
Virginia, 2014

"What have you got, Garcia?" Hotch asked, as soon as the team reunited in the conference room at the request of Penelope Garcia.

"I found the relevant servers." The tech analyst said, as she sat in front of her computer.

"How many were there?" Reid asked.

"D.C. area, 6." Garcia responded.

"We need to narrow it down." Blake said.

"We can ping the servers to see who's hard-lined in, but the second we start knocking, FBI data security is gonna know." Garcia said, as the team exchanged a few looks, knowing full well that having the FBI know they were still investigating the case was a terrible idea, considering they had been officially prohibited to keep searching for JJ. "It's not gonna be a big leap to figure out why we're doing this."

"We won't be here when they do." Morgan said, causing Garcia to nod.

"Ok. I'm going in." She said, starting to type again in her computer, before frowning a little. "It's not working. None of the servers are showing any active hard-lines."

"Then we're back to square one." Rossi said.

"No, no. We don't have time for that." Garcia shook her head, almost frantically, growing more and more worried for her friend with each passing moment. "It's already been 24 hours."

"JJ's beaming out of one of the sites." Hotch said, deciding to take a risk then, knowing they would have no other option if they wanted to still have a chance to find JJ alive. "We'll work our way down the list."

"Ok, sir, I'm sending coordinates now." Garcia nodded, watching as the rest of the team rushed out of the room, quietly praying that they did find JJ soon because they really were running out of time.

She stared at her computer for a few moments, hating the way the conference room seemed so quiet now that the rest of the team was off to try and locate JJ. She hated moments like this. Moments when her team - her family - was out in the field, putting their lives in danger with every move. She hated it and, even though it happened all the time, Garcia had never truly grown accustomed to it. She didn't think she ever would. She was always so anxious whenever the team figured out who their unsub was and took off to their house or their workplace or whatever secondary location they were using for their gruesome acts. She was always proud of them, it was true - when they saved a woman, or a child or a family or even when they didn't, but got to the unsub anyway so they wouldn't hurt anyone else... She was always so proud of them and so relieved whenever they got back home safe and in one piece, but those moments... Those hours they didn't talk to her, Penelope knew they were facing the worst of the worst that this Earth had to offer and it chilled her to the bone.

Which was exactly what she was feeling now. Actually, she was feeling worse than usual, with JJ in danger in the hands of a sadistic killer... Oh, her sweet, sweet JJ...

"Hang in there, JJ..." Penelope whispered to herself, as she stood in front of the window of the conference room, unable to remain sitting in her chair for too long now. "We're coming for you."

"Here." A new voice sounded from beside her, and Garcia almost jumped out of her skin in surprise. So lost in her thoughts, Garcia had almost missed the way Kevin walked into the conference room, but, upon recognizing him, she let out a relieved breath. "Try this."

Garcia frowned for a second, but when she noticed the cup in Kevin's hands that he was offering her, she shook her head.

"Tea? I'm not drinking tea." She said, sounding almost offended, even though she knew Kevin was just trying to help. "JJ's not drinking tea."

"You need to calm down." Kevin insisted, trying to pass Garcia the cup of tea in his hands.

"It's been 24 hours, Kevin." Garcia shook her head. "Do you know what happens after 24 hours? Because I do."

Kevin sighed then, knowing Garcia had been a great pile of nerves ever since JJ had been reported missing the day before, but unsure on how to help. He wanted to try and get her to drink the tea again, but before he could even open his mouth to speak up again, they heard a beeping sound coming from Garcia's computer. Snapping her head in the direction of the computer, Garcia was quick to rush over to it.

"What was that?" She asked to no one in particular, as she stood in front of the computer with a frown.

"Blackbird." Kevin read the word that had appeared in Garcia's computer. "What does that mean?"

"I have no idea." Garcia said, ready to reach out for the rest of the team to see if the word made sense to anyone, but, before she could, a new form appeared by the door.

"It's JJ." The woman said, as Garcia and Kevin lifted their eyes to look up at her. "Blackbird is JJ."

"Agent Moreno?" Garcia asked, as soon as she recognized the woman with bronze skin and long brown hair. "You... Is... I..."

"It's me." Dani smiled a little as she approached Garcia. "Garcia, right? Penelope Garcia?"

"Yes." Garcia nodded, before she allowed her eyes to fall on the other person beside Dani. "Emily..."

"Hi, Penelope." Emily smiled, rushing over to Garcia to give her a hug. "Well, I'm sure this could have been a much better reunion, but right now, we have other things to worry about." 

"Blackbird has to be JJ's panic code." Dani said, her eyes never once leaving the screen Garcia's computer as her heart hammered in her chest. "Can you trace it? It has to had come from wherever JJ is."

"I'm doing it." Garcia nodded, already typing away in her computer, some codes Dani had no knowledge about.

"Where's agent Hotchner?" Dani asked.

"He's out with the team." Garcia answered. "I've found a list of possible locations for JJ, but if this is JJ's code, I can send the location for them when I get it."

"Good." Dani nodded. "Send it to us too."

"Wait, where are you going?" Kevin asked, as Dani and Emily stopped for a moment and turned to look at him.

"We're meeting your team on site." Emily said and Dani nodded. They must have agreed to it on their flight back home, Penelope thought. "Connect us to them in the call. We'll just get a vest and a car and we'll be meeting them where JJ is."

"Okay." Garcia nodded, watching as Dani scribbled her phone number in a piece of paper for her so they could communicate. "I'll let them know you're coming."

"Thank you, Garcia." Dani nodded at her, smiling a little when Garcia did too.

"Bring us our girl back."

"I will." Dani promised, placing a gentle hand over Garcia's shoulder. "Whatever it takes... I'm gonna bring her back."

And, without another word, Emily pulled Dani out of the BAU and toward the garage, snatching two bullet-proof vests on their way there and putting it on in a haste. As soon as they were inside one of the SUV's, Dani turned on the engine, rushing with the car out of the garage. As soon as they was out in the street, Dani's phone rang and Emily quickly picked it up, putting it on speaker.

"Dani?" A man - Dani could only assume it was Hotchner - called.

"Hotch?" She called back, sighing in relief when the man hummed in agreement. "Yes, that's me."

"Where are you?" Hotch asked. "Is Prentiss with you?"

"I'm here Hotch. We're in the car." Emily said. "We're meeting you there. Did Garcia manage to find the location?"

"She's on call now." Hotch said. "You're with the rest of the team too. But go ahead, Garcia. What did you find?"

"Agent Moreno said Blackbird was JJ's code, so she must have logged in with the panic sequence that triggered a silent alarm. It's pretty standard protocol. Enter your security codes backwards and a preset alarm is activated, in this case, Blackbird." Garcia said, her words tumbling over one another in her hurry. She stopped suddenly, though, gasping quietly. "Oh, God, JJ sent that alert 30 minutes ago. They must have looped the system. That's why I couldn't read any hard-lines."

At those words, Dani felt her hand gripping the steering wheel. She knew JJ. She knew her enough to know she wouldn't break for nothing. If she had given Askari her codes - even if it had been her panic sequence - it meant... God, Dani didn't even want to think what it meant. She stepped in the gas, driving faster and harder than she ever had before.

"Which of the servers sent the message?" Hotch asked.

"Hum..." Garcia hummed quietly. "Wait a moment, I..."

"Hands where we can see them!" A new voice sounding through the phone and Dani frowned, exchanging a quick look with Emily.

Where they pulling Garcia away from her computer? They couldn't. If she didn't find the server, it would take them even longer to find JJ too and time was something they didn't have anymore.

"What? What? Whoa, whoa. Whoa."

Everything sounded like a mess, but Dani could imagine what was happening: the FBI had discovered the BAU was still working on the case and, now, they were trying to stop them. But, lucky for them all, Garcia was as quick as lightning when it came to work her computers and codes which meant, just before she started to be dragged away, she had found JJ's server and now, she just need to warn her team in a way that the agents pulling her out of the room wouldn't understand.

In one last desperate attempt to give the team the information they needed, Garcia yelled out what she hoped would be enough for them to understand.

"Utherlay oadchurchbray!" She yelled. "Utherlay oadchurchbray."

"You don't need to be a linguist to recognize bad Latin." Blake noted.

"Luther and Broadchurch is the location of Cramer Industries." Reid said, as he looked down at the list of possible locations Garcia had given them. "It's a research and development company."

"R&D." Morgan said. "That's gotta be a front for clandestine operations."

"Did you get that, Moreno?" Hotch asked, as Dani nodded.

"Loud and clear, Hotch." She responded.

"Good." He said. "Rossi, send Moreno the address. We'll be waiting for you there."

"Okay." Dani nodded, noticing already the text a new number had sent her with the address.

"Hang on." Hotch called, probably swerving the car so that he could drive himself and the team to JJ's location.

After that, the call ended and Dani was able to bring up the map she needed to guide herself and Emily toward where they needed to go. To where JJ was being held, to where she needed to be.

"Hang in there, Jay..." Dani mumbled, to no one in particular. "Your team is coming for you. I am coming for you."

"She'll be fine, Dani." Emily assured, even if she wasn't so sure of it herself. "She's a though one, you know she is."

Dani truly wasn't sure how long she had been driving. It could've been five minutes or five hours, she would be able to tell, but, eventually, she did arrive at the company and she and Emily jumped out of the car as soon as they noticed Hotch and the rest of the team standing nearby.

"Moreno. Prentiss." Hotch greeted, as the women nodded at him, unable to even smile at him due to the stress of the whole situation. "Good to see you. Now, come on."

Dani and Emily nodded then, following Hotch and the team inside the company. As soon as they walked through the front door - all cladded in their FBI vests and looking all official and somber -, one of the guards was quick to rush over to them.

"Where's the server mainframe?" Hotch asked.

"Subterranean level." The guard responded.

"Which way is that?" Dani asked.

"Through the warehouse." The guard said.

"Show us." Hotch said, and the guard nodded, quickly making his way through the building and then the warehouse, pointing them out to a door.

"The mainframe is just over there." The guard said.

"Thank you." Hotch nodded, causing the guard to nod back at him and leave. As soon as he was out, Hotch turned to Dani, Emily and his team. " Let's split up to cover more ground. Reid, Prentiss, you stay with Morgan. Rossi, you're with Blake. Moreno, you're with me. Now, let's go. Let's go find JJ."
