1- Sylvestria [1]

My gaze fixed on the screen, a myriad of questions swirling in my mind.

Dominic Eñeforte? A name unfamiliar, foreign to my ears.

Drawn by a sudden curiosity, I then noticed a long mirror positioned beside a drawer.

The reflection staring back was a stranger—black hair, sky-blue eyes, and fair skin. A visage that bore no resemblance to the one I knew as my own.

I look...good?

The thought emerged unbidden as I scrutinized the youthful features mirrored before me.

Despite the allure of the reflection, it was evident that the body lacked strength, its skinny frame hinting at a need for physical development.

"This isn't my body."

Yet the reflection mimicked every touch, confirming the surreal truth that I now inhabited this foreign form.

Settling on the edge of the bed, I glanced down at my slender legs.

Welp, it seems Dominic skipped leg day.

As I stood, an unexpected wave of pain and dizziness overwhelmed me, causing me to stumble and fall.

The room spun wildly, a fierce migraine gripping me as I collapsed to the floor, enveloped in agony.


Time seemed to distort, what felt like hours passed in mere seconds before the pain gradually receded, leaving me gasping for air on the cold floor.

After what felt like an eternity but was only five minutes, I mustered the strength to stand once again.


The door to my bedroom swung open gently, revealing a beautiful woman adorned with long black hair that cascaded like a silken waterfall, her sky-blue eyes a mirror of the ones I had just discovered in my reflection, and her skin as fair as the morning light.

The striking resemblance between us left little room for doubt—this woman must be my mother in this new reality.

Observing her features, a sense of familiarity washed over me, despite the surreal circumstances.

Her expression, etched with concern, only deepened my assumption.

"Dominic, are you okay? I heard a loud thud from downstairs."

She approached me, her presence like a beacon of safety in the confusion that engulfed me.

Gently, she reached out, her hand resting on my forehead, checking for signs of fever or injury—a universal gesture of maternal care.

At that moment, a myriad of emotions tumbled within me.

Confusion, fear, and a burgeoning sense of curiosity about this world and the identity of Dominic Eñeforte.

Yet, the touch of this woman, whom my new identity recognized as 'mother,' grounded me.

It offered a semblance of normalcy amidst the confusion, a reminder of the human connection that transcends even the most bewildering circumstances.

Faced with the decision of how to respond, I knew I had to tread carefully.

Revealing my true consciousness might provoke disbelief or concern, yet playing along as Dominic required insights I did not possess.

"...Yes, mum, I'm okay."

Her eyes scanned mine, searching for sincerity or perhaps signs of lingering pain.

The moment hung between us, filled with unspoken questions and the weight of my deception.

Yet, her gaze softened, accepting my reassurance at face value.

"Be careful, dear. If you're feeling unwell, please tell me. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

Nodding, I managed a small smile, "I will, mum. It was just a bit of dizziness, nothing serious."

The words felt foreign on my tongue, yet necessary to maintain this delicate facade.

She smiled back, a reflection of relief crossing her features.

"All right, then. Breakfast will be ready soon. Don't take too long, or you'll be late for school."

With a final, affectionate glance, she turned and left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Left alone once more, I took a deep breath, trying to assimilate the flood of information and emotions.

The mention of school sparked a new wave of curiosity and apprehension.

What kind of world had I awoken in, and what challenges awaited Dominic Eñeforte at this school?

The encounter with my supposed mother had provided a temporary anchor in this tumultuous sea of unknowns.

Yet, it also underscored the reality of my situation—I was not merely a visitor in Dominic's body; I was expected to live his life, at least for now.

With resolve, I decided it was time to explore further.

First, I needed to understand more about Dominic's life in this room, his relationships, and any clues that could help me navigate the day ahead.

Then, I would face the school, a likely crucible of social dynamics and possibly the key to understanding why I was here, in Dominic's place.

Stepping towards the mirror once again, I studied Dominic's reflection.

"All right, Dominic Eñeforte," I murmured, "let's find out who you are."

I began to explore my bedroom, curiosity guiding my every step.

On the desk, a photo caught my eye, which is right next to three gold medals.

I walked over and picked it up, examining it closely.

The photo featured my mother alongside a middle-aged man, sporting brown hair and eyes, with a noticeably muscular build. Indeed, the man was strikingly handsome.

'That's some good-looking specimen.'

Should this man be Dominic's father, then I hope I will look like him when I grow up.

Continuing my investigation, I noticed more items scattered across the desk: a school timetable, and several textbooks on subjects like "Advanced Mana Theory" and "Elemental Magic."

"Am I perhaps in a world filled with magic?"

The thought of being transmigrated into a new world is both exciting and scary.

As I kept investigating, I then went to the bookshelf that was right next to the desk.

I pulled one of the books and looked at the cover page, which has the title "History of Sylvestria".

"Oh. My. God."

My heart raced as the realization hit me with the force of a thunderclap.

The world I had awoken in wasn't just any world—it was Sylvestria, the very setting of "A Magician's Path," the web novel that had been my escape in my previous life.

The coincidence was too stark, the connection too immediate for it to be mere chance.

The implications of this discovery were staggering.

Was my presence here in this world, in Dominic's body, somehow tied to my affinity for that story? Or was this an elaborate illusion, a dream from which I'd eventually wake?

Shaking off the shock, I delved deeper into the book, flipping through pages filled with tales of magic, heroes, and the very revolution led by Camille Rousseau against the demonic forces.

The history of Sylvestria was laid out in vivid detail, mirroring the narrative I knew so well, yet it felt surreal to see it documented as history rather than fiction.

My gaze then drifted back to the textbooks on my desk. "Advanced Mana Theory" and "Elemental Magic"—subjects that, in my previous life, would have been the stuff of fantasy, now seemingly formed the core of my academic curriculum.

"Wait, since I'm now in Sylvestria..."

My voice faded into silence as the realization hit me. This situation was far from ideal.

In the future "Umbrascourge" planned to unleash chaos across Sylvestria.

Re-examining my stats, my concern deepened:


Name: Dominic Eñerforte

Age: 15

Title: None


Strength: 20 (E-)

Endurance: 19 (E-)

Agility: 51 (E)

Speed: 49 (E-)

Mana: 0 (F)

Luck: 402 (C+)

Instinct: 747 (A+)

Charisma: 362 (C)


It turns out, I'm among the Manaless in Sylvestria, a world where magical ability defines your standing.

There are three main groups here: Magicians, with innate magic; Manaficials, who gain magic through technology; and the Manaless, like me, who have none.

Camille's efforts to spread magic didn't reach everyone.

While technological breakthroughs offer a path for Manaless individuals to become Manaficials, the cost is steep, measured in Camilliums, the currency named in honor of Camille.

However, knowing the ins and outs of the Webnovel gives me an edge. There are other ways to become a Manaficial, not widely known but possible.

Seeing I'm only 15 and noticing the date today is March 09, 2120, from the calendar on my wall, a plan begins to form in my mind.

"So, there's still a year before the main storyline kicks off."

This realization sparks a determination within me. I have an opportunity to prepare and train, leveraging my knowledge of the story's future events.

"Dominic, breakfast is ready!"

My mother's voice broke through my whirlwind of thoughts, pulling me back to the present.

"Coming, Mum!"

Though my mind buzzed with plans and strategies for the future, I knew they had to wait.

Being 15 years old in this new world made me curious about the everyday aspects of life here, especially middle school.
