Amusement Park With Derek

So the video above (or beside) shows what the rides like. No I've never been on it but I would love to.
Have you ever been on it?
Word count: 333


The pack knows Derek as the sour wolf but when it comes to you and Amusement parks he shows his kid side.

You both love rides but you draw the line when it comes to Tatsu. Also known as the fastest, tallest and longest roller coaster in the world.

"Come on, Y/N! This is the best ride here." Derek begs
"But also the scariest." You mutter.
"Awe is my little girl scared?" He teases.
"Oh F off." You reply glaring at him.
"But seriously nothing bad will happen and I promise I'll be there to protect you. So please?"
"Okay then." You sigh.

You were only getting buckled in your seat and your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest.
"Hey, Y/N. Why didn't you tell me you were scared I wouldn't of made you go on it."
"Well it's too late now isn't it." You snap at him.

What? Okay you know you shouldn't of snapped but they already finished buckling you in and the countdown had started.
"Y/N don't worry," he sighs "I'll be here for you." He grabs your hand and squeezes it.
"3...2....1..." The countdown finished before the train zipped off and up the first bit.

"That was the scariest ride I've ever been on but I have to admit I loved it." You stated while Derek was treating you for lunch.
"So you want to go on it again?" He smirks.
"Oh heck no! I'm never going on that death trap again." You shouted.

Derek laughed and after he leaned in
"I'm glad you're not mad at me." Which he finishes with a kiss.
You pull away for a second "No I'll be too afraid you'll turn back into the Sour Wolf." You laugh before kissing him.
