iii| L'inizio

L'inizio = The beginning

The buzz of the Formula 1 paddock during testing was something that Lucia Romono was not used to, having been in a Formula 2 paddock for years. She was, however, used to being at the Pitwall. She also knew that she'd still be in the F2 paddock from time to time to visit their newest juniors.

Despite Lamborghini being a new team, Lucia was quick to persuade the company to start a junior team while they could to encourage people that they were serious about their position. They had two Formula 2 drivers, two Formula 3 drivers and two F1 Academy drivers.

Lucia had been quick to secure the only Formula 3 driver, Sophia Floersch, before Alpine could. She'd also secured Nikita Bedrin as the team felt it would be best to support an Italian. 

Most of the F2 drivers already had academies so Lucia wasn't left with much choice but she'd chosen Clément Novalak and Kush Maini as the strongest choices. 

As for the new F1 Academy, Lucia had been in a lot of conversations before deciding to sign Jessica Edgar and Marta Garcia after great results previously from both. She wanted to get early with singing two of the drivers. 

Of course, Lucia's main concern was Formula 1 but that never stopped her from supporting new drivers coming up into the sport. She planned on making the team a success and one way to do so was preparing the future of drivers.

In a way, Lucia found it quite amusing to stroll through the paddock and have people staring at her like she was some kind of myth. She had a lot of confidence as she walked, standing reasonably tall with a cool look that sometimes didn't suit her Italian accent. Despite people not particularly wanting her and the team there, she was walking with her Lamborghini symbol proudly on her shirt in Bahrain.

A lot of payouts had to happen for them to agree for the new team and it was starting all over again as Andretti was trying to get into the sport. Lucia knew the reason they were finding it harder was the reluctance of an American team to join that always proved their success elsewhere. The other f1 teams didn't want to lose out on more money. It had already taken Lamborghini years.

"Lucia! Ciao!" Came the voice of Andrea Stella

"Ciao," Lucia replied politely, stopping in her steps.

"I was wondering when I would see you," said Andrea. "It has been years."

Andrea Stella and Lucia Romono knew each other briefly, both being Italians and within the same field. Andrea was the 2023 Team principal for McLaren racing.

"You are the first to speak to me," Lucia commented as they shook hands. "People are curious but say nothing."

"Do not say that too soon," Andrea whispered. "Sky Sports presenters stalk you after sessions."

"They want the star of the show, no?" Lucia hummed.

Andrea smiled and made his way into the McLaren garage.  Lucia adjusted the sunglasses on her face and carried on down the paddock towards Lamborghini. Since they were the new team and the order of the garages went in the previous year's championship, they were at the bottom next to Haas. 

"Ciao!" Lucia called as she entered the garage.

Greetings echoed around the garage as Lucia smiled at her staff, glad to see them all at work as if they'd been doing this for years. Most of the team had come from other teams, Indycar or other series so they knew what they were doing. Luca also did a good job of making sure they knew what they were doing.

"Hello Daniel, Mick," Lucia nodded. "How do you feel?"

"I feel great," Daniel nodded as he jumped slightly. "Excited."

"We're aiming to get some really good readings today from the cars," Lucia insisted. "So I will apologise for how demanding the engineers will be but please do your best for them."

Daniel and Mick nodded. They understood the drill from previous years but it was even more important for a team who'd never built a Formula 1 car before.

"We want to hear all problems, no matter how small," Lucia added. "Okay. I will leave you in peace."

Over the course of the testing days, there were problems but it was inevitable for a new team. Most of the problems could be fixed day by day to help the drivers, while others were something that needed work at the factory. Overall, Lucia felt rather confident about their first season, hoping to establish as a mid-field team by the end of it.

Lucia was patient but she was ambitious.

Daniel was incredibly valuable to the team because he knew exactly what to tell them about how the car felt, which had been more positive than it had negative. Mick was lovely but he was less experienced than Daniel, Lucia knew that and took everything into consideration.

By the end of the weekend, Lucia felt they'd start with a bang this season and she'd rather quit than let her team come last without a lot of trying not to. (even if they were new and the company knew that).

"Lucia," Matthew called. "They want to interview you. You have been avoiding them all weekend, I think now is the time."

"Merda." Lucia cursed. "I'll be there in a five. Emilo!"

The young media creator looked up from where he was taking pictures of the cars in the garage, skillfully making it perfect for social media.

"Take a break, you've been at it all day and I caught you not taking a dinner break," Lucia demanded. "Go on, hospitality is there for a reason."

Emilo nodded and scrambled to do what the Team Principal had demanded. He was a lovely man and worked damn hard, Lucia wanted to make sure he was taking care of himself.

"Who's interviewing?" Lucia questioned.

"Ted Kravits, who else..." Matthew replied.

Lucia nodded, standing tall and making her way to where the chairs were. She knew it was in her job description to deal with the media but she liked the mystery and privacy of her team. She was there to give the viewers what they wanted when possible but her team came first.

"Hello," Lucia greeted, shaking Ted's hand.

"Hi Lucia," Ted nodded. "I'll get right to it. A lot of people were really wanting to know how this weekend went for you in the garage."

"It has been going well," said Lucia, Italian accent prominent. "I am very happy with the car and my drivers."

"What made you pick Daniel Ricciardo and Mick Schumacher?" Ted questioned curiously. "We know you tried to sign Robyn Saunders and Anneli Raikkonen."

"Well, Robyn wanted to stay with Mercedes and Anneli, at the time, was a few points off a super license," Lucia explained. "Daniel was always a choice for us when we heard about McLaren, I think he is too good to go to waste but he'd just had a bad experience. I think Mick needs somewhere with a little less pressure to start of with so he can find the right drive."

"You seem to go on a lot about taking things slow but is getting points not on your mind?"

"Getting points will always be on my mind but I do not want them to feel like we are in a position to get podiums during our first season. I would love that but I will not force my drivers into stressing about it this season," Lucia continued. "This is the Lamborghini way and I shall run it as such."

"We know you have quite the background in the sport and you clearly know what you are talking about," Ted continued. "How did Lamborghini approach you to take this on?"

"People can be reluctant to take on a new team but that is not me," Lucia struggled. "They wanted someone who had an extensive background and was preferably Italian. That is how it happened."

"And do you feel like you can build this team up?"

"I would not be here if I didn't."

"I saw you earlier this weekend talking to Andrea Stella but I haven't seen you talk to many of the other Team Principals yet...we know there was a meeting, how did it go?"

"It went as you would expect from a meeting," Lucia gave him a tight-lipped smile. "They want safety and having twenty-two cars on the grid will be more difficult. I can't go into too much but currently, everything is fine."

"Alright, thank you, Lucia. Good Luck for the season."

Okay...Poll time. 

Who would you like Lucia to be friends with? (Max: two votes)

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