Five's Pov

The night before, after Y/n confessed her dark secret, Klaus called me a few hours later warning to chat, so I gave in. Klaus said he wanted to talk about "business", but I knew it was about Y/n. I told Klaus to come to LA immediately. As my stay here was extending, and I guess I missed the weird guy. And so, I was picking him up from the airport.

"Get in," I said as I rolled down the dark-tinted windows.

"Lone time so see, little brother." Klaus grinned before getting in the car.

I drove away, leaving the sound of tires squealing behind. I took a turn to get on the highway, speeding up as we headed back to my place.

"So, Five?" Klaus asked, while staring at me with a perky smirk of his face while holding a bottle of alcohol in his left hand, and then I realized I missed his annoying ass.

"What?" I asked, my gaze on the road.

"Y/n Hargreeves?" His tone was sarcastic, but then again, when wasn't it? This man was a walking tease. "Hargreeves?" he repeated, emphasizing his point.

"Life's full of surprises, isn't it?" I glanced at him for a short moment before focusing of the road again.

"Holy fuck, you're serious?" Shock flooded his eyes. He started clapping shaking his bottle of alcohol. "Young love," adjusting himself in the seat. "What about dad?"

"Don't worry about dad. I'm a big boy," I stated, despite being well aware of the meaning of his words.

"Yeah, but y'know. Dad is, well... dangerous."

"So am I," I said coldly.

"Wait- wait a minute." He took of his pink sunglasses before staring at me. "Are you tryin' to imply you'd go against the plan for dads student?"

"If necessary, than yes," I asserted firmly. "And this stays between us Klaus, I mean it."

Klaus gasp and turned back to me. "Don't worry, little brother. I wouldn't tell a soul." Klaus stated. "And plus, you're probably my favorite brother," laughing between each word. "So, what now? I thought you were the one going along with this plan?"

"It was never about me, Klaus. It was about getting revenge for him almost killing us" I clarified.

Klaus tilted his head, scanning my face as if trying to find words to say.

"We stop the apocalypse, but, reminding him of what he did to all of us. He never loved us. He never was a father figure. Not me. Not even you," I said, clenching the the steering wheel. One thing Y/n and I had in common was the feeling of not being worthy of love. Although me being stuck in the apocalypse, for years, I never got to know what love is. There was no place for love in a world where all that mattered was power.

"Wasn't the plan for you to get information on dad from Y/n, and kill her after?" Klaus asked, slightly hesitant.

"Yeah, that was the plan." I clenched my teeth, trying to keep plan out of my head. "But I can't let that happen."

"What do you mean?" I didn't have to look at Klaus to sense the confusion written of his face.

"I can't let Y/n die."


Once I park in front of my modern loft. Me and Klaus walked in and head start into the inside bar. I headed beside the bar to grab an empty glass cup and filled it with scotch. I gaze followed Klaus as he scanned the room before he sat down on the bottle-green couch and place his drink on a wooden table. I slowly finished making my drink, and made me way to sit the opposite couch across Klaus.

"So now what, you're just not gonna go with the plan?" He said. "The family won't like that."

I drank the glass of scotch, and looked into his eyes. "I don't care, I can't let Y/n get hurt," I heavily breathed. "I thought kill Y/n would make dad upset or even fell bad about himself, but I realized he never even cared about Y/n being in coma," Klaus turned his gaze to me "Dad wouldn't care if Y/n was dead or not, he didn't care he put her into a coma." I turned my gaze on the floor.

"Dad put her into a coma?"

I tilted my head back to Klaus.

"As far as I know, yes." I said pissed. "There are incident on a mission that caused Y/n to be seriously injured, and they took the blamed for her siblings, so they couldn't get punished." I kept my composure, although the rage was tearing me apart from inside and out.

"I guess daddy will never change."

"Nope, he never will," I said while I finished my drink with one chug.

Klaus took a big breath, before getting up from the couch and walking over to the bar.

I stayed on the couch, staring at my phone screen like a fool. I waited for Y/n to answer my text. I had a weird feeling that something had happened because usually, she would text me back within minutes.

"Five?" I heard a voice barging into the room. I looked to see who it was and quickly realized it was Zachary, and I knew something was off, because Zachary never sees me unless it's an emergency.

"What is it?" I asked, dryly, impatiently.

"We have a problem." His tone gave away that shit just hit the fan.

"Cut to the chase."

"I was ordered to monitor the situation at Hargreeves and I just noticed. Y/n is on her way to the hospital. I don't know in what condition."

"Get in the car." I walked to leave the room.

"Wait! Five where are you going?" Klaus yelled.

"Somewhere, you stay here Klaus, Zachary you come with me." I jumped inside, shutting the door. I started the car engine, and after Zachary got in, I drove away faster than a speeding bullet.

"Five, slow down! You're drivin' like a madman," Zachary commented as I was speeding up the highway, overtaking any car on my way.

"I can't, Zachary!" I hissed, my gaze never leaving the road. "Y/n is in danger."

"What makes you think so?" He frowned.

"It's the perfect opportunity. There gonna kill her."


"My family," I breathed. "They want Y/n dead."

Zachary's phone rang, and he quickly glanced at the screen, before answering the call. "Hello?"

I get my heart pounding rapidly, adrenaline rushing through every single vein. I wasn't sure how long Zachary's phone call took, but to me, every second lasted an eternity. He ended the call before turning to me, saying in his accent, "Would ya slow down? She's stable."

I let out a heavy breath.

"They told me she had a concussion, but she's fine. She'll stay in the hospital for the night. Now relax, mate, and for God's sake, slow down."

"Good," I rasped. "Did they tell you that what happened?"

"Well, the official sorry is that she fell down the stairs."

Official, huh?

"She fell?" I tired to stay focused on the road, but the rage flowed through my system like a hurricane. "Or someone pushed her?"

"Can't say. They aren't sure. I overheard a convo between Sir Reginald and the doc."

"Hold on tight, mate," I said before slamming my foot on the accelerator.

ABOUT TO HOURS LATER, I rushed into the hospital, straight toward Y/n's room. Thanks to Zachary, who look up the ambulance that Y/n was taken in and look up her her room number, so I knew which room she was in. I ran through the white walkways, passing doctors and patients whose heads turned after me, confused. I might've looked a little odd as my younger self, running throughout a hospital. But I didn't give a fuck. All that mattered was Y/n.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed as I nearly bumped into none other than Ben.

"Evenin'," Zachary threw out, casually walking a few steps beside me.

I looked around and saw Y/n's siblings standing by the door to Y/n's room. All of them gave me indignant looks. I rolled my eyes before turning my attention back to the "other" Ben standing before me with his arms crossed.

"I came to see my fiancée," he stated, and I scoffed.

"You're off the wall," I retorted. "She's not and never has been your fiancée."

Ben clenched his jaw, narrowing his eyes at me as if would scare me.

I tilted my head slightly to the side, looking deeply into his eyes. "But she'll be mine soon."

"What the hell did you say?" He moved closer to me.

"That you're a pain in my ass," I hissed before walking passing him. I didn't have time for this shit. I needed to see Y/n.

I was stop with Sir Reginald, guarding the door to the room Y/n was in, looking at me like an intruder they had to get rid of.

I rolled my eyes, exhaling deeply. "Step aside, old man."

"Im not your errand boy. I won't let you boss me around," Reginald whined. "Stay away from my daughter, Hargreeves!"

At his point, I was so fed up with his shit that I blink be-hide him, giving me access to Y/n's room. "How about now?" I tilted my head to the side watching all of them turned around with shocked expression.

Ben quickly made his way toward me with rage, but one of Y/n's sister grabbed Ben by his arm stoping him coming any closer to me. "Don't, Ben," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

Ben hesitated, swallowing hard. "I'll fucking ruin you." he hissed before yanking his arm out of his sisters grip.

I smirked, grabbing the doorknob, but before entering the room, I turned and winked at Ben. "That will be fun, brother-in-law."


"Y/n?" I whispered as I entered the room, quietly closing the door behind me.

I approached the bed and sat on the chair beside it. Y/n was asleep. She had a few bruises on her hands and a bandage on her head. I took a breath, running my fingers through my hair. An ice-cold shiver swept down my back at the thought of what could've happened. At the thought that I could've lose her this very night. It was a frightening thought, and I wasn't the type to get scared easily. In fact, I haven't since I was stuck in the apocalypse, where I was on my own, where I had to face challenges everyday. But the idea of losing Y/n... was fucking terrifying. It was even more frightening than the fact that I got so attached to her in such a short time, despite that being the last thing was supposed to happen.

I grabbed Y/n's hand and gently held it in mine, exhaling deeply. Despite her condition being stable, I knew she still wasn't safe. There was people who wanted her dead, including my family. And all I wanted at this point was to protect her. I already had a plan forming in my head. I knew what I had to do in order to make her untouchable. I knew there was only way to protect her from my family and dad.

She has to become one of us.

She had to become a Hargreeves. Again, but my family Hargreeves.

"M..." she muttered, bringing her hand to her head, and I straightened up. "My head."

"Y/n?" I fixed the pillow for her. "Careful, daring."

"Where am I?" She struggled to speck, probably still feeling groggy.

"You're in a hospital. You're safe."

"In a hospital?" She could barely keep her heavy eyelids open. "Why, What happened?"

"You don't remember?" I was slightly confused and disappointed. I was hoping I'd learn the truth about this incident from her.

"I don't remember anything."

"It's okay. What matters is that you've woke up. I was so damn worried." I sat on the edge of her bed, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "I'll call your doctor. He should examine you."

She furrowed her brows, staring at me intensely. "Wait... who are you?" she whispered, and my blood ran cold.

I froze. The world around me stopped turning. I looked into her eyes, terrified. Her voice kept ringing in my ears. Was it possible that she didn't remember me? Was the concussion so bad? An overwhelming feeling of regret and angst flooded my veins.

I lost her.

She didn't remember me. The moments we shared. The undeniable attraction pushing us toward each other like magnets. The effect she had on me. The effect I had on her. It was all gone.

I cleared my throat, trying to stay in control of my emotions.

"You don't know who I am, Y/n?"

"I'm sorry," she said softly, and my heart dropped to my stomach.

