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Second year; second term; January - June 1991

December 24, 1990

Dear Uncle Siri,

I can't believe it took me this long to remember how I used to call you. I have no idea if you actually remember me, or if you have already gone mad, or if you're dead.

I hope you're not.

These past few months you have been, surprisingly, the main topic for most of my conversations. I've been trying to recollect as much information about you as I can. I've heard the bad and the worse, but also the good and the great. And I'm left confused.

I really don't know what to make of you. Some say you are a traitor, but others say you were filled with love and loyalty.

Caelum and I decided to give you a chance. Which is why we're writing you, against all odds.

We want you to tell us your side of the story. We know there are things left to be said, so, take this chance to do so. I can't promise much can be done with it, but we still want to read it.

I know, it's the stupidest thing to wish you a happy Christmas or New Year, considering the place you are in right now. But I still want to say that, if you're alive, I hope our letters can bring back a little bit of your will to live.

With love,


P.S. Brownie, the owl, will stay with you for a few days to rest, and to give you time to write your answer.

December 24, 1990

Dear Dad,

I don't even know where I should begin, or if this will ever reach you, or if you are still alive.

I think I'm just gonna make this short. I believe there are some pieces of information missing in your case. And for now, I'm refusing to believe you are a traitor, or that you would've gambled with the life of your friends. Considering it didn't get you anything, more the contrary.

So, I guess that's what I wanted to say. I hope you are still alive, and still keep a little bit of sanity to remember me, because I could never forget you. I hope our letters make this time of the year a little bit happier for you.

With love,


P.S. Write your answers on a single paper, together.

January 5, 1991

My dear C and N,

I'm sorry this answer took so long, your owl passed out after arriving. I won't waste space talking about how much I've cried since reading your letters, I'll just get to it.

I swear to you, for the most sacred things in my life โ€”my son and my wifeโ€”, I didn't do anything, except for being reckless and thoughtless.

Everyone thinks I was chosen to be the Potters' Secret Keeper, and that's true, I was chosen, but I didn't get to become it. Days before, while talking with Marรญa, we came to realize it was obvious I was going to be chosen, far too obvious. So I went to James, and I convinced him and Lily to, instead, choose Peter as the Secret Keeper. That way, I would be able to distract everyone, no one would even think about him being the Secret Keeper. We would have time to pack our things and leave.

I spent hours distracting Death Eaters, I went to check on Peter, but no one was there, and there was no sign of forced entry. When I went to the Potters and saw the cottage in ruins, and James and Lily's dead bodies, Harry crying from his crib, it was obvious what happened.

I left Harry with Hagrid and went to find Peter. He was in a muggle neighborhood. After I confronted him, he started to scream that I was the traitor. He was the one who used the curse to kill all those muggles. In the shock of the moment, he left.

Don't you think it was suspicious that one of his fingers survived, in perfect condition? It is because he cut it off himself. And ran, like the little pathetic rat he is.

There you have it. That's my story. Damn, it feels good to finally be able to tell it. I don't know if you'll believe it or not, but at least I took it out of my chest.

The paper's coming to an end but, I just want to tell you, Cae, that I love you. I've loved you since I found out your mother was pregnant, and I love you today just as much. I'm not trying to manipulate you to believe me, but I just wanted to say it. It's been almost ten years since I told you that, and you deserve to hear it.

Nico, I love you too, I hope you're doing great, you have a beautifully bright future ahead of you. Both of you. Even if I'm not a part of it, I'm really proud of you.

With love,


P.S. Please, if you're thinking about sharing this with anyone, think about them first. It's not always best to know the truth.

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The second term of the year went on smoothly, with mostly no trouble, except for the nights Nicolรกs stayed up overtime doing his homework and his own personal readings.

Throughout the months, Caelum's letters often mentioned one Snape, who apparently was the Potions Professor at Hogwarts, and described by his cousin's words, as a "slimy, greasy-haired git." The guy apparently hates every single person in Gryffindor (despite this being completely childish and unbecoming of a professor), and takes house points from everyone, except his own Slytherins.

And apparently, but not surprisingly, the man had a history with their family, and a special place for resentment to anything related to Sirius Black, hence, why he took such pleasure in taking it out on the man's son.

Apart from that, it was a very calm end of the school year. Except for one thing, the ending of their Animagus training.

Nicolรกs had already spent a whole month, from full moon to full moon, with a Mandrake leaf under his tongue โ€” who would've guessed the Sticking Charm would be so useful for that โ€”, the Animagus potion was ready, and his instructor took them all out to the forest, using the assistance of more professors.

You see, for a person's first time transforming, it is fundamental to give them space, for which putting a bunch of people on their first time together, was not an option. Someone could panic in their new form and end up causing a catastrophe.

For three weeks now, the second heartbeat from the final stages of the Animagus process had been his constant company, and it excited him, because it was quite a strong heartbeat, which he wanted to interpret as a big animal form.

And finally, two weeks before school was done, their professors used the Weather-Modifying Charm, Metelojinx, to create a controlled thunderstorm for them to drink the potion and begin their transformation.

After gulping the disgusting potion, Nicolรกs put the tip of his wand over his heart, and said, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus," completely focused on the second heartbeat, before a ground-shaking pain came over his whole body.

The pain lasted for endless minutes, as sweat covered his shaky body, and slowly, his body started to quiver and morph. And slowly, from everywhere, yellow fur started to come as his body expanded and he fell in fours.

He felt the moment his senses sharpened. Everything seemed clearer, sounded closer, and smelled the strongest. He knew that his face now had a snout, with a brown and wet nose. And as he looked down, the first thing he noticed was the longest fur covering his head, like a... mane?

Down, where once had been his hands, were now two paws, big paws with retractable claws. But... yellow fur... large body... a freaking mane...

Holy shit... bloody Mother of God... Merlin's balls... he was a freaking lion!

Oh, he was going to have so much fun. His mother was a black panther! And he was another feline!

As he ran into the forest, searching for Ember, he knew many letters awaited him to write in the morning.

For this summer, the family had planned to go back to their favorite family tradition, the "Feria de las Flores," in Medellรญn, and for that, again, they were allowed to invite friends, but once more, Caelum would be the only one bringing.

This time, unfortunately, Cedric and Dorian โ€” with whom Nicolรกs had been pen-palling for months โ€”, would spend the holidays with their families, and so, Caelum had invited the Weasley Twins, two redheads with whom he had made a lot of pranks at school. And were still waiting for their family's response.

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Summer Holidays 1991

The Weasleys were a very proud family, always refusing to accept anything they considered to be "charity work." Even if the twins were over-excited about joining them for the summer, their parents had refused at first.

It took Aunt Marรญa a whole visit to The Burrow, the Weasley family home, and a long chat with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to finally convince them.

During this trip, Caelum had the chance to meet Ron, the second youngest of the Weasley's offspring. The boy was set to start his upcoming first year at Hogwarts next September, brimming with excitement. And that made them both think of Harry โ€”who year after year, visit after visit, Dumbledore had reassured their family that was completely fine and happy โ€”, who would also be starting come September.

Anyway, when the moment came for the twins to arrive alongside Aunt Marรญa and Caelum, Nicolรกs didn't get what he expected.

Because Caelum had mentioned they were tall, but not this tall. The two boys were walking towers, eclipsing every single person in the house save for Remus and Abu Pedro. Nicolรกs, with his humble fun-size, never had a chance...

But it didn't matter, those two were a total blast to be with. They found fun in anything and everything, going to lengths to try and scare Ember, but the Wampus Cat was always a step ahead. And they took that as a personal challenge.

After a week of being there, Nicolรกs was very adamant about them following him to the forest, walking towards a clearing.

"Where are you taking us?" asked George.

"Are you going to murder us here?" added Fred, entertaining a Fairy playing with his red hair.

"It's a good place, with so much soil," quipped George.

"Why bother with bloody hands when I could just slip something in your food?" asked Nicolรกs tilting his head. Much to his grandmother and the house-elves' delight, the twins had been engrossed in the local food ever since they stepped a foot on Colombian ground.

"We're not going to kill you," chuckled Caelum. "At least not yet," he added, with a smirk.

"Caelum!" Nicolรกs scolded his cousin. "We're here because there's something I want to show you."

Once they reached the clearing, Nicolรกs indicated the others to wait while he walked ahead. Standing before them, his eyes full of determination and mischief, he exuded an air of excitement.

With a deep breath, Nicolรกs initiated his transformation. In moments, his body seamlessly morphed, and in his place stood a magnificent adult lion.

Sunstripe, as he had baptized his Animagus form, stood tall at an impressive 1.2 meters, radiating power and regality. His graceful movements and the gentle marks his paws left on the forest floor were mesmerizing. But what truly caught everyone's attention was his magnificent mane, a cascade of golden fur with subtle chocolate accents. Sunstripe's warm, chocolate eyes mirrored Nicolรกs' own, radiating intelligence, kindness, and a playful spark.

"Bloody hell!" exclaimed Fred.

"Blimey!" followed George.

"Dudeโ€”!" but Caelum's words were cut when Sunstripe pounced on him. The lion playfully tackled Caelum to the forest floor, his massive frame enveloping him as he nuzzled and licked Caelum's face.

After that show, Sunstripe bounded away, his golden fur shimmering in the dappled sunlight, to join Ember in their playful antics, while Caelum finished introducing the Weasley twins to the wonders of their reserve.

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A week later, they took a Portkey to the bustling Medellรญn City, home of the "Feria de las Flores."

After arriving, at the start of the summer, the twins had realized that their usual wintery clothes were not cut for the hot Colombian sun.

They swapped their long sleeves and jeans for comfy short-sleeved shirts and bermuda shorts, much more in line with the tropical weather.

But that wasn't all. They were captivated by the culture, going further than simply the tantalizing food.

They had put on Sombreros Vueltiaos, traditional wide-brimmed hats with swirling, made of cane fiber, originated in the North Coast of the country. They also wrapped themselves in wool-made Ponchos, with vibrant designs.

Nicolรกs and his family have come to the "Feria de las Flores" about four times, it's generally a long event that took around of ten days in the city of Medellin.

The first event they always attended was the Silleteros' Parade. Silleteros are little wooden chair-like structures in which the flower growers of the region would create artistic masterpieces to exhibit the flowers of the region.

Each year, over five hundred Silleteros were paraded across Medellin's streets, and Nicolรกs and his family had the pleasure to see them this year. Back in the day, Nicolรกs would be perched up on his father's shoulders just as Caelum was on Abu Pedro's.

Today, taller than ever before, they saw the parade of animals, flowers, magical creatures, and artistic wonders, all made of vibrant flowers, be paraded.

They saw lions, butterflies, snakes, and depictions of geometrical origin, they also saw lifelike Nifflers, majestic Andean Condorcrest Dragons, delicate Fairies, Unicorns with flowing manes, and breathtaking Ember-themed displays, thanks to the Cardona family's sponsorship.

The very next day, they found themselves standing in a soon-filling stadium, where orchestras were getting ready for their grand show.

Even if they knew nothing of Spanish, the Weasley Twins spluttered enthusiastically throughout all the concerts.

They all shouted, cheered, and joined the party with their voices, adding to the music from the bands. Salsa rhythms, Merengue moves, Cumbia vibes, and emotional Boleros filled the air, and the whole family felt the beat deep in their souls. This music was made for dancing, and soon, the twins were swaying and moving to the beat, fully engrossed in this new and exhilarating musical adventure.

But the thing that kept everyone on the edge of their seats, with enough energy and motivation to move, was, with not a single doubt, the food. Street food stalls and bustling markets offered a feast of tastes that set their taste buds on fire.

Choosing what to eat was always an exciting challenge. With so many delicious options, they often find it hard to decide on the next delectable dish to try.

Some bites became their favorites, like the savory sausages sizzling on grills and the creamy, comforting Mazamorra that felt like a warm hug. Buรฑuelos con Natilla was a dessert lover's dream, with golden fried dough and silky Natilla.

There was, Arroz con Leche, a comforting rice pudding, that proved to be a delightful treat, and the Bandeja Paisa, a hearty platter featuring a mix of pork meat, pork rind, beans, avocado, and plantains, quickly became their go-to choice for a satisfying meal.

And then there was the Lechona, a culinary masterpiece that defined celebration. Its crispy outer layer gave way to tender, flavourful meat, and every bite was a symphony of flavors and textures.

The Weasley twins explored the depth of Colombian cuisine with every bite, and Nicolรกs and Caelum were more than glad to be the hosts of such an experience.

It was pretty clear that the twins put on a few extra pounds during their stay in Colombia. But their appearance change didn't bother anyone, least of all their mother. The twins happily wore their contented smiles, savoring the memories of their culinary adventure.

Nicolรกs' first impression of the twins was extremely positive. They lived up to the chaos Caelum had described in his letters, with a knack for pranks and an insatiable need for fun. But beyond their playful facade, Nicolรกs found them to be genuinely humble and kind-hearted people.

They showed humility and adaptability when faced with new experiences. Nicolรกs felt lucky to add them to his growing list of pen pals, alongside Cedric and Dorian.ย 


Author's notes

we're approaching the end of part 1, guys!! how are you guys enjoying this part? I feel very satisfied with this version, but please do tell me your opinions!

Here's a picture I made for you guys to see the Silleteros (in my opinion, one of the most beautiful things to find in Colombia)

- ๐ฃ.๐Ÿ. ๐œ. ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ
