
Kiyotaka Ayanokouji's Monologue

I'll admit.

Sleeping next to Kei is kind of awkward.

I've never slept with someone else ever since I was a kid.

This was something new for me so I didn't know what I should do.

I'll probably just go to sleep.

"Good night Kei."

"Y-Your going to s-sleep already?" Kei asked me.

"Yes is there a problem?"

"No I just thought that since this is my first time sleeping with you it would be great if we could talk a little before going to sleep."

All she wanted was to have a normal conversation with me.

A conversation a boyfriend and girlfriend would have.

"Alright then, what do you want to discuss with me?"

"Well I want to know more about you."

I can't tell Kei the truth, at least not yet.

"Well I didn't do anything out of the ordinary before I came to this school."

"Really? Then how did you get so strong? What did you practice?"

"Piano and Tea Ceremony."

"Really? That's it?!"

"Shh, don't scream or Horikita is gonna hear us." I told her but Horikita had already been awake.

"I can already hear you, and didn't you say it was calligraphy?" Said Horikita.

"Well yeah, that too."

"Be quiet and go to sleep you two, if what you are talking about has nothing to do with school then don't talk at all."

"Who do you think you are Horikita?! We can do whatever we want now can't we?!" Said Kei.

"If you do I promise that when we get back I'll tell everyone that Ayanokouji-kun is your boyfriend and that you two were sleeping together."

Kei seemed shaken by her words and we both agreed on going to sleep for now.

"Damn that Horikita. Goodnight Kiyo."

"Goodnight Kei."

9 Hours Later

"Ayanokouji-kun, Karuizawa-san wake up, we have to go to school."

Horikita was the first to wake up.

It was 6AM.

One hour before school starts.

"I'm going to take a bath, if I catch you trying to look I'll kill you here and now."

Horikita sure was scary when she means things.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything that doesn't seem right to you."

She stared at me for a while and she then left to take a bath.

I had to wake up Kei.

"Kei wake up, we have to go to school."

She wouldn't wake up.

"Let's stay like this for a little longer, please." She was now awake.

"We can't, we have to get ready to go."


I had to wait for Kei to get out of bed so she could leave and I could get changed.

"Kei could you get out for a moment while I change."

"Y-You don't have to worry about that, we're d-dating so I don't mind seeing you n-naked once in a while." She said so while blushing, she was trying a little too hard.

"Well then you wouldn't mind me seeing you naked either now would you?"

She quickly ran out the room.

"I'll wait outside! Tell me when your done!"

I took off some of my clothes but because I was thinking about Kei I forgot that Horikita was also here and so she came out the bathroom while I was half-naked.

"W-What do you think your doing?"

"I'm getting changed."

"You could've waited for me to get out!"

"Your already out aren't you?"

"I'm leaving, hurry up before Karuizawa sees this."

"She's already waiting outside."


"Huh? What were you two doing?! And what took you so long?!" Said Kei clearly jealous of me and Horikita being together.

"Like I would do anything with someone like him."

"We weren't doing anything, she waited until I had changed to get out of the bath." I told her.

"I'll believe you for now."

She still didn't seem satisfied, a kiss would be a way to calm her down, but that would be awkward since Horikita was here and me and Kei had never kissed before.

"Let's get going you two." Said Horikita not wanting to hear any more complaints from Kei.

We started walking but Horikita decided to be walking in front of us.

"You know I sometimes wonder if Horikita even likes men." Said Kei whispering into my ear.

"I heard that, whatever my prefrences are it shouldn't concern you." Said Horikita.

2 Hours Later

Today was the day we went on a field trip.

It doesn't seem like anything special to me but Horikita was sort of worried for some reason.

"What's the matter." I asked her.

"I haven't talked to you about this but I got a call last night from Chabashira-sensei."

"Really? What did she say?"

"She said that one of the first year's was going to join us today, she didn't tell me her name, she's also not coming to the trip since it'll be while for her to get here, but I'm not sure why they'd want to send her with us."

"She probably requested to be with us."

"Do you actually believe they'd listen to her?"

What she said was true, even if you wanted to be in a different group, they wouldn't let you.

"What are you two talking about over here?" Said Kei interrupting our conversation.

"We were talking about a new students that's going to join us today." I told her.

"Really? Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl, and she's a first year, but I can't remember her name." Said Horikita.

"What a pain, now I'm gonna have two girls to watch out for?!"

"I have already told you I have nothing to do with Ayanokouji-kun, he's just someone that wants to help me reach class-A."


She quickly glared while trying to tell me 'shut up or I'll stab you.'

I could see her compass coming out of her pocket so I took Kei and we went inside the train.

I could immediately hear chatting going on as soons as we got in.

"So how should we sit?" I heard Yui say.

"However we want?"

"Let's wait for the new students to come." Said Yumiko.

We tried to avoid them but Yumiko grabbed me by my arm.

"You're already here huh, Ayanokouji-kun. Come sit next to me."

"No he's sitting next to me!" Kei quickly neglected the idea of me sitting next to Yumiko.

"Huh? Why don't you want him to sit with me, it's not like you guys are dating or anything right."

"As a matter of fact we are, come on Kei, let's sit at the back." I told her.

I could tell most of them were shocked because of their silence.

I found a spot near the back of the train and sat next to Kei, to my surprise there was someone sitting there already.

It was Hachiman Hikigaya.

A loner who didn't seem like he wanted to talk to any of us.

"Would you mind if we sit here?" I asked him.

"Huh? Oh, go ahead."

It was a bit awkward sitting next to him so I tried to start a conversation.

"So do you like being alone?"

Not a typical way to start a conversation but it seemed most appropriate for me to ask.

"What do you mean, of course I like being alone, high school life is nothing but a lie they teach us when were younger."

"Is that so, that's one to put it."

I would've liked to continue our conversation but I saw Yui coming to the back of the train to join us.

"Whew, this isn't easy." She said sounding tired.

"Did something happen?" Asked Kei.

"Well Tobecchi hasn't made a move since he's so freaked out of Kawasaki sitting next to him."

I don't know much about Kawasaki, just that's she's a girl of few words since I haven't seen her speak to anyone.

"I just hope those two would get some alone time."

"There's no point if there alone if they won't do anything." I told them.

Kei decided to fall asleep on my shoulder since she couldn't sleep at all last night because of me.

I guess I'll fall asleep as well.

Well that's one way to end the chapter.

Sorry for taking so long to update but I've been kind of busy reading volume 7 which just arrived yesterday.

Anyways what volume of classroom of the elite did you guys like the most?

Thanks for reading.
