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As Nicolรกs' eyes cleared, a breathtaking sight came into view. An architectural marvel stood before him, like no other he'd ever seen. It resembled a colossal pyramid, but now like those he's seen in images from Egypt, these pyramids were loyal to their Mesoamerican origins, a tribute to the ancient wonders of the Pre-Columbian world.

Rising from the middle of the pyramid-like base, were two more towering structures, forming three colossal levels that seemed to reach for the sky.

But what truly left Nicolรกs in awe was the material that composed the castle. He could have sworn it was crafted entirely from the purest gold.

Nicolรกs, standing with the other students, gazed upon this majestic, golden pyramid/castle in sheer amazement. The gigantic structure seemed to be in a separate land placement, and they came to a halt.

Before them stretched a vast and incredibly deep chasm, a natural barrier that seemed impassable, as if the very earth itself conspired to protect the school.

With a resonant thud, massive stones started to float. They came levitating from the very bottom of the chasm, from under the water of the Amazon River. The large stones moved until they came to their level, before stopping and moving on their own, forming a bridge for them to cross the chasm.

Once the bridge was formed, Nicolรกs could finally appreciate how the stones were adorned with intricate carvings of runes and engravings of paintings that told tales of ages past, the carvings infused with the same golden material.

Nicolรกs exchanged excited glances with his fellow students. He couldn't help but notice their curious behavior. An invisible barrier seemed to envelop him, creating a somewhat respectful distance between him and the others. He observed their cautious glances and hushed conversations.

It didn't take long for Nicolรกs to piece together the puzzle: the others were intentionally keeping their distance because of the magnificent creature that accompanied him.

It was evident that Ember's sheer size and commanding presence had given the other students, especially the younger ones, a pause. Nicolรกs couldn't help but chuckle at the situation.

Once they finally walked the bridge, they came upon the proper terrains of the school. There, two human adults came, a man and a woman, both dressed in formal black robes.

The man introduced himself as Professor Mejรญa, the Herbology Professor, and instructed all the second years and up to follow him inside. While the woman introduced herself as Professor da Silva, the Alchemy professor, and Deputy Headmistress; she ordered the first years to form a line, while gesturing Nicolรกs to follow Professor รlvaro before doing so.

The centaur walked him up to the place where Ember would be staying at, throughout the school year.

The place looked like a small cave โ€”or rather a small houseโ€”, made with wood and stones. It was located near a rather comfortable-looking hut โ€”there, as รlvaro informed him, lived the Care of Magical Creatures professor.

The instructions รlvaro provided were clear and reasonable. Ember was to make his home in the lush and mystical forest encircling Castelobruxo's castle.

Although they would be separated for the school day, Nicolรกs would have the privilege of visiting Ember during his free time. The centaur also promised that Ember would be well taken care of. He would be fed four times a day, and he would also be studied by the Care of Magical Creatures professor.

The time had come for their parting, and as Nicolรกs looked into Ember's intelligent, amber eyes, he expressed his heartfelt wishes to his companion through their silent communication. He asked Ember to stay out of trouble and make life as easy as possible for the centaurs and the professor.

Ember, despite his initial reluctance, understood the importance of Nicolรกs' words. With a silent sigh and a subtle nod, he agreed to the young wizard's request.

With a final, tender kiss on the cat's forehead, Nicolรกs and รlvaro turned away and rejoined the assembly of students. As they walked toward the grand entrance of the golden castle, Nicolรกs couldn't help but cast one last lingering glance over his shoulder, watching Ember slowly disappear into the depths of the forest.

Upon reaching the entrance, Professor da Silva guided the first years inside the school.

The moment they stepped inside, the castle's interior revealed itself in all its breathtaking glory. The walls seemed to glow warmly, casting everything in a golden radiance.

Compared to Hogwarts, this place was even more ancient, rooted in a more primordial kind of magic, untouched by Christopher Columbus, his Latin spells and polished wands often associated with modern wizardry. It stood as a testament to the raw power of pre-Columbian ancient magic.

In the heart of the Great Hall, long tables stretched across the hall, magically set up to accommodate the entire school.

What immediately caught Nicolรกs' eyes, were the colorful banners adorning each table, each bearing a unique animal emblem.

The first table, rich brown and featuring a majestic jaguar. Next to it, a vibrant green table displayed the emblem of a playful frog. A third table, soft pink with a banner depicting a graceful dolphin. And lastly, a shimmering silver table proudly displayed the emblem of a delicate spider.

Amidst the subdued excitement and anticipation in the Great Hall, the first-year students stood in a single line, awaiting the sorting ceremony. Professor Marรญa da Silva, the deputy headmistress, had explained the sorting process, which differed from the traditional houses like those at Hogwarts. Instead, it revolved around the four distinct tribes that made up the student body.

The line of first-year students inched forward, bringing them closer to the front, where they would soon be welcomed into one of the four tribes. Nicolรกs' heart raced with curiosity, eager to discover which tribe would embrace him.

Drawing from his Abus, who were Castelobruxo graduates, and his own studies, Nicolรกs had a decent understanding of each tribe.

As he waited in line, he couldn't help but reflect on the qualities associated with each of the tribes.

The members of the Tribe of the Jaguar were known for their unwavering courage, adaptability, and raw strength, commanding respect and admiration. They embodied the spirit of the jaguar, a creature both sleek and powerful, roaming the depths of the rainforest. Those from this tribe were often seen as daring risk-takers, resourceful problem solvers, and individuals unafraid to take swift and decisive action.

The Tribe of the Pink Dolphin was recognized as a place steeped in wisdom, intuition, and an innate connection to magic. Its members were known for their empathetic and nurturing nature, like the graceful pink dolphins navigating the Amazon River. They excelled in healing magic, Divination, and Care of Magical Creatures, fostering a bond with the mystical and the unseen.

The Tribe of the Frog was deeply recognized for its value for knowledge, adaptability, and transformation. The spirits of its members mirrored the fascinating journey of frogs, undergoing extraordinary metamorphosis, much like students transitioning to adept wizards.

The Tribe of the Spider was marked by their cunning, resourcefulness, and strategic acumen, carving a unique niche in Castelobruxo's diverse student body. Their keen intellect and mastery of magical creatures, especially in weaving intricate spells and strategies, earned them respect.

In contrast to Hogwarts' elaborate Sorting Hat ceremony, Castelobruxo's ceremony was simpler. Students needed to hold a stone that would emit a distinctive color to reveal their assigned tribe. This straightforward, yet mystical method added a sense of expectation, as nobody really knew how the stone worked, or if it was merely a random coincidence.

The notorious absence of a House Cup indicated a different focus. Where other schools tried โ€“ and often failed โ€“ to promote a sense of healthy competition, Castelobruxo changes the status quo, emphasizing unity and collaboration among its tribes.

Nicolรกs' connection to magical literature authors โ€”his Abus โ€” set him apart from his peers, and when his name was called, all eyes turned to him, especially those in years above, who had already studied more than half of their classes to his Abus' books.

As he reached for the stone, the Great Hall held its breath. Even the teaching staff โ€”who had followed the work of Nicolรกs' Abusโ€” stopped their hushed conversations.

The stone, with its oval shape and exceptional translucence, remained cold to the touch, despite having been touched by over fifteen hands before. When he touched it, a peculiar sensation surged through him, as if an electric current coursed through his veins.

The stone, initially cold and unfeeling, gradually warmed, embracing his palms like an old friend. The warmth not only enveloped his skin but seeped into his very essence.

With a sense of awe, Nicolรกs slowly unclenched his fingers, revealing the stone for the hall to see. It was radiating a soft pink light, revealing his assigned tribe: the Pink Dolphin Tribe.

Without wasting time, Professor Da Silva handed Nicolรกs a small badge with a pink dolphin to pin on his robes, with a wave of her wand, soft pink stripes appeared on his robes.

The next student, out of the over a hundred remaining, went up as Nicolรกs walked down.

Heading to his tribe's jubilant table, Nicolรกs was welcomed with thunderous applause and an avalanche of questions about his family, his grandparents, and his already legendary companion, Ember.

Amidst the chatter, the feast appeared before Nicolรกs, with dishes representing the diverse cultures of Latin America. The variety was overwhelming, from Brazilian spices to Colombian traditions, celebrating the magical world's rich tapestry. Nicolรกs felt a surge of excitement and gratitude as he surveyed the tantalizing offerings.

Nicolรกs' plate transformed into a mosaic of scents, colors, and flavors as he carefully chose his dishes. Every bite was an adventure, a symphony of tastes on his taste buds. He explored savory stews, fragrant rice dishes, colorful fruits, and decadent desserts, making the feast an extraordinary culinary journey.

Excited about the diverse dishes, Nicolรกs shared his delight with other kids at the Pink Dolphin Tribe table. They had animated conversations about the food, relishing the chance to discover the unique flavors of Latin America.

The grand feast reached its pinnacle with a speech from the headmaster, Dr. Joรฃo da Silva. His words blended wisdom and warmth, fostering a sense of unity and purpose among the students. They weren't just individuals; they were part of a larger magical family.

After the speech, it was time for the students to go their separate ways. Nicolรกs was guided by the Pink Dolphin Tribe Elders. The term "Tribe Elders" was somewhat amusing, since these guides were still teenagers themselves. However, these selected students' roles were vital in welcoming newcomers and ensuring a smooth transition into Castelobruxo life.

Following their lead, Nicolรกs arrived at his dormitory, sharing it with three other boys. Although he initially tried to strike up conversations and make friends, his roommates seemed disinterested in socializing, it was a shame he wouldn't share a dorm with the others who seemed nicer.

Still, Nicolรกs respected their need for space and decided to focus on his studies.

He decided he would delve into textbooks, practice his magical skills, and explore the history and lore of the wizarding world.

Sitting at his desk with the soft glow of his wand providing light, Nicolรกs realized that his journey at Castelobruxo was just beginning. Despite his initial experience, he remained undaunted.

With determination and a thirst for knowledge, he was ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited him in this enchanted world of magic. Nicolรกs knew his path was unique, and he was determined to make the most of it, savoring every magical moment and cherishing every opportunity for discovery and growth.

