{48} 3 happy friends, not the usual, and good questions


... "I'm jealous." Chelle groaned. I gave her a look telling her to continue. Chelle explained, "I wish Brody would talk to me during school. And not just snog." "He's not worth it if he's going to take advantage of you." I told her. "Gahh. I don't know. You'd understand if you were in this situation." Chelle replied. I just shrugged. ...

I clearly remember Chelle telling me this.  And I completely understand now.  You see, Zayn is really the only person who will talk to me lately.  This weekend I hung out with him the whole time.  I don't think I've let a guy kiss me so much though.  It got so repetitive and annoying.  It's sort of scaring me now.  I don't want him to kiss me for a literally a week now.  

The point is, today in class he wasn't talking to me.  I guess he's always been like that.  I just never told myself he's ignoring me.  So now I'm in Chelle's position.  Except she gave up on Brody... And I haven't gave up on Zayn yet.

Niall and I both gave up on eachother.  I know we could of pushed through our problems.  Niall's the sweetest boy I've ever met.  Always laughing and caring.  He doesn't seem like that anymore.  Because of what happened between us... It's just... I don't think dating at my age should be this complicated.  That's the main reason I think we broke up.  It was too complicated.  A confusing relationship won't work out.

I probably look like a crazy person, thinking so deeply while walking through the halls.  Gym is next and I will admit my nervousness.  Harry, Ella, and I.  Three happy best friends...psh.  I push open the doors to the locker room.  Kathryn looks at me and waves.  

"Hey Kath!" I say too excitedly.

"Hello." She replies.  

Meh.  We changed into our gym clothes in silence.  That's a change.  No talking about how much we hate Ella.  No talking about how she's going to marry Will and I'm going to marry Niall.  Well this  Monday sucks so far.

It seemed to take forever to get into the gym.  I was feeling awkward for Kathryn and I not being our usual, so I assume that's why.  Kathryn turned to me slowly.  "What?" I mouthed.  

"EEEEEPPPP!" I hear the bitch's voice squeal.  

I whip my head around and see Ella running towards Harry.  She flings her arms around him.  I raise an eyebrow when I see Harry's sappy smile.  I actually feel like throwing up.  Kathryn keeps staring at me.  She's probably so confused.  Like why the hell is Harry with Ella?...especially hugging.  

I groan when I notice Ella walking towards me.  Harry is following behind her, seeming worried.  

"Hey Grace." Ella exclaimed.  

"You got my name right.." I fake smiled.  

She stared at me with a blank face until Harry came up.  He stayed a little bit behind her. 

"You know how Zayn's your boyyyy.." She said in a girly voice, "Well Harry's mine..I'm happy we all have boyfriends."  

Ella grabbed Harry's arms and wrapped them around her waist.  I just stared at Harry's familiar face, waiting for a response out of him.  He literally wouldn't look at me.  He's just staring at nothing and looking rather odd.  I wasn't comfortable with my best friend's arms around my enemy's waist.  It's very unpleasant to see.  I bet Ella could tell from my face.  Harry would too but he won't look at me.  

A blow of the whistle makes all of us jump.  I snap myself out of my weird attitude and walk away quickly.  Today we're playing volleyball.  I actually like this sport.  The whole class was divided into three teams.  So one team will sit out while the others play.

I'm on team three so I sit like a loner in the bleachers.  Everyone else was babbling away or cheering for the first two teams.  I realize someone scoots over by me.  

"Why the sad face?" Brett asks.

"I'm not sad." I lie.

"Sure." He chuckles, "What's up with Harry and that annoying girl?" 

I groan and he raises an eyebrow.  So everyone is noticing them?  Ella is making it pretty obvious.  Not like that's surprising.

I start to lighten up because Brett talked to me the whole time.  We played next to eachother during the game also.  I was much better than him though.  Considering he can't even hit the ball.  I lucked out since I didn't have to play you-know-who's team.  I surprised myself at the end of class by asking Brett something.

"Wanna hang out tonight?" I blurt.  He's my only 'normal' friend at the moment. 

"Uh.." His eyes widen and he grins, "Yeah..sure!"  

"Cool." I give him a thumbs up.


We decided to meet out in the front.  That's the spot I usually tell people anyways.  Brett is a nice person and I want to hang out with some friends.  But obviously I'm having issues with my friends.  So why not ask Brett?  Plus I barely know anything about him and want to!  

I made my way there, after a change of clothes.  I'm actually pretty excited.   I saw him leaning against the wall, looking at his phone.  He looks much different than he does in his uniform.  He looks super approachable and nice.  With his beanie and jacket.  

"Brett!" I call as I get closer.  

"Hello!" He smiles.  

He smiles a lot.  I'm jealous though, his teeth are really white.  We go outside... Sometimes being in here all day gets you sick of it.  Even though it's cold, it's better than inside.  I'm curious on what we'll talk about.  I planned this though, so it better not be a bust.  I'd feel bad. 

"Do you know Zayn?" I start a topic, "...and those type of people?"  

I bit my lip.  Just saying Zayn sounded too fishy.  

"No, but I wouldn't want to.   They're all douches." Brett chuckles.  Well then.

"Yeah, Zayn's my friend." I defend.  Should I be defending him?

"Shit!  Uh, really?" He says surprised.

"I know, I know.  It's weird.  We were canoe partners then..yeah."

"Is he douchey around you?"  

"No." I lie.  Ok, I'm not getting anywhere with lying.  

"Nevermind, he is, sorry." I admit.

Brett looks at me and raises both eyebrows.  He motions me by a tree to sit down.  I'm kind of afraid to talk about Zayn like this.  I feel like he'll come out of no where and steal me away.  

"Why do you hang around him then?" Brett questions.  Good questions.. good questions.

"My friends arn't so..fond..of me at the moment." 

"My god, I never knew you had so many problems.  Continue... I can help?" 

I smile.  "Niall and I dated.  We really liked eachother, well at least I did.  Harry was always my good friend and got in the way of Niall and I.  So we broke up... Zayn came in.  Ever since I hung out with him my friends won't talk to me.  Harry is dating Ella now, who knows why.  And now I'm here."  

I could make that so freaking detailed but I feel like I'd end up crying or bore the shit out of Brett.  I wonder if he has problems like me?  Does he have girlfriend?  I obviously only want to be friends with him though.  He seems to have perfect friend qualities.  

"Who do you really love or like or whatever?" 

"What?" My eyes widen.

"You heard me." He smiles widely. 

"Umm.." I look at my hands, "I don't know.  Zayn's scaring me lately.  I thought I liked him."  

"So Harry or Niall?" He narrows it down.

"I can't say.  I truly can't, they both mean a lot to me."  I love Niall--My sub conscious yelled at me.  

"Go to whoever makes you most happy.  Really Grace, if you're not happy and losing your friends.  It's time to ditch.  But if you lose your friends and at least like the guy your with...it's not so bad?"  

"Thanks...you're right.  I just can't get myself to do that for some reason.  I have a question though."  I pause and continue, "If you broke up with your girlfriend that you still like and constantly ignore her...why?"  

I know Niall might not like me.  But I know he doesn't hate me... He doesn't need to ignore me every second.  

"Cos I'd be trying to let her go.. so she can happy.  Definitely." Brett replies easily.  

Would Niall do that?  I'm not happy though so whatever he's doing isn't working.  He may not even care.  How can I assume he still cares and even thinks about me?

"How's your love life...you know...do you have a girlfriend?" I change the subject.

"No.. I have my eye on someone though." He get's excited.  

"Who!" I push.

"Don't be that girl who runs and tells her or something.  But she's so cool.  She's in a lot of my classes and I really like her.  Her names Rochelle." Brett explains.  

"HOLY SHIT!" My eyes widen, "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!  And roommate!"

Brett bursts out laughing and covers his hand.  "God, this is embarrassing now..!" 

"SHE DOESN'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND.  I am setting you two up!" I blurt. 

Shit, but we're sort of in a fight.  Meh, this sucks.  I'll try to if we make up.  This is so cute though!  Brett isn't shy or anything.  He's hot too...Chelle could like him.

"Can you actually do that.." He coughs, "Talk about me or something?" 

"Of course!" I smile. 

"This is so weird actually.." He smirks.  

"But perfect..." I add. 


Authors Note: Sorry for the short update!  Next one is gonna be exciting..and long:) Ily nuggetsss

D e d i c a t i o n: 1. If you have an instagram...please follow my new THENEWGIRL account...it's @paislydotx on instagram! Like the pics so far?:) Comment once you've followed it! (I might have sneak peaks on that account and all!)

- L e e T o m m o <3
