Yang x Blake x Fem Reader Lemon

Prologue: After all of the sleepover games you all start to get ready for bed but you guys stay up later in a smaller side room watching movies.

Yang: "Alright since it is almost 2:00 am I think that we should get ready for bed,"

Blake: "Ok lemme turn off the T.V and Y/N set up our bed please,"

You: "Ok I'll set it up,"

You pull over a comfortable bed and set some blankets and pillows down on it. While you are doing that Blake and Yang had gotten undressed. Yang comes up behind you and immediately puts her hands up your shirt.

You: "Yang! what are you doin--"

You are interrupted when Blake comes up in front of you and places her lips on yours. Blake then takes her free hands and slides down your pants. Yang then pulls your shirt over your head. They both then slide off your underwear. Yang sits down and pulls you into her lap. Yang then starts fondling your breasts and leaving hickeys on your neck and shoulders. Whilst this is happening Blake spreads your legs and brings her face closer and closer to your pussy.

Blake: "Don't worry Y/N we are going to make you feel good,"

Blake then kisses your clit. Then she begins to circle her tongue around your clit.

You: "Blake *moan* stop teasing,"

Blake gets the message so she sticks her tongue in your sensitive folds. You moan in pleasure as she begins to go deeper. Yang, at this point has left multiple hickeys trying to find your sweet spot. Now she has finally found the sensitive skin and she begins to passionately suck and lick the skin. You moan loudly at the intense pleasure both of these girls are giving you.

Yang: "Y/N we will have to stop if the others find us out, so keep it quieter." 

Blake: "I mean I would love to hear you scream out my name in pleasure, but Yang is right,"

You: "I-I'm sorry it's j-just that it f-feels *moan* s-so good, *moan* please c-continue,"

They begin to start again. You begin to try and moan quieter by biting your lip but every so often a moan will leak out. They then lay you down  and Blake goes over your head and starts sucking your breast and you start on hers (like a mini 69).  While Yang presses her pussy to yours in the scissoring position and starts to grind. Blake then sits up and then positions herself on your face so that you can return the favor to her. You start to lick her as she did to you but this time you finger her as well. 

Blake: "Oh! Y/N I didn't know that you were so good at this."

Yang: "Man your pussy is amazing Y/N,"

You: "So is yours Yang,"

You all begin to speed up what you are all doing so that all of you can reach your climaxes quicker. You then start adding more fingers into Blake and pumping your hand much faster. Yang starts grinding much faster and harder making both of you feel really good. Eventually all of you reach your climax in unison. 

Yang: "I know how to take this night to the next level,"

You: "What could possibly be better than that.

Yang then walks over to her bag and unzips it. She then takes a few things out. Things like a double dildo, egg vibrator with a strap, vibe wand, some cloth ropes, and a strapon. You take a big gulp as you realize that it is going to be a long night. Yang and Blake begin to strap you to the bed with the cloth ropes and they start to pick some toys. They decide to cast aside the vibe wand and just use the other things. Blake inserts one side of the dildo into herself and gets under you and slowly places the other end of the dildo inside of your ass. While Yang puts on the strapon but before she goes in she has a great idea. While Yang is organizing her idea Blake starts thrusting into your ass making tears leak out of your eyes but after a little it starts to feel really good. Then Yang turns around and you look at what she has done. She decided to put the egg vibrator onto the dildo. You start to get even wetter thinking about the pleasure that would bring you. Yang begins to line herself up with you and starts pressing into your pussy. You moan loudly as it enters you deeply. Yang then takes the remote for the egg vibe and turns it on low. You moan in delight as you feel the vibrations coming from the tip of the dildo. Blake starts to thrust faster meaning that she must be close. Yang also starts thrusting faster as she turns the egg vibe on the highest setting making you shake because of the intense pleasure that you are getting from all of the sensations. Blake and Yang begin to thrust in unison and as fast as they can making you feel intense pleasure. You all then climax at the same time again. They both exit your holes and they take off the toys. Then Yang gets another idea. She then takes the egg off of the strap and then inserts it into you again. It is still set on high. They then both untie you and lay on your arms so that you can't take out the vibrator. You begin to beg to be let free from pleasure's clutches. You say that you just want to relax with them but Yang doesn't listen but your pleas reach Blake's ears. She takes pity on you and removes it. Yang pouts but understands. You climb on top of Blake and kiss her with great passion as a thanks. You then slide a little bit lower and rest your head on her naked chest and begin to fall asleep there. Yang then cuddles up to you two nuzzling her head into the crook of your neck as a sorry. 

You: "You are going to have to do more than that to *yawn* apologize, you were going to leave me like that all night," "I am going to get you back sometime."

Yang starts to fantasize about the pleasure she will receive at some time.

(A/N well that was a long one well i hope you enjoyed)
