Part:-24 Rescue

Ashwin: How did these three Kapoors end up with such beautiful wives?

Tashi: (smirking sarcastically) Luck, I suppose. Or maybe it's just good genes.

Ashwin: (angered by Tashi's response) You think you're clever, don't you?

Tashi: (maintaining her smirk) Just observant.

Ashwin: (to his bodyguard) Keep an eye on her. And as punishment, don't give her any water.

Tashi: (rolling her eyes) Oh, what a dreadful punishment. I'll be sure to write about this in my memoirs.

Ashwin: Your husband, Kabir, was already broken in love. Imagine how he'll react after being broken in love again.

Kavya: (smirking and rolling her eyes) Oh, I'm sure he'll be devastated. Maybe he'll write some poetry about it.

Ashwin: (not amused) You find this amusing?

Kavya: (maintaining her smirk) Oh, immensely. It's like a tragic comedy, don't you think?

Ashwin: (gritting his teeth) You're just as insolent as your friend. Perhaps even more so.

Kavya: (shrugging nonchalantly) What can I say? We Kapoor wives have a knack for pushing your buttons.


Ashwin: (attempting to flirt) You know, Anaya, amidst all this chaos, you still manage to shine like a diamond.

Anaya: (rolling her eyes) Save the cheesy lines for someone who actually cares.

Ashwin: (taken aback) You seem rather unimpressed. Is it because of your friends' antics?

Anaya: (smirking) Oh, I wouldn't worry about them if I were you. They're just being themselves.

Ashwin: (frowning) They're quite bold, aren't they?

Anaya: (with a sly grin) Boldness runs in the Kapoor bloodline. But I suppose you wouldn't understand that, being on the receiving end of it.

Ashwin: (gritting his teeth) You're quite the firecracker yourself, Anaya.

Anaya: (shrugging casually) Just keeping up with the family tradition.

Anaya's laughter echoed off the walls of the dimly lit room, her defiance shining through despite the dire circumstances. She met Ashwin's gaze with unwavering resolve, her words laced with confidence.
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Anaya: "You underestimate the power of love, Ashwin. The Kapoor brothers will stop at nothing to find me, and they won't rest until they do."

Ashwin's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty as he realized the gravity of the situation. But he quickly regained his composure, his voice dripping with disdain.

Ashwin: "Love is nothing but a weakness, Anaya. It won't save you from me."

But Anaya remained undeterred, her spirit unbroken as she stood tall in the face of her captor.

Anaya: "We'll see about that. The Kapoor brothers are on their way, Ashwin. And when they find us, your reign of terror will come to an end."

Anaya's resolve hardened as Ashwin's cruel words echoed in the room, his smirk twisting into a sinister grin as he sought to undermine her faith in her rescuers. But she refused to let his taunts shake her, meeting his gaze with steely defiance.

Anaya: "You can mock them all you want, Ashwin. But you underestimate their strength and their love for us."

Ashwin's laughter filled the room, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurked within him.

Ashwin: "Strength? Love? Don't make me laugh, Anaya. Tanveer Kapoor, the playboy who only knows one-night stands. Kabir Kapoor, the broken man who couldn't protect his own family. And your dear husband, Ayaan, the fool who is blind for that Amaira "

Anaya's jaw clenched with fury at his callous words, but she refused to let him see her falter.

Anaya: "You know nothing about them, Ashwin. Their love for us is their strength, and it will be their downfall."

Anaya: "You underestimate the determination of the Kapoor brothers, Ashwin. Tanveer would move mountains for Tashi and his family, Kabir's resilience knows no bounds when it comes to love, and as for Ayaan..."

Her voice trailed off, a knowing glint in her eye as she emphasized her point.

Anaya: "Ayaan may not love Amaira, but his loyalty knows no bounds when it comes to those he cares for. Imagine what he'll do for the one he truly loves."

Ashwin's facade faltered for a fleeting moment, a hint of doubt flickering across his features before he masked it with a facade of arrogance.

Ashwin: "You speak of love as if it's some kind of strength. But in the end, it's just a weakness to exploit."

As Anaya and Ashwin conversed, the air suddenly filled with the sound of heated arguments nearby. Anaya's smirk deepened as she gestured toward the commotion. "Looks like your enemies have arrived, Ashwin," she said sardonically. "Go ahead, give them a warm welcome." With a knowing glint in his eyes, Ashwin squared his shoulders, ready to confront the Kapoor brothers who had long been his adversaries.

The door swung open with a forceful tug, revealing Ayaan Kapoor, an embodiment of seething rage. He strode towards Ashwin, a tempest brewing in his eyes. Without a word, Ayaan seized Ashwin's collar, delivering a resounding punch that echoed through the room. "How dare you touch my wife with your filthy hands, you bastard," he spat, punctuating his words with another brutal blow.

The room crackled with tension as Kabir and Tanveer Kapoor entered, swiftly releasing Anaya from the confining ropes. Anaya, free but composed, observed the unfolding chaos with a calculating gaze.

Amidst the turmoil, Ayaan turned to Anaya, enfolding her in a protective embrace. His voice, now tempered with a mixture of concern and anger, resonated, "Are you alright, Anaya?"
Anaya nodded

Anaya's voice cut through the charged air, a call to action that demanded urgency. "Let's not waste our time," she declared, her eyes fixed on a looming threat. "We need to save Tashi. Ashwin's words hold a dangerous truth - the safer I m , the greater danger increases for the decreases .Tashi is the most vulnerable among us, and time is against her."

The three Kapoor brothers exchanged silent nods, a shared understanding etched in their expressions. Without further deliberation, they moved as one towards the waiting car, their footsteps echoing a unified resolve. The engine roared to life, and the tires squealed as they sped away, tracking the ominous trail that led to Tashi's precarious situation.

As the car cut through the night, the weight of unspoken fears and uncharted territories hung heavy in the air. Anaya, focused and determined, stared ahead, contemplating the unpredictable path they were about to tread. The road stretched before them, a metaphor for the challenges that lay ahead, and the echoes of Ashwin's ominous warning reverberated in their minds.


The tension in the air was palpable as the group arrived at the designated location. Tanveer's heart pounded with apprehension, his mind besieged by a barrage of negative thoughts. Sensing his unease, Anaya reached out with a reassuring touch. "Don't worry, Tanveer," she whispered, her voice a calming anchor amidst the chaos. "Tashi will be safe."

With a nod of gratitude, Tanveer steadied himself, drawing strength from her words. But before they could proceed, the sharp crack of gunfire shattered the stillness, sending them scrambling for cover. Amidst the chaos, they caught sight of Ashwin, the source of the gunfire, his once-familiar face twisted with rage and desperation.

Ayaan wasted no time, swiftly summoning his bodyguards to apprehend Ashwin before he could unleash further harm. As the situation unfolded, Anaya made a decisive choice, electing to remain in the safety of the car while the Kapoor brothers prepared to confront the looming danger.

Kabir's concern was evident, his instinct to protect Anaya warring with the urgency of the situation. Yet, Anaya's resolve was unyielding as she reassured them of her safety. With a shared glance of understanding, the brothers acknowledged her decision, their determination unwavering as they braced themselves to face the looming threat head-on.

As Tanveer sprinted towards Tashi, his heart hammered in his chest, desperation driving him forward. "Tashi!" he called out, his voice cracking with emotion. Ayaan and Kabir moved with purpose, scouring the area for any sign of a release mechanism, their frustration mounting with each futile attempt.

"We have to break the glass," Ayaan declared, his tone edged with urgency. With determined nods, Kabir and Tanveer rallied beside him, ready to take decisive action. Tanveer seized a steel rod nearby, his hands trembling with adrenaline as he prepared to shatter the barrier between Tashi and safety.

With a resounding crash, the glass gave way, shards scattering like confetti as Ayaan and Kabir swiftly lifted Tashi from her watery prison. Tanveer's hands reached out, gentle yet urgent, as he pleaded for Tashi to open her eyes, to return to them.

But Tashi remained still, her eyes closed as if shielded from the world around her. Ayaan's voice, tinged with concern, cut through the tense atmosphere. "Let's get her inside the car," he urged, a note of urgency underscoring his words.

As the car door swung open, revealing the dimly lit interior, the sight of Anaya clutching her stomach, blood staining her clothes, sent shockwaves through the group. Ayaan's heart clenched with fear and anger, his instinct to rush her to the hospital warring with Anaya's determined plea.

"Anaya, we need to get you to the hospital," Ayaan insisted, his voice tight with worry as he reached out to cup her face gently. But Anaya's breath came in ragged gasps, her eyes burning with fierce determination.

"No, Ayaan," she rasped, her voice strained yet resolute. "We have to save Kavya."

Ayaan's jaw tensed with frustration, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. But before he could protest further, Kabir interjected, his voice firm yet laced with concern.

"Bhabhi, you and Tashi need medical attention right now," Kabir urged, his eyes pleading for her to prioritize her own well-being. Anaya's lips curved into a weary smile, her gaze unwavering as she addressed her brother-in-law.

"Kabir, trust me," she murmured, her voice tinged with conviction. "Nothing will happen to us. But if something happens to Kavya, we will be lost."

A heavy silence descended upon the car, the weight of their collective fears and responsibilities hanging thick in the air. With a resigned nod, Ayaan reluctantly acquiesced to Anaya's wishes, his heart heavy with the weight of their perilous journey ahead. As the car sped off into the night, their destinies intertwined in a fragile balance between survival and sacrifice.

The location exuded an eerie aura as the three Kapoor brothers navigated the dimly lit, foreboding space. Anaya's breaths hung heavy in the air as she directed them with a sense of urgency, her voice laced with concern. "Search in the room that's even darker," she instructed, her instincts guiding her towards the answer.

Confused, Ayaan and Tanveer exchanged glances, but Kabir, attuned to Kavya's fears, understood the significance. "She's afraid of the darkness," he explained, prompting solemn nods from his brothers.

Each room they explored seemed to deepen the shadows, amplifying the ominous atmosphere. Frustration etched Kabir's face as he impulsively grabbed a vase and hurled it, revealing an unsettling discovery – each room bore a letter of Ashwin's name, but the letter "w" remained elusive.

Kabir's realization sparked urgency, and he conveyed his revelation to Ayaan and Tanveer. "Search for the letter 'w,'" he implored. As they scoured the rooms, their collective efforts finally uncovered the missing letter. With a sense of foreboding, they swung open the door and were met with a devastating sight.

Kavya lay unconscious, a fragile figure in the dim light. Kabir's heart shattered as he called out her name, desperation tingeing his voice, yet she remained unresponsive. The room echoed with the silence of despair as they faced the stark reality of Kavya's vulnerability, their resolve tested in the face of an unforeseen tragedy.

Soon they all left for the hospital.


So here is the end of this part
I hope you all liked it
Thanks for visiting and reading
Pls do comment and give feedback
Stay tuned for another update

Bye bye Janvians 👋👋👋
