Chapter 8 Feasting and cheering follows the success

All in the camp were happy and cheery some were swearing the hell outta the Brits and others were happy that we're back even Arnold was waving his hat at us. The Hessian rode into the camp proud and we were his knights following steadily behind. Smiling to myself we all got down and got pats and congrats from our soldier fellows. The other commanders were speechless and gathered as rats in one place. I was proud that Hessian was proud of me. He was looking and smiling at me a real smile that is rare to see...


Hessian's POV

He was watching as everyone was gathering around us greeting and cheering even some of the British army were surprised and happy about our return. Walking around the general of the British army barked some orders around making everyone scattered to find something to feast on and have a good drink. I dismounted my horse as Daredevil snorted and nodded his head, petting his muzzle. Seeing the Brits General taking to Dana I didn't appreciate his closeness to her in any way, as I walked towards Dana I didn't like this filthy general to touch her and talk to her at all nearing them I heard something that made my blood boil with rage as I gripped my rapier so tight that probably my knuckles turned white."You know that you can join our army any day now, why to be in such a small command and under someone's supervision?" the general looked at her I wanted to slice his head off but then she looked at him and said in the coldest way possible "I will surely decline your offer Sir my General is one and it's the Hessian himself. It would be obvious to know that I'm loyal to one man and one only!" she bowed her head and walked towards the tents where the feast was held.I let out a breath that I didn't recognize that I was holding then my smile widened as my sharp teeth came to view, walking towards him I had so much to tell him! 

"Zu! You're trying to steal my people from my own command? General, I haven't expected such a move from you!" I practically snarled the words to him narrowing my eyes I looked at him as he tried to hide his fear away from me he snapped back

"You have no right to bring this young woman into a war she needs to be treated as a soft and lovely being, not a warrior!" he huffed back as if being victorious but I've decided not to be left out and snapped back at him...

" She!" I pointed my gloved finger at the tent "Is free to have her own choice and she has made it, she is more man than any other I've met and she has my pure respect and support! She is not one of these whimpering pampered girlies that I've seen in every household! She is a warrior and equal to me!" I bared my teeth at him making him step back and walk away as I let out a breath turning around to walk into the tent I saw her standing there awestricken!

Dana's POV

I decided to go back and call out the general to join the feast as I passed Nia she smiled cleverly and looked to the side! As I shrugged and walked out of the tent my ears caught a heated conversation between two generals the General of the Brits and the Hessian I listened closely as they talked rather aggressively as I heard the next lines from the Brits General...

"You have no right to bring this young woman into a war she needs to be treated as a soft and lovely being, not a warrior!" I felt my blood boil and my anger rises 'HOW.DARE.HE!' I'm not standing just here and hearing such nonsense into my address, general or not how dare this wimp to say something like this to me! As I wanted to storm to them and give this oh such a man a lesson the Hessian voice boomed freezing me with its power on the spot! He snarled back at the General making him shrink in size...

" She!" he pointed his gloved finger at the tent "Is free to have her own choice and she has made it, she is more man than any other I've met and she has my pure respect and support! She is not one of these whimpering pampered girlies that I've seen in every household! She is a warrior and equal to me!" as he bared his sharp teeth at the General he walked away quivering in fear as I let out a breath, no one before was protecting me like that even with words, especially a man. As he gripped the hilt of his sword he turned to walk to the tent only to see me standing there in the snow awestricken! As he walked closer rising on of his thick black brows as if asking me what I was doing there I looked up and smiled with the softest smile I could muster...

" Vielen Dank für Ihre Worte! Sie haben mich tief berührt! Sonst könnte ich ihn einfach sehr hart treten!" (Thank you so much for your words! They've touched me deeply! Else I could just kick him very hard!) I said to him as he smiled softly and nodded his head ...

  "Keine große Sache! Ich wollte seinen Kopf selbst schneiden, ich denke, Konflikt ist jetzt nicht notwendig!" (Not a big deal! I wanted to slice his head myself I guess conflict is unneeded now!) he chuckled together with me! I blushed softly hoping that the cold would steal it from his eyes but oh I was wrong, his eyes narrowed and a mischievous smirk appeared he cleared his throat and said ...

"Would you like to go for a little walk with me, after the feast?" I snapped my head back at him and nodded my head ..."Yes, I would love that!" as I saw him let out a breath I smiled and offered him to attend the feast as everyone would probably wonder where were we!

Hessian's POV

I couldn't believe it but she agreed, am I dreaming, is this torture or... Nevermind after the feast I would spend more time with her on my own I want to be around this woman, she intrigues me! As I walked behind her I could smell a faint smell of some kind of flower but which one, it's so distant yet so familiar! I walked behind her taking in her forms and yet the training with swords was fueling something in me, her green eyes filled with fire and fierce, her hair short and red, and her stubbornness. What was this woman doing to me as I recollected myself and walked with my usual frown into the tent where the cheering was going on!

The feast was more than in its beginning, the soldiers were having fun but never drinking much as they had their duties to perform. The night held a sweet promise as and ambrosia gave to a mortal, the general was feeling a slight pull in his abdomen as he was peering at Dana all the night of the feast. The soldiers' oblivion to the looks stolen by each of the two were ignored and drowned into cheers, swears, and joy of the victory. Truth is told feasting and cheering follows the success!
