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"What do you mean no?" I asked looking at her a bit confused.

"Do you want me to say it in Spanish?" She responded.

"Baby" I laughed, "you really don't need that job anymore, I can take care of you."

"Jude I'm not quitting right now, I wasn't raised to be dependent. The plan was to do this until summer, if it bothers you so much after I'm through with the internship, I'll get another part time job"

"Alright fair," I conceded, her mind was made up and once it's set in motion on something, I knew to quit while I was ahead.

I was so happy when I texted asking if I could come over and she said yes, honestly I felt like I was becoming a little too attached, to the point I was dreading my upcoming trip. I'll have to be back in England soon for a few days and I know she would not be able to come because of school.

As we laid in bed together, watching her comfort TV show Friends, I felt at peace. The soft glow of the television cast a gentle glow across her features as she laughed at the familiar scenes. In that moment, everything felt easier with her by my side.

I couldn't help but look down at her, taking in the way her eyes sparkled with amusement. It was moments like these that made me realize how lucky I was to have her in my life. She brought happiness to me in a way, I had never experienced before without having to do anything too, other than just herself.

But amidst the comfort and contentment, there was a bit of sadness nagging at the back of my mind. I leave in a few hours, I thought I had more time but something else came up on the schedule which threw everything off. The thought of being apart from her, even for a short time, left me feeling strangely empty.

I glanced at her once more, trying to push aside the thoughts that could overshadow our evening together. She caught my gaze and smiled, her eyes reflecting the same affection and tenderness that I felt for her.

"Stop watching me, watch the show" she mumbled as she shifted to get more comfortable.

"I'm just thinking" I said as I played in her hair. She took up the remote and paused it.

"About what?" She asked meeting my gaze.

"You" I said kissing her cheek, "I can't wait to be back"

"You'll only be gone for three days" she smiled.

"That's too much" I frowned.

She laughed, repositioning herself as she got on top of me. "Let's make the most of our time then" she said before planting a kiss on my lips. I held her waist as her soft lips felt perfectly against mine. She began moving her hips, I was only in my boxers so it was easy for me to get hard and for her to feel it.

I felt her hands on it as she took it out, I was surprised at how comfortable and confident she has become. But I also felt proud and my smiled reflected that. I watched as she shifted her underwear then she slowly slid down on it, with both of us releasing a groan. Her warmth wrapped around my dick was one of the best feelings in the world.

"Don't get me pregnant" she said into my ears as before she slowly started to rock her hips back and forth as her lips met mine once more


As I stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac at the airport, I inhaled freely I loved being home, I hated being away from my girl but I really do love being home.

It was 9 am, and the day held endless possibilities. The events of last night still plagued in my mind, a smile playing on my lips as I recalled Brielle surprising me, with new things she wanted to try, I was sad she couldn't be hear but I'm sure there will be other times.

Exiting the airport, I was met by a driver holding a sign with my name, a welcome sight after a long flight. I offered a nod of thanks before following him to the waiting car.

The drive to the hotel was a blur of familiar sights and sounds, the city streets passing by in a blur. Despite having my own place in the city, I found myself staying at the hotel arranged by the team. It was a decision that puzzled me, but I trusted their judgment.

Upon arriving at the hotel, I wasted no time in getting settled. Changing into my England kit, I felt a bit of pride as I pulled on the familiar fabric. With purpose driving me forward, I made my way to the training ground, ready to tackle the day's tasks.

Arriving at the training ground, I was greeted by the sight of my teammates, the first being Saks.

"Jude, it's been a hot minute, yeah?" he said, giving me a hug.

"You're right, it has been," I laughed. "Super proud of the season you're having, by the way."

"Thanks, bro. You already know you're the man, so I don't have to say much," he said confidently, which made me laugh. I love Saks; he's such a delight to be around.

"Nobody cares about my season?" I turned around to see Rashford.

"Rashy," I laughed before giving him a hug.

"Our favorite Latino, welcome back," Rashford said, which made Saks laugh harder than I had expected. I shook my head at both of them.

"Me Spanish is actually getting better, Joรฃo Bellinghรฃo coming soon," I said, Rashy lost it as he laughed holding on to Saks.

"Did anyone tell you what exactly they'll be filming?" Rashford asked once he gathered himself, as we now looked around the busy room.

"It was in the email, but to be honest, I didn't read it," I confessed.

"Same, I'm just here to talk about my hot sauce, really," Saka said.

As we chatted, a woman approached us, introducing herself as Emma, the social media manager for the team. She explained that they would be filming a segment for the team's YouTube channel, where we would answer rapid-fire questions about each other in a fun game.

"Jude you're up against Marcus and Saka you're up against" she said checking her phone, "Declan"

Emma continued to explain the rules. We had two minutes to answer as many questions as we could about our teammate, and the person with the most points after three rounds would win. At the end of each round the questions the team mate got wrong or couldn't answer, will be revealed by the opposing teammate. But to make things more interesting my points and Rashford's points would be added together so would Saks and Rice to see which group won overall.

I glanced over at Saka and Rice, who were already getting into the competitive spirit, trash-talking each other with playful grins.

"Wait, Saks got Rice, that's not fair," I protested. "They play for Arsenal; they see each other more and communicate more."

Saka chuckled, shaking his head. "You're so competitive. What does that have to do with anything?

"What do you mean? Everything actually" I exclaimed.

"Just accept the challenge and let the best man win." Saks said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. Saka had a point; I was always up for a challenge.

Saka and Rice were up first, they dove into the game with enthusiasm, bantering back and forth as they answered questions about each other. Their knowledge of one another was impressive, and it was clear that their bond extended beyond the pitch. However, Rashford and I, were dying on the side lines whenever they got questions wrong.

As the final round came to a close, Saka emerged as the victor, narrowly edging out Rice with his quick wit and knowledge of his teammate.

"You're too good at this," Rice grumbled playfully, conceding defeat with a grin.

Saka laughed, clapping Rice on the back. "Better luck next time. Maybe you should spend more time studying up on me."

Emma invited Rashford and I up. We both sat across from each other.

Now it was my turn to face the rapid-fire questions about Rashford. As Emma began firing off questions, I did my best to recall everything I knew about my teammate. Rashford's favorite movie, pre-game snack, and childhood idol were just a few of the questions thrown my way.

"Time's up!" Emma announced, and we all cheered as I tallied up my points.

"Alright, let's do this" Rashford said in his cool and collected manner, ready to take on the challenge.

Emma started the game, firing off questions about my favorite food, pre-match rituals, hidden talents. Rashford answered each question confidently, earning points with each correct response.

But as the game progressed, he stumbled over some although great for me, because I could win. It still made me want to slap him.

"Who is Jude's football idol?" Emma asked.

"Zidane," Rashford replied, sounding unsure.

Emma paused, glancing at her notes before nodding. "That's correct!"

"What year was Jude born?" She asked, Rashford started looking around the room, rubbing down his legs as if that would help him remember or know the answer.

"Aw mate, this one is easy!" I said shaking my head at him.

"2001" Rashford blurted out.

"Incorrect" she responded, which made Rashford cover his face, I couldn't help but to laugh at him.

"I'm only 20 mate." I said shaking my head at him.

As the game progressed, Emma fired off more questions, putting Rashford's knowledge of me to the test.

"What age did Jude make his professional debut for Birmingham City?" she asked.

Rashford furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Uh, 16?" he ventured.

Emma nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Correct!"

Rashford pumped his fist in triumph, clearly pleased with himself.

"True or False, Jude Bellingham is single" She said, that question caught me off guard and so did it for Rashford.

We all looked at him waiting for his answer.
