C6: Kidnapping the sister-in-law

Penelope giggled as she jumped out of her car, pulling her little toddler out of the seat and into her hands. She grabbed the small shopping bag she got along the way and rushed to the house, hoping she would steal Derek's wife before her mother would arrive.

Her mother would mostly win over anyone with her at any time. Her mother, Melody, had a charming character and would mostly use sympathy to lure her victims into her trap.

Penelope had non of that. Just her money and love of luxury. And if Derek's wife had the same taste, it would mean she could say goodbye to shopping alone.

"Excuse me!" She called into the house and a few maids rushed to attend to her with a small bow. "Where's Derek's wife's room? Victoria is she?" She asked and one of the maids straightened her back and nodded with her head for her to follow.

The maid had to pick up her pace after she noticed the madam was in a hurry. She stopped at the elevator and stood aside as it opened.

Penelope stepped in as her toddler stared around in amusement. Wondering what place she was in.

The maid stepped in and waited as it closed and gave a lift to the second floor.

The doors opened and they rushed out, she stopped by the door to Victoria's room and smiled at Penelope who hardly noticed but barged into the room.

"Sister!" Penelope exclaimed, frightening Victoria awake.

Victoria glanced around her bush of hair, trying to see who barged into her room unannounced. She reached her fingers onto her face and parted her hair to see clearly.

Penelope cringed a bit as she stared at Victoria's state. Wondering how one could sleep so roughly.

"He must have gotten the better of you, didn't he?" She asked as she dropped down her toddler and walked to Victoria. "Come on, let's go bath."

"Wha.... What's... Who are you?" Victoria asked as she yawned and batted her eyelids quickly. "You don't look like a maid..."

"I'm your sister in law, Penelope." She smiled, forcing Victoria awake. She stared at Penelope just to be sure she wasn't dreaming. "Hurry up! My mother wants to snatch you away." She said and grabbed Victoria's wrist, forcing her out of bed. "You don't want to met our mother!"

"Is she that bad!?" Victoria asked in shock and Penelope nodded quickly.

"Get up. We have to run away as fast as we can!" She said and Victoria quickly got onto her feet and rushed towards the shower, throwing herself in and turning the hot and cold tap open.

She burnt herself and froze herself a few times but washed herself in time. She jumped out of the shower and began to wipe herself quickly. Penelope rushed in and plugged the hairdryer into the socket, blowing her hair as fast and neat as she could. Once she was done, Victoria was also done applying some moisturizer on her skin.

Penelope rushed back into the room and in seconds was back into the bathroom with her shopping bag.

"Here. I bought this for you." She smiled sweetly and Victoria took it from her hands and gazed into the bag.

She pulled out the most beautiful simple but exquisite dress she had ever seen. She pulled it on and smiled as she gazed into the mirror, staring down at how perfectly short and beautiful it was.

"Come on. Makeup in the car!" Penelope said as she yanked Victoria forward and grabbed the bag of shoes as she heard her mother's car pull up into the compound.

Victoria cringed as the running on the stairs and her feet ached.

Penelope's toddler, Autumn, tried as best to hold onto her mother in order not to fall.

Once they were out of the house, she rushed to her car as fast as possible, hardly missing her mother's eyes.

"Penelope!" Her mother yelled in anger but she didn't stop. She pushed Victoria into the car and jumped in with her toddler.

"Drive!" Penelope exclaimed and the driver reluctantly drove away. Penelope chuckled as she glanced back to her mother standing in anger. Victoria could only stare in amusement at how insane Derek's older sister was. "That was close." Penelope sighed out and leaned into the seat.

"You don't look much with Derek." Victoria said as she took the shoes out of the shopping bag. A nice pair of black pumpers with a cute realistic pearl in the middle.

"He's a half brother." She sighed out and smiled. "I thought he told you."

"He started... But said he's not comfortable talking about it. Why is he though?" Victoria cleverly asked and Penelope nodded with her head.

"He doesn't like talking about it indeed. Our father had two wives. My mother, the crazy woman back there, and Derek's mother, I loved spending time with her. Derek loved spending time with my mother and it grew natural until she died on his sixteenth birthday whilst travelling to show up. It scared him and he regretted not spending time with her." She said as she glanced at her little daughter who stared at Victoria in wonder. "He always thought she wanted a girl. That it was the reason she loved being around me. But when she died, it was enough proof that she loved him. She dared to take off in her private jet on a very stormy day just to see him, but never got to. My mother felt sorry for him but she couldn't stop him from feeling that way. It scared him for years and he never celebrates his birthday there on after."

Sorry guys. This chapter maybe a little rusty but I hope you enjoyed it.

I would really appreciate if you helped this girl out by voting and commenting. Tell me your thoughts and ideas.

I'm very friendly!

