Ch 11 - Monster Rampage

Venti skips his way to the tavern, and sees Razor and Bennett with Klee, eating a fruit as they noticed the chirpy bard prancing past them and into the tavern he went

"Does this bard not know when to control his drinking habit?" Bennett asks as the 2 shrugged

Again, Paimon left alone, Aether visits Diluc with Kaeya and Albedo

Diluc was sitting out of the cave, nervously lifting up his sleeve as Albedo used a needle to extract blood, then uses his microscope to look at the sample

"Hmm, it shows that your blood seems normal, but the only abnormality I see is that it contains the curse aura from the potion."

Albedo looks up as Diluc sighs. Kaeya pats his finger, trying to assure him as Albedo packed his items and returns to the city

Diluc: So now they have a lead on me?

Kaeya: Technically, they do

Aether: That's not helpful

Kaeya: I know, but we'll need some kind of distraction, to keep them busy with something else

Aether: Why don't we use the trick Diluc taught me back then?

Diluc: Do you mean the time when I asked for the bait for the slimes?

Aether: Yes, but we're going to need to attract every kind of monster

Kaeya: Not a bad idea

They plot a way to distract the Knights of Favonius, giving them time to help Diluc stay hidden and keep his secret

They agreed the plan would work, and Kaeya and Aether leave Diluc behind, as he watched them disappear into the distance

"For once, I am the one with nothing to do," Diluc mumbles as he sighs, going back into the cave to rest

They tell the group their plan as Venti hiccupped, holding a bottle as they all agree with the plan

"At least it's going to be a blast!" Bennett says, noticing it kinda made Klee happy with mentioning blast

They make the bait, and wait for night to fall, and once the starry night sky blanketed the land, they placed it close to the city, but not too close to create chaos

Seconds later, enemies started to appear, and the group went inside the city and waited, hearing the Knights struggle as they fought every monster that came

"Oh no! Hilichurls!" One yelled as the group noticed that their plan may have gone a little too overboard

"Let's clean up our mess," Venti chuckled nervously as the others agreed, charging at the gates as the others fell back

Razor swung his claymore, his attack killing every slime with one swing, raised his hand, and electro sparked, slamming it down as it pushed the enemies back

"Keep back!" He growled, and Bennett used his flames as he powered himself, making a quick slash and jump smash, but doing so, he fell back and hit his back on the floor

"Dammit! Why'd I do that?" He regretted as he slashed the enemies, and Klee seemed to have fun

Her bombs exploded as she threw them at every enemy incoming, and a flower shaped appeared, shooting a beam of laser as it threw them back

"Jumpy Dumpty!" She said excitedly as she threw a bomb, looking like some bunny, and bounced a couple times before exploding into mini bombs, encircling her friends as they blew up, stunning the hilichurls

"Yahoo!" Venti used his power as wind shot up, floating gracefully with it and glided, plunging down as a rain of arrows shot, piercing them

He aimed and waited, seeing the tip of the arrow glow blue, and shot. Feathers and wind zoomed, knocking back the enemies as hilichurls were panicking

Samachurls and Lawachurls came as they grunted and roared at them. Electro Lawachurls slammed their fists, creating a shield of electro as the Samachurls swung their staff, creating elemental attacks

Albedo slammed his hand down, making a flower appear as a circle of light surrounded it. He jumped on it, and the flower turned gold, lifting him up like an elevator

"Klee! Use this!" He calls as he jumps off and plunges down, and his little sister gets on the elevator flower as she threw her bombs from a higher distance

Kaeya used his ice as he shot from his sword, piercing the shield, and good thing it was going down quick with his ice and Klee's bombs

"Hiyah!" Aether summons a tornado, and with the fire nearby, it changed color and burned the samachurls as they were flown away and burned to death

"Alright! Let's light em up!" Bennett laughs as he jumps and slams down, creating a floor of fire with his signature thumbs up, and ripples flowed as it increased his friends' strengths

"Ha! Nice!" Venti cheers, but stops as he sees the Lawachurl weakened, but it might regain its shield

"Think you can get away?" He chuckles, shooting at the giant beast as a black hole with wind blades slashed constantly at it, turning red from Bennett's floor

Klee grabbed a bomb, patted it with both hands, and flowers and clovers blinded the enemies, walking close to them as it shot laser beams from her flowers and clovers, and mini bombs appeared as she ran around, exploding everything

"RAWR!" Razor summoned an electro wolf that stayed behind him as he swung his giant sword, and when he did, the electro wolf spirit attacked

Kaeya and Albedo swung their arms, and Albedo summoned a wall of spiked rocks that grew from the ground, circling them, and Kaeya had icicles dancing around him as he attacked closed ranged with them

The enemies had enough and fled, and the group laughed as the people cheered for them

"No need for the cheers, people!" Venti says as the others laughed and shook their heads, "Unless you reward us with some drinks!"

The Acting Grand Master walked towards them and thanked for their help, "We could've dealt it ourselves, but you all did it for us."

The group smiled as they were showered with cries of cheer, and even though the plan may have gone overboard, it still ended happily

Albedo notices Eula giving Kaeya a hidden glare, and tries not to overthink it, or this plan may become a failure if he suspects what he had in mind
