Chapter Thirty: Ben

I feel slightly creepy going through Hannah Trevor's things, but I can practically feel each tick of the second hand on the clock, ticking down the time until she stops by her house for her lunch break and gets accosted by three teen assassins. And one extremely awkward, extremely inexperienced half-black kid rooting through her jewelry case. Not to steal anything; to put a bug in one of her earrings.

Matt said that it was important we put a few listening devices in the house to make sure that Trevor doesn't tell anyone about our visit. We're probably already on their hit list after killing Jimmy Grant and that random guard down in his secret office.

I screw the back of the earring back into place and put it beside it's twin: a giant diamond, surrounded in a circle by other tiny diamonds. Either Hannah Trevor's husband is loaded or Esme is right, this group pays its members extremely well.

"Ben, how are you coming?" Esme yells from down the hall.

"I've got my two bugs placed," I reply, closing the lid on the jewelry box. I leave the room slowly, checking behind me to make sure I haven't accidentally knocked anything out of place. I turn around in the doorframe and bump into Mary. She stumbles back slightly but manages to keep herself from falling.

"Sorry!" I yelp. Something about her has been off for the past few days, and I really don't want to be on the receiving end of her "inevitable blow-up," which Esme warned me about yesterday. Apparently, the last time it happened, a fellow assassin had both a broken arm and leg.

"It's fine. I was just coming to check on your progress," Mary says, giving me a strange look. She steps into the bedroom, looking around at its pristine decorations. The comforter cream-colored and lacy, with green sheets underneath and beaded pillowcases that look like they would be uncomfortable to lay your head on. The walls are the same color with paintings of nature hanging on the walls.

"Is that a Monet?" Mary asks, stepping closer to one with water lilies. I do the same.

"I think it is," I say disbelieving.

"You know, if we didn't have her name down on that list, I would still suspect her to be apart of this group. Only criminals have this nice of stuff," Mary says. I nod slightly and look down at my watch. It's 11:27.

"How far away is her work?" I ask.

"Who knows," Mary replies, "but it can't be that far if she comes home for lunch every day. I kind of figured she'd have a dog or something, but there's not one that I can see. She just must really hate the people she works with."

A door opens in the house, cutting off my response. Mary and I look at each other, then down at my watch. 11:28. Trevor shouldn't be home yet. Matt and Esme rush into the room, hurriedly shutting the bedroom door behind them.

"There's some guy in the house," Matt says in a hushed voice.

"What?" Mary whispers back.

"And it's not the guy in the family photo," Esme adds.

"You mean..." I trail off, trying to wrap my brain around this information. My heart's still beating at a rapid pace at the thought of getting caught before we were ready to "get caught."

"Mrs. Trevor is pulling a Madame Bovary," Mary says, a wild grin overtaking her face.

"Why do you look so happy?" I ask nervously.

"Get in the closet," she orders, ignoring my question and pushing us all towards the double doors that I didn't bother to open.

"What?" I demand.

"Hurry up!" Mary hisses. Esme opens the doors and we all enter. I thank God that it's a big, walk-in closet. Mary closes the doors and turns around, her smile still large and still terrifying. "Matthew, get out the phone and get the camera ready. Mrs. Trevor just made this way too easy."
