Year's party really confirmed it.  Of course I'm going to go.  It will probably be a great ass party.  But I won't be surprised if Harry isn't my stupid New Year's kiss.  I just don't feel like trying anymore.  I love Gracie till death.  She just makes Harry a different person.  At school it was pretty cute but it's super hard when now I like him.  I hate admitting it.

'u goin to grace's partttttty...? x-Chelle'  

'I'm figuring it out ! i hope ! x -Niall' 

'kewl. x-Chelle'

I had to text Niall just in case all went down at the party.  We could be loners together.. his love.. my love.. always running back to eachother.  Too bad I'm not into Niall.  I've thought about it but he's turning into an actual friend at this point.  The fact he accepts me after we shunned him at Brookwood makes me impressed.  He's a really good guy.  In a few years he'll be in his prime, ha.  

I put down my phone and watch my cousins happily putting ornaments on our Christmas tree.  Kids really are happy.  My life from when I was a kid seems like a whole other life.  It's so strange to think about.  

"Rochelle, are you going to put yours up?" One of my cousins ask.

"Sure!" I smile, suddenly deciding to be nice.

I take a small picture ornament from her and hang it up.  It was a school picture of me from preschool.  I chuckled at myself and my tiny, high ponytail.  I swear every year my present to my parents was an ornament with a picture of myself on it.  Big value right there, folks.     

Grace's POV: 

Sometimes it's hard to say something, especially when you've thought about it for a long time.  It's that long breath you have before you're about to spit it out.  You're telling yourself - just go, get it over with.  Then you're about to, until you stop and feel like your voice is caught in your throat.  

I think that's because you're afraid of what the other person's reaction will be.  That's my only guess.  If I were to know Dad would say "yes! you can go back to your school!", I would have no problem at all with asking him.  But now...that I have absolutely no clue...I'm stuck on that long breath.  I'm so close to saying it but I don't want to mess up.  

"Grace, do you want to talk or not?" My dad crosses his arms.

Harry and I look at eachother with the same scared face.  I like to believe he wants me to go back as much as I do.  We're sitting at the kitchen table with my dad in front of us.  It seems so intense while my dad thinks this is probably casual.  I'm feeling the opposite.  

I blurt, "I just-"

Then I shut my mouth when Harry starts talking at the same exact time.  I nod at him for him to go, instead of me. 

"Sir, I go to Brookwood as you know." Harry seems to be really relaxed.

My dad nods knowingly. 

"We live very close.  I've had no problem of being too far from Brookwood..erm..ever.  On the breaks I go home, it's a longer ride than I'd like, but it works.  I see my family a fine amount of times, they are okay with thi-"

He stops when my dad holds both hands up.  Shit, what does that even mean. 

"Is this about Grace going back to Brookwood?" He smiles. 

Harry and I look at eachother with a 'great...' face.  

"Before you two go all into your explaining... Have you thought about how much work it would be to take Gracie out of the new school she's signed up for?  Then signing her back up for Brookwood?  That's not something you can just do." 

"Dadddd." I frowned, "So I'm already signed up for this new school?" 

He nods, "That's the problem, I'm sorry." 

"School is practically a teenager's life.  All my best friends are at Brookwood.  All my memories are there... It's hard to switch schools so often Dad.  I always had to as a kid now when I finally get to one I like, I have to leave it.  I just really miss it.  I really fit in there and don't picture myself being at this new school." I rant before I can even stop myself.

"If I knew that before I would have considered it.. It's too late Grace.  It will be okay." Dad tries to make me feel better. 

Merry Christmas to me.  I guess it's not really his fault at the moment.  But I'm screwed.  After Winter Break...there's going to be no going back to Brookwood.


Authors Note: Christmas will be very soon in this book... Weird cos it's vacation for me ahaaaa.

D e d i c a t i o n: 1. Vote, 2. Comment: Who's your fav ship (of ANYONE) besides all the Nacie, Zacie, and Hacies? 

Love you, -Lee.x
