๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ - His Arrival


Content Warning: Language n Bullying

Please let me know if there's any errors <3


There were students talking lively throughout the hallways, and some others rushing to class. A certain well-known group throughout the school talks louder than the rest as they walked to their classes.

A girl waves her phone through the air,

Aliya โ€” "Ughh there's no wifi in this goddam hall of the school! See, this is why I keep telling you guys to take the other way."

Mari โ€” "Have you heard of that new exchange student?"

Y/N โ€” "Huh? There is?"

Mari โ€” "Yes! I heard he's French-"


Aliya โ€” "OH MY GOD?!?! I think I'm gonna make a croissant shaped like Cristiano Ronaldo!!"

Yuki โ€” "WHAT"

Shuyi โ€” "That sounds interesting. Anyway, Bye bye! My class is right here. Cya girls later at lunch!"

All โ€” Bye Bye!!"

The rest of the group were glad to have atleast a few classes together, although they wished Shuyi could be with them in this one.

They noticed how hallways were empty. Only very few students were out, and they were all running to class.

Yuki โ€” "Oh my god.. we're gonna be late, and it's all thanks to Aliya yapping about Ronaldo Mid-aldo"


They all started running full speed towards their classes, pushing the door open in a rush and speed walking to their assigned seats.

Then the bell rung.

Mari โ€” "OH MY GOSH YIPPIE!! We made it!!"

As Y/N as the rest of her friends sat down at their assigned seats, the teacher walked in the room.

Teacher โ€” "I have an announcement for all of you, we're going to be getting a new-"

Suddenly, then the door opened, and a mysterious male student walked inside the class. All of the students in class looked up at him, and collectively started to whisper amongst each other. Y/N has never seen him before!

Teacher โ€” "Alright, settle down everyone! The bell just rang."

Y/N whispered extra quietly with her friends,
Y/N โ€” "Is that the new student from France?"

Mari โ€” "Yes!"

Y/N โ€” "Ohhh! Okay"

The teacher told Charles that he should introduce himself.

Charles โ€” "Bonjour, me call Charles Chevalier."
He greeted, waving with a smile.

Instantly, Y/N's friend group started snickering quietly, they spoke in hushed whispers to each other.

Y/N โ€” That's him? He looks so..

Aliya โ€” Look at his hair, he looks like a goddam weirdo.

Yuki โ€” Gosh, I don't really like to agree with you but you're right on this one girl!

The teacher told the whole class to be quiet while he corrected Charles' presentation.

โ€” Okay, Chevalier, you can go to your seat now. Your seat would be... next to Y/N.

Y/N looked annoyed when Charles sat next to her. She thinks that Charles seems like a weirdo even though she doesn't know him all that much. Plus he doesn't even know basic Japanese, that's so embarrassing! Japanese language isn't even that hard.

โ€” "Ugh.. why me?!?!"
Y/N thought in her head.
โ€” "Whatever..."

Y/N โ€” "Hey, Charles!"
She said with a wink,
โ€” "Or should I call you weirdo? Your hair looks so stupid and weird. Get the fuck out of here."

She snickered at Charles while he couldn't quite understand what she was saying, but he wasn't stupid. He knew that you were laughing at him in a bad way.

Charles โ€” "That no nice."

Y/N started laughing out loud when she heard Charles's horrible broken Japanese. She felt very amused listening to Charles try so hard to speak some basic Japanese, watching his face turn red from embarrassment.

โ€” "I'm going to have a very fun school year with this twink."
Y/N thought while giggling to herself, thinking all the creative insults she could call him. Her thoughts then drifted off to what disgusting school food the lunch ladies would magically stir up to serve everyone today. They were like witches with a cauldron of food packed with preservatives. She repeatedly tapped her pencil on the desk, purposely trying to annoy Charles while teacher talked in the background.

โœง.*โ™กโ€ง Time Skip To Afternoon โ€งโ™ก*.โœง

Y/N walked home with one of her friends that goes the same way as her.

Y/N โ€” "Agh.. I'm so gonna hate the biology test.."

Yuki โ€” "You're going to pass girlie, don't worry. The other day you literally listed each and every term along with the definitions! I know nothing!!"

Y/N โ€” "I guess you're right..."

All of a sudden, Y/N remembered that she forgot her biology book back in class. And after tomorrow is the test!

Y/Nย  โ€” "Yuki, I forgot my biology textbook! Ehehe, please go on without me, I'll text ya later!"

Her friend giggled and waved bye bye to her, and walked to their own house without her. While Y/N paced back to school.

As she was running towards the school, she thought that she saw someone training at the soccer field alone.
Y/N โ€” "Is that...?"

She walked slowly closer to the field, hiding behind one of the humongous trees, the iconic and beautiful cherry tree of the school. She spied on him with with malicious intentions..

โ€” "Why's he out so late? What the hell is this kid doing??"
Y/N thought as Charles' face was covered with sweat, he was breathing heavily and panting. Charles kicked the ball with all his might and made a goal, Charles thought that he improved with his skills.

Y/N's was completely shocked, her mouth was wide open. She couldn't believe she was slightly impressed by the new kid. People barely ever make her impressed.

Y/N โ€” "That specific way he kicked the ball into the net seems to professional. But he's probably just decent.. the guys on the soccer team are way better anyway. Wait.. what was I here for again..? Oh yeah!"

She started walking back to the classroom where she had forgotten her biology textbook, then hurriedly returned home.
