Dream or just a dream?


"And why would you have control over a dream?"
He said as he seemed to have gotten personally offended.

Is he for real? Okay so after all of what I said that was his first thought? Huh this guy's cute but annoying as fu-
"Why would I have control...em...'cause it would be my dream? I'm mainly a lucid dreamer and as such for the majorityof the time, let's say like 80%, I can change my dreams as I desire" Well maybe my response was a bit pretentious. I've been told before I don't have the lovelies of characters.

"Changing the subject we are not agreeing on something fundamental. What is this place? And personal question why do you believe you don't dream?" That god forsaken silence again. And guess what! The atmosphere around us changed again.
I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm and rationally give myself an explanation for his behaviour. At this point talking out loud may improve my chances of making him speak.

"Anyway you are the one who's controlling this, whatever this may be, that is a fact. This will sound like a weird question but what are you doing at the moment? In the real world, as I said before I just fell asleep." Wow just how I love playing detective....with a non-speaking audience. (sarcasm)
"Does it have anything to do with the fact that you are naked?" His gaze hardened.
"Hit a nerve, haven't I? You know what, sorry...it's none of my business."

It was indeed none of my business, if my conclusion was correct i'm the one who entered someone else's "dream". This guy didn't even know me, how was I expecting him to have a conversation with me. I look him in the eyes one last time before leaning my head backward and chuckle slightly.
"Sorry for all my questions, this was a situation I never thought I'd find myself in" it was truly comical.

"Well at this point only Oneiros freaking knows what's going on." I looked back at him not really hoping for any reactions but he looked slightly shocked, one might think. "Oneiros..."
"Yeah you know the Greek god of dreams, maybe you heard of him with the Roman tile of Morpheus or more commonly just as the Sandman" he just kept staring at me but somehow in a different manner.
"I just like mythology if it wasn't clear....I..I mean it was, wasn't it..hehe" at this point my back was straight and my body was getting tenser by the second. What did I say this time?

"Are you...interested in mythology to?"
"What do you know?" That sounded like a command rather than a question.
"About Morpheus?" His answer was yes, that was what his eyes were screaming.
"In Greek mythology he is the son of Nyx, goddess of the night, brother to Thanatos or more commonly known as Death, he is, actually was, married to a muse, Calliope, they had a son, Orpheus, that died somehow I can't recall..." my breath was cut short during my last words until it completely died as the man was leaning towards me. I was legit scared at the moment.

"Did I say something wrong...?" I wanted to get away from him but something was stopping me.
"You don't know anything, do you?" Nope at this point I really didn't know shit.
"You are just a girl that rants about controlling dreams and talks about me like I'm no more than a fairytale." I'm sorry what now?!
At this point I was sitting still, waiting for my brain cells to work out what was going on. The guy, who called himself Morpheus, hadn't moved from the leaning positions and we weren't that far apart.

To be honest he did look like a god, If I've ever seen one. "I don't really have any reasons whatsoever to not believe you but it does seem a bit...unlikely, don't get me wrong...Morpheus...I have a lot to think about" well just my luck I may have actually upset a god or I had definitely lost my marbles.

"Still upsetting you seams to be the only way to make you talk, I'm afraid I'll have to do it more often"
I stated as I moved a bit back, got up, and stretched my arms above my head.
He stared at me, at this point it was like the fifth time in a row and it did loose a bit of this "impact".
"Well at least now we are on first name terms, that was an achievement" at this point let's just do a recap of my information.
"Now it all checks out: you saying you don't dream, you getting pissed when I said I controlled mine and you getting defensive when I first said your name."
I hold back a laugh since this guy keeps quiet, for the firs time not directly looking at me, probably realising he said a bit to much for his standard 25 minute conversation.

"Well this was interesting, but somehow i believe this conversation won't go any further. Plus I would really like to get some actual sleep, I'm feeling even more tired than befor~..."
I covered my mouth as a yawn interrupted my sentence.
As the guy stud up, I couldn't help but stare, the lighting of the room made every one of his mussels stand out. First thought just WOW Second one was a sensation of fear and subordination.
We stood face to face, not saying a word, with one hand he was covering his lower part by holding my shirt. Noticing he wasn't that much taller than me did lower the "scared factor". As he moved his free hand towards me I panicked.

"This dream is over" I said as I woke up in my bed. Searching for my phone, to see what time it was, left me a few seconds to think about what just happened.
When I found it I read 4:59, I still had about 5 to 6 hours before having to wake up so I decided to go back to sleep hoping and doubting I would see him again.

Hey again!   This time it was 1041 words
Surprisingly the chapter was a bit longer.
I promise that in the next chapter Dream will talk way more.
See you!
