Chapter One: This is the story of a sly girl...

Mira Akram, a young girl of age 11 smiled happily as she chased the two leafed twig. It spun and twirled about in the brisk August morning. It finally held still in mid air. Mira stopped and outstretched her thin hand. The twig gently fell into it, and she sighed.

No, she had not meant to control the twig with her mind.

Yes, she had enjoyed chasing it just the same.

Her hair turned from a shade of brown to a shade of light tawny. Not only could Mira Akram control twigs, but she could also change her appearance and hair color.

Yes, she was also what was considered a Metamorphmagi, a specimen that could control their own looks.

A loud noise came from behind Mira's ear, and she turned around, letting the twig fall to the ground. The small one story house she saw was damaged and deranged, parts of it replaced and added on, making it look like the shoe house from the old muggle stories. What was it called... Goose mother or something?

Indeed the house looked much like it. Mira had never viewed it from this hillside. She had always been slightly ashamed of her old home, and especially when other wizarding families had much, much more. But it was cozy.

It was also a home that had been placed in the most beautiful hillsides, with tall grass that seemed to dance with the wind. Mira had an odd knack for recalling old memories, and looking at the grass reminded her of one.

It was a memory from her age of six. She had just nearly escaped from doing her chores, and sought after some alone time. Looking back, she admitted she hadn't really needed that much alone time as a six year old, but was actually just a reason to leave her daily work around the house. Anyway, she ran from the house slyly and into the backyard, and her tiny feet patted on the dirt. Her destination was the tall grass a few feet away. But something told her that her mother had realized she had gone, so she dived for the grass just as her mother opened the back door. "Mira?" Her mother called.

If Mira Akram had a knack for remembering memories, than she had an absolute talent for hiding and blending into her surroundings. Her mum never even glanced twice at her hiding position. Mira even turned her hair green to match the grass in which she hid. Her mother frowned and closed the wooden door. Mira grinned craftily, then took off into the grass, heading for her favorite climbing tree. There she could sit and read her little six year old books that she loved so much...

Mira smiled at the memory.

A cold shadow swept over her head and her eyes glinted into the setting sun. The shadow belonged to a winged, brown, feathery creature with piercing yellow eyes.

An owl.

"I knew it. I knew it, I knew it!" Mira cried, starting to race the owl to the house. Once she reached the kitchen window, she slammed against it and shouted at her mother (who was washing the dishes) "It's here, Mum! It's here!" Delight spread on her mothers face and she threw open the window, peering at the sky. Mira opened the back door and thrust herself into the cool house air. She joined her mother at the window and watched the owl soar nearer and nearer to the square window.

"Martin! Come quick!" Her mother cried.

"What, Lucy? Is it--" her father stopped short as the owl flew straight through the window and landed on the kitchen counter. Mira simply stared for a second or two, and her father nudged her forward. "Go on, Mira, just take it." He smiled. Mira gingerly untied the twine around the Owls foot, unleashing a rectangular letter to the floor. She picked it up, and carefully opening it, read the following:

Dear Miss Akram.
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted  into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September First. We await your owl no later than the 31st of August.

Yours Sincerely,
M. McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress."

"Happy birthday, Mira dear," her mother beamed as the tawny owl flew back out of the window.

Mira's hair turned from tawny brown to bright yellow in excitement.
