chapter 2

Evelyn's POV

Approaching him, I held out my hand and introduced myself.
"Hi! I'm Evelyn Lerman. You must be Larry Smith, my date. Forgive me but you don't look like a Larry Smith. But don't worry, people often tell me I don't look like an Evelyn either. And you can call me Eve. Should I call you Lar?"

Then I let out a shrill cackle- a sure sign of nerves. By then, I knew that I was rambling like an idiot and not making much sense. I couldn't help it. I tend to turn into a nervous wreck in front of the opposite sex. And when I'm nervous, I tend to ramble.

I expected a response but nothing prepared me for his reaction. On second thoughts, I probably expected it deep down but was just in denial. Anybody would have his reaction if someone approached them like I did.

He was just sitting there looking me up and down with an odd look without saying anything.

I began to feel self-conscious under his scrutiny and my temper rose in response. I was always a level-headed person and prided myself in being able to handle tense situations. So, I blame it on the hot day for what happened next. I also hadn't eaten since I had tea and toast for breakfast. As a result, I was hungry and hot and exhausted. So, in my opinion, it was bound to happen. Words started spilling from my mouth.

"Hey Idiot! I'm talking to you. Are you deaf? Dumb? Mute? Or maybe my awesomeness and beauty left you dumbfounded?" I said sarcastically.

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. It was obvious he wanted to say something but was having trouble expressing it.

"Arrogant bastard! Just because you are hot doesn't give you the right to be rude. Seriously, What is wrong with men these days? Do they really think arrogance is attractive? Let me tell you this: It's not. In fact, it is the most unattractive quality ever to be found in someone. That is, next to vanity. See! Men like you are the reason why they say 'Chivalry is dead' and 'Appearances are deceptive'.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to continue when someone cleared their throat rather noisily. I turned to see a podgy, balding middle-aged man with a name tag identifying him as the manager.

"Is everything alright, Mr Hans?"

So the man's name was Mr Hans. I thought to myself. He must be an important customer if the manager knew him by name. It also explains his attitude.

"Wasn't I just talking because of this?" I muttered to myself.
"A man is rude to a woman yet another man had the audacity to ask the man if he is alright? How rude!! Is there any man left on this earth who is not rude?"

I looked up to see the men watching me with varying expressions on their faces. Mr Hans' with amusement in his eyes while the manager's was red with either anger or mortification or maybe both.

The manager cleared his throat again and shifted on his feet obviously trying to regain his polite composure. Turning to me, he said,
"Miss Lerman, I presume?"

Before I could open my mouth to ask him how he knew my name, he continued,
"Miss Lerman, if you please, your date has arrived and is waiting for you."
