Pt. 15



"Princess Pricilla, your grace" My guard announces as I slip behind my changing screen. "Do let her in" I hum. "Asteria" Pricillas unusually small voice fills the chamber. "Yes?" I question, confused. "Can we go for a ride? I need to talk to you" She replies, making Caroline huff as she just finished the buttons on my intricate dress. 

"Of course, can you get me something more suitable?" I ask, shooting an "I'm sorry" smile to the lady. With a nod, she slips out to collect something easier to ride in and I join Pricilla in front of the fireplace. "What is this about?" I ask, noticing the deer in the headlights look. "I just need to get it all out" She replies, sending a small smile my way as Caroline returns.



"Why must you always leave me in the dust?" Pricilla whines, catching up to my now still horse. "Because I am your older sister, and it's what I do" I giggle, earning an eye roll. Stopping in front of the lake we rode to, I slide off the large horse and wrap the lead around a strong branch.

 "Now, what was it you wanted to chat about?" I ask, leaning against the gelding. "I don't think I can be a queen" She huffs. Pricilla has always had the attitude of she can do anything, so admitting her thoughts must have taken a lot of pondering and worry. "What do you mean? Of course, you can" I laugh, shaking my head. "I am not you, Asteria. I can't control a whole country and have a family and not fail" She explains. 

I'm not surprised this is coming up, before I left for France I felt the same way. "Pricilla, you are more than ready and capable to do this. You don't just turn 18 and all of a sudden be able to handle everything, it comes with experience" I reply. "I don't want to fail, how humiliating for you and I. Can you imagine?" She mumbles. 

"No matter what you do, you will always be my sister and I will be here to help pick up your pieces" I hum, pulling the slightly taller girl into a hug. "You sound like dad" She hums into my shoulder, her breathing calming. "Well, I do find myself sounding more and more like him as I age" I laugh, letting the girl relax before racing her back to our rides.



Riding back into the palace, the stable hands take the two horses. "Thank you" I hum, linking my arms with the young princess as we walk the gardens. "I don't know why you're concerned, you know I'll drop anything to be at your aid" I say, reassuring the girl. "And while I appreciate that, you have enough to look after. I am a strong woman, as strong women raised me" She says. 

Before I could reply, one of the guards came jogging down the path at us. "Yes?" I question, confused by the man. "They've caught the rouge men that killed your father and brother. You're needed in Slovenia" The man huffs while trying to catch his breath. "Go pack" I reply sternly to Pricilla, my attitude suddenly hard at the mention of the men. I need to find my husband, and I need to get back to my country.  

Hello, my loves! So I have a question, would you all be interested in a book about Pricillas life? Or one about Hera's future? Just food for thought!

