Meaning Behind: Out of the Woods

Taylor Swift Says She's Taking Time Off After 1989 Tour: 'I Think People Might Need a Break From Me'

"It just kind of conjured up all these feelings of anxiety I had in a relationship where everybody was watching, everybody was commenting on it," she says of "Out of the Woods." "You're constantly just feeling like, 'Are we out of the woods yet? What's the next thing gonna be? What's the next hurdle we're gonna have to jump over? Are we gonna make it to next week?' It was interesting to write about a relationship where you're just honestly like, 'This is probably not gonna last, but how long is it gonna last?' Those fragile relationships... It doesn't mean they're not supposed to happen. The whole time we were having happy memories or crazy memories or ridiculously anxious times, in my head it was just like, 'Are we OK yet? Are we there yet? Are we out of this yet?'"

"I had this idea of like, you know, when you're in love -- along the lines of 'Out of the Woods' -- it's very precious, it's fragile. As soon as the world gets ahold of it, whether it's your friends or people around town hear about it ... it's kind of like the first thing people want to do when they hear that people are in love is just kind of try to ruin it, if they're not the greatest human beings," she says.

"I kind of was in a place where I was like, 'No one is gonna sign up for this. There are just too many cameras pointed at me. There are too many ridiculous elaborations on my life. It's just not ever gonna work,'" Swift admits.

You can watch the full video of Swift talking about "Out of the Woods" and "I Know Places" at the Grammy Pro website.

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How about Out of The Woods MV?

I think these branches represents rumors, haters, and maybe her exes or Harry Styles.

They all start growing up and make trouble in her life and stop her to find herself.

She is on her way to find herself after all the breakups.

Wolves represents media.

She is on her way! But wolves (media) is watching her.

She is trying to go but the branches (haters, exes, Harry) are stopping her.

Wolves (media) are now ready to chase her and stop her to find herself. She is trying to avoid hates and false rumors about her (that's why she is trying to run away from the wolves)

She fell, it means that she wants to avoid the hate but she is making more mistakes because of pressure. But she still wants to run away and not to give up.

Wolves (media) finally chased her (making more rumors and hate on her).

Now, she is on the new way. But she still wants to know what she really wants and who she really is. Maybe, this new place means that she changed into pop singer but the wolves (media) are still there.

And going into pop, she got more haters. That's why the quantity of the wolves (haters and media) here are getting more.

She is not running now. Maybe, she became tired of running away from hates. That's why she threw her necklace.

The necklace represents Harry Styles. They both had paper airplane necklace (back the time they were dating). She also used that in her Style music video.

She broke up with Harry because the media is watching their relationship or because of pressure and hate. She doesn't really want to threw that necklace that's why she is still trying to chase it.

That proves that she never wanted to broke up with him, she only did that because of hate and pressure.

Now, there was nothing left to do, no more ways so she had to do it! She has only one thing to do.. to jump. This represents her change.

Sea represents that her change made her fall so hard but she is trying to go up. Maybe the snow means that in this change, she had to face more problems.

She realized the change and problems.

Avalanche represents her fans. She stopped and can't find herself anymore because of the problems and hate (the ice that made her stop) she had. But her fans (avalanche) are trying to push her to happiness and support her.

Her fans made her stronger and now she can escape.

Mud/dirt represents more problems.

Branches (media and haters) are getting more and try to bring her down and stop her again on finding herself.

She is stucked on the branches (hate and media).

She opened her eyes. She now know what to do.

Her fans helped her to escape from hate (branches)

She is standing now on her own! She became more powerful. (fans, fame and love)

Now, she saw the way to get out at all of these and find herself.

All trees and branches (media and rumors) are fading away and more people are loving her.

She lost Harry, she lost some of her country fans but in the end she finally found who she really is, what she really wants and herself. Now she know what she was supposed to be.

She lost him but she found herself and somehow that was everything.

-- A line at the end of Out of the Woods Music Video
