Yang SMIH (slight lemon)

At the sleepover you all decided to play some sleepover games like Seven Minutes in Heaven. Now because you are kinda innocent you wouldn't usually participate in a game like this but the dust is making you really want to get someone you like someone like Yang

You didn't really understand but all you did understand is that if you are going to get someone then it is going to be Yang

Ruby: "All right everyone come put an item in the bag because it is Y/N's turn to go"

You patiently waited for everyone to put something in the bag then once it was time you picked something. Something that was soft and a little silky. You pull it out of the bag and it looks like Yang's scarf. Internally you were screaming in glee because you got what you were hoping for.

Yang: "Alright! you picked me cutie" she winks "Let's go"

You quickly walk behind her into the closet You then hear once the door closes 

Coco: "Alright you too not too wild only seven minutes"

You then turn to face where Yang is. You then reach out to touch her to see where she is. So, that you can give her the scarf back. Instead you misjudge where her shoulder is and end up touching her breast.

Yang: "Wow right down to it"

You: "Oh! I didn't mean to, I just wanted to--"

Yang: "Hey it's alright no need to get all apologetic" "To be honest I want more" she says as her voice turns more lustful

You: "Well, that is alright with me"

You then both lean in to kiss each other. Once your lips meet you feel fireworks, but you still want more. So, you start going deeper into her mouth you both using your tongues to massage the others. After going deeper you then let your hands start to wander. Your hands go from her neck to her shoulders which you give a gentle squeeze. Then you move your hands down to her breasts. Once your hands touch her breasts Yang gasps. You then mover your hands under her shirt and start trying to get your hands to the tender skin of her breast, and at every touch of your loving fingers Yang moans into your deep kissing. You then mover your hands to Yang's tube top bra and move it out of the way so you can get some skin to skin contact. Yang keeps moaning louder and loader the more you touch her breasts. And while you have been doing all of this Yang has been  sneaking one of her hands into your pants. Once she begins to finger you you stop kissing and become a moaning mess in her hands. After a couple of minutes of doing that with some kissing here and there the closet opens to you two basically making love. The closet door then immediately closes, you two then get dressed then come out of the closet. Everyone looks at you two different, Blake looks like she wants in on it, some people look like they want someone else to do that, and some look supportive of the new relationship that has formed

Yang: "Well looks like we will have to continue this when everyone is asleep so we can't be interrupted"

You: "I would really like that"

Blake over hears this conversation so she is going to get in on this
