Chapter 7

The starts with Lincoln in Dykaio's room dressed like a cool biker gang member.

Lincoln talking to the readers. You might be wondering who's the cool guy in the Loud House. It's me, Lincoln. And I can't wait to tell you why I have this stuff on, you see... Lincoln says but gets interrupted by Dykaio.

"Linc are you ready to ask that girl out today?" Dykaio asked.

"Or K.O can tell you." Lincoln said to the readers and then turns Dykaio. "Yup formative all set, got my threads, got my temporary tatt, and a list of slang I got from a teen magazine." Lincoln said.

"That's great little buddy, but, do you really need all that? You're already cool. You once got run over by Lola's car and just dusted yourself off." Dykaio said.

"Well the guys at school said the cooler you are the easier it is to get dates. So I've gotta up my cool factor." Lincoln said.

"I hear ya, but I think you should just be yourself." Dykaio said.

"That only works in cartoons." Lincoln said with a deadpan face.

"Sigh. So what's the plan?" Dykaio asked.

"I'm gonna catch her on the bus this morning so I can have some 1 on 1 time with her." Lincoln said.

"Good thinking. "Also before you go The National Weather Service reports clear skies with a 70% chance of meddling sisters. But we advise keeping your umbrella and jacket handy." Dykaio said.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Lincoln said.

"Great, now go get her Snow Ball!" Dykaio yelled pushing Lincoln out of his room.

"And now I have just one less obstacle, to get out of the house before my sisters figure out what I'm up to. Cause then they'll want to get involved and make things worse, the way they always do." Lincoln said.

Flashback to what looks like Lincoln being sick; Lori puts a thermometer in his mouth and checks his temperature; Lisa comes in with an X-Ray machine and takes his X-rays, leaving him with glowing radiation; Luan dressed as a doctor with a clown nose and Luna bandaged him up real tight; Lincoln muffles and Luan removes the bandages covering his mouth so he can breathe.

"Phew." Lincoln said.

Leni carrying a bowl of piping hot soup "Here comes the airplane!" Leni yelled. Spills it all over Lincoln's crotch. "Oopsie." She added.

"AAAHHH! IT BURNS!" Lincoln yelled as Leni walks off screen embarrassed.

Luna and Luan bandage up his crotch; end flashback.

Lincoln said He tries to sneak out of the garage, but fails.

"Hold it!" The Sisters yell.

"Hey, mornin' ladies." Lincoln said.

"Did you really think we wouldn't notice that you're dressed like a stereotypical Hollywood representation of a 1950's greaser?" Lisa asked.

"This is gel, not grease, and besides can't a guy wear something different to school for a change?" Lincoln asked.

"Not in this house." Luan said.

"What's the sitch, bro?" Luna asked.

"There is no sitch!" Lincoln yelled.

Dykaio walks out of the garage. "Lincoln? Glad I caught you, you forget your hair comb." Dykaio put hair comb in his jacket. "Now your ready to ask that girl out." Dykaio said.

"New girl?!" The Sisters yelled.

"Oh no." Dykaio and Lincoln said.

The girls are flabbergasted and gasp to hear the news, but then, all of them except Lisa start squealing with delight.

"My ears..." The boys say.

All the girls except Lisa give Lincoln a big group hug and suffocate him.

"Normally, I don't care for inane human emotions, but..." Lisa began to say,but she squeals just as delighted as they did and joins the hug. Dykaio tries to fix his hearing.

"Lincoln! Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?" Luna asked.

"So you thought you'd impress her by wearing this?" Lori asked.

"She sounds so pretty." Lola said.

"What is happening?" Lincoln said being suffocated.

They all release Lincoln from their hug.

"I knew this day would come, we so are helping getting her to likes you~." Lori cooed.

The girls all squeal again and Lincoln is just dumbfounded at that statement.

"When then you meet her?" Lana asked.

"Uh at lunch a couple of days ago we ate together." Lincoln said nervously.

The girls swoon over their brothers nervousness.

"So romantic..." Leni said.

"That's a classic." Lori said.

"Stop your embarrassing me." Lincoln said.

"You need to give her a box of chocolates." Lynn said.

"Well actually I had a plan set up-" Lincoln tried to say.

"I think he needs to kiss her." Luan said.

Lily makes kissy faces in agreement.

"WHAT?!" Lincoln yelled petrified.

"KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!" The Sisters yelled.

At that moment, as the girls continue chanting Lincoln to kiss his crush, they all start forming miniature tornadoes around them and merge together to create the Sisternado; a weather warning pops up with the tornados taking over Lincoln's space.

"This just in from the National Weather Service! The Sisternado watch has been upgraded to a Sisternado warning. TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY!" Dykaio yelled.

"KISS HER! KISS HER!" They trap Lincoln inside. "KISS HER! KISS HER!" The Sisternado chanted.

Lincoln escapes, runs to Dykaio and hides behind him.

"What are we gonna do at this rate we're be blow away?!" Lincoln yelled.

"News week got cancelled." Dykaio said.

Dykaio walks up to the Sisternado with Lincoln holding on to him.

"KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!" The Sisternado chanted.

"Hold it!" Dykaio yelled.

The Sisternado comes to a stop and the sisters turn back to normal.

"Lincoln feels that he isn't good enough to get this girls to like her on his own." Dykaio said.

The girls gasp in shock and look towards their brother.

"Lincoln, why didn't tell us this?" Lori said putting her hands on his shoulders with a gentle tone.

"I felt that she would like a guy who's like me so I made myself cooler." Lincoln said looking down.

"Bro your prefect the way you are." Luna said.

Lincoln look up to the others.

"Your helpful." Lori said.

"Your a sweetheart." Leni said.

"Your a rocking musician." Luna said

"Your funny." Luan said.

"Your never give up." Lynn said.

"Your fearless." Lucy said.

"Your caring." Lana said.

Your a protector." Lola said.

"Your smart." Lisa said.

"Your Lincoln Loud." Lily said.

Your my brother." Dykaio said ruffling Lincoln hair.

Lincoln smiled and hugged his sisters, they group hugged. Dykaio got dragged into the hug by Leni.

Time Skip

"It's 3:30. Lola, lip balm." Lola applies it. "Lana, breath mint." Lana puts it in his mouth. "Let's do this." Lincoln said dressed in his normal outfit. He out to meet the girl of his dreams.

"Go get her, Romeo." Lynn said.

"You so got this, little bro." Lori said.

"Aw, our little Lincoln." Lola said.

"All grown up." Lana said.

Lola hands Lana a tissue for her to blow her nose.

"I can't wait til Lincoln's wedding." Leni said.

Lincoln steps outside, and wait for the bus to show up.

Lincoln then gets cold feet and starts to slowly walk back to the house.

Someone whistles from the house to get Lincoln's attention.

Lincoln looks to see Dykaio throwing a box of chocolates. Lincoln grabs it he then see the bus arrive and dashes to the bus with confidence.

"Good luck little buddy." Dykaio said.

"Aww..." The Sisters say sweetly.

"Shut up.." Dykaio said with a Bakugou grunt and a blush on his face.

The sisters then bring him into a group hug and he looks away and smile.
