My New Job part 2

My first day at work and I didn’t wanna be late so I woke up around nine showering then texting my boss who’s his assistant did he want anything from Starbucks or dunkin, “you can grab two glazed donuts and a vanilla bean shake”, I read the message texting back ok as I packed my scrubs, my spa bed and all my tools before leaving out heading to dunkin then to his place, I played my inspiration music getting into the peaceful mood before I start. I did the whole front security gate routine before driving up to his gate as they let me right in, I wasn’t late but I wasn’t early. I got out my car as one of the guys waved at me as I smiled and waved back feeling welcomed like yesterday . He asked for my keys and I told him to wait one moment since inhad a lot of stuff, “did you need help”

“Oh yes please thank you”, as they all grabbed something carrying it up the stairs with me following behind them walking up the 30 flights of stairs reaching the door as the butler welcomed me in with him standing right there leaning on the table.

“I see your on time”

“of course always for my first day”

“well let’s get started”, I followed him into the basement where it was more beautiful then mine with his staff carrying my stuff down as I told them to put it anywhere,

“have you ever been on house call”

“Yes twice but I never been someone personal masseuse”

“first time for everything”

“yeah it is”, I went into the bathroom to change into my scrubs and cleaning under my nails before drying my hands off going back out seeing him unfold my table placing it in the same place I was, “should I get undressed”

“umm did you want me to leave or”

“I mean you gone see what I have anyways so I don’t mind if you stay”, I swallowed pretty hard and I guess he could see how nervous I was from the way he was looking at me, his eyes was more filled with lust then mine were I just wanted to get paid. I watched as he stripped in front of me as if he was a stripper and I was paying customer, his body was sculpted like the God craved him out themselves, not to much muscle but just enough, jawline sharp, teeth purely white as he headed down to his underwear and pants as I starred as my mouth got watery as he laid on the bed , “how you want me face up or down”,

“face down”, as he laid down on his stomach as I grabbed the warm oil from my bag as I shook it up then poured it on his body as it dropped down. I started at his feet as he started a conversation, “so made you want to do this job”

“never turn down a job that’s paying more then others plus I was jobless”

“what did you do before this”, as I moved up go his smooth thighs


“sorry to hear that”

“its cool this is much better”, I rubbed pushing up on his ass cheeks with my forearm as a groan slipped out of him, “you ok”

“yeah can you stay right there for a moment”

“Yeah of course”, as I pushed down feeling his muscles start to relax as I moved up to his ass rubbing the oil in as I kept looking at his hole, as I felt my self get hard as I moved on up to his back, cracking it, pushing down to hit every muscle that’s tighten up I kept going up as I got in front of him, “when I push you, you push back”, I pushed on his shoulders hearing the crack then did it again massaging it a little bit before telling him to flip over, “I’m up so ignore it or don’t”, I laughed nodded seeing what he was talking and it was a pretty sight to look out, I poured more oil on him doing the same thing I did as I got between his thighs then oiling up his balls, as he moaned which made my dick jump, I continued rubbing the oil on him skipping his dick as he placed my hands back on his balls which gave me the sign to finish up, I started massaging his dick while holding his balls circling them, I kept going feeling bold as I put my mouth on the tip as I stroked him as he sat up but I pushed him back down lifting up, “it’s better to enjoy it while laying down relaxed, “you’re the professional”, I loft his legs up as I softly licked his hole as his moans filled my ears which made me get into it, sucking, licking and rubbing on his hole causing him to have a full inner orgasms I went back up, licking his balls and his dick before stripping of my clothes oiling up my body and climbing on top of him, rubbing myself on to him, I inserted himself into me as he moaned saying how tight I was but the feeling of him was more pressure then I needed, I haven’t sex in 4 years and this was it.

I slowly winded my hips then sped up feeling all of his 10inches inside me, as I finally let him take control as he pounded as my mind was clear and I felt myself about to cum without even touching myself, he kept going as I nutted on his stomach, chest and lip as he licked it off which sent me as he gripped my neck, talking to me like a whore on the streets, he fucked me till I felt him nut as he throw his head back, shaking like he was having a seizure, “fuck”, he pulled out of me as I got up off him passing him a towel. I got dress as he just laid there, “you can leave all your stuff here, if you want”

“that would be great thanks”

“So when is our next session”

“That’s up to you, you’re the boss”

“How about tomorrow”

“is this with the happy ending or not”

“Naw gotta wait 4 days before I release again”

“you hold your nut”

“I do, plus I have work to do”

“Cool so Tomorrow around 5pm”

“That’s great actually, don’t eat I want my chefs to cook you something”, then I had to ask cause sex is one thing feeding me is going to get both of us in trouble, “are you just looking for a masseuse or something else”

“I’m just having fun, I’m successful and I just get lonely”

“but your sexy as fuck, you could have anyone”

“But you sparked my interest”

“Well thank you”, I grabbed my stuff and walked out with him walking me to my car, “hope I see you again”

“You will don’t worry”

“I won’t hope you enjoyed yourself”, I got in my car and drove off being excited to have a new job that I actually love and can do for a while.
