Another Day in Paradise

Milly's POV

It was just another day at Jurassic world, as with any large tourist attraction, there were masses of people all busying around gawking and dinosaurs and taking photos. Unlike all of those tourists, I had a very busy day, making sure those attractions stayed that way.

I had to check on our resident T-Rex, who was called Roxy. She was the same T-Rex from the original park and so attracted lists of attention especially from die-hard fans who loved to reminisce about the failed park. Then I had to see to Daphne (the Mosasaurus). Finishing off my day with a date with the Raptors.  My job was to observe their training, my job title of vet extended to many other aspects of park life too. I needed to make sure the raptors were being looked after correctly and their training wasn't causing them any serious harm.

I have been working at the park for 4 years now, after being hired by Mr Simon Masrani himself, straight out of college, when he started reopening the park. He needed someone to oversee the 'attractions' and that his newest business venture would work out for him. I jumped at the chance; it's a once in a lifetime job.

Upon beginning, each worker is gifted with a dinosaur egg, fresh from the lab. The idea is we all have our own animals, and feel a special bond to Jurassic World. I was sceptical until my egg hatched, releasing a beautiful baby triceratops,whom I named Fern. When she got older, and too big to live in the nursery, I had to release her into the plains with the other herds; I regularly go and visit her as she is my favourite animal.

I started my day by getting the goat ready for Roxy- I needed to check that the goat was safe for her to eat and then put it on a rope ready for feeding. Once this was done I saw the crowd of people assembling in front of the glass panels, cameras in hands and mouths wide. I knew it was time to begin my talk. 'This is Roxy our resident T-Rex, now she's a little shy and flashes from cameras can startle her so please keep the pictures to a minimum folks and turn off the flash' I hated how commercialised this park has become, everyone seemed to view these creatures as asserts rather than the animals they were, with feelings and instincts. Having given the crowd time to snap their holiday pictures, I continued my speech 'Roxy is the same t-Rex that Hammond had in his park 22 years ago. So she's been here for longer than all of us and technically this is her island.'

As I opened my mouth to speak my next line, my radio started going off, interrupting me. Knowing I had to answer it, I nodded at my colleague before speaking again 'I'll hand you over to my colleague to tell you more, thank you for listening to me' I said as i handed the microphone over.

I answered the radio and a familiar voice came through 'Milly! Listen Owen is about to start training so you need to come down right away to do your assessment' the strong accented voice broke through the radio. I smiled to myself thinking of the speaker 'Yeah, no problem Barry, thank you, I'm on my way' I ran back to the hut where I had prepared the goat and grabbed my things. I got into my little white 4x4 and drove to the raptor paddock.

I pulled up at the paddock, everyone was flocked around, eyes trained on Owen, stood on the walkway above the paddock, attempting to talk to the raptors. I climbed out of my car, grabbing the assessment sheets and equipment I would need and walked through the crowd, up onto the walkway. 'hey!' I whispered, tapping Barry on the shoulders, trying not to disturb Owen or his raptors. 'Hello miss Milly' He replied with his usual big grin. Barry was one of my first friends upon my arrival at the island and he always helped me out.

'How's it going?' I asked after a few moments of watching Owen in silence, Barry just gestured with a smile to the 4 eager raptors paitently watching Owen. He held his hand up as he spoke to them and they had their eyes fixed on him, they followed his every move. I smiled, he was doing really well with them. Finally he finished and threw them all a rat each before sending them running off.

He turned and saw me 'Mil? What you doing here? You lost?' He then smirked, before giving me a slight shove. 'Very funny Owen but I'm here to check you're actually doing your job properly, popular opinion back at base is you actually just spend all your time trying to tan' he laughed and pulled me into a hug. We are best friends and have shared a bungalow together for the last 3 years, we became friends as soon as Owen arrived (I was given the terrible task of showing him around, I found it boring and thought he was a little self absorbed having been recruited right from the navy) and when the boiler in my bungalow broke I moved in with Owen and never got round to leaving again.

Our hug was interrupted by the sound of heavy hands clapping, I turned to see Vic Hoskins, I absolutely hated him. The way he viewed the creatures as purely assets made my blood boil. He had no regard for their health or wellbeing and this made me want to break his jaw. Owen knew this, he pushed me to one side, as if moving me out of the way, and went to talk to Vic.

I walked down to see the raptors who were running around and began to fill out my assessment forms. Suddenly one of the interns started shouting about something to do with a pig; there was a loud squeal and the next thing I saw was the intern flying over the walkway and landing in the paddock.

'Owen!' I screamed, he quickly looked round and noticed the intern, without hesitation he ran to the paddock gate, opening it and throwing himself inside the paddock, between the intern and his raptors who were now surrounding Owen and hissing. My heart stopped in my chest as I watched with terror as Owen began to talk to the raptors, his arms placed out in front of them. This was the first time they had had human interaction without a barrier of some sort to separate them.

Owen's voice became stern and low as he commanded the raptors. Amazingly, they seemed listened to him and did as they were told, he managed to back them up so the intern could run out. The intern raced out as Owen commanded the gate be shut. He narrowly avoided being caught in the paddock as he slid under the shutting gate. The raptors now hot on his heels. He pulled himself back up from the ground as I raced towards him.

'That was amazing but stupidly dangerous! Imagine if it hadn't have worked out! Your training might not have been that successful' I gave him a punch in the shoulder, he smiled then I saw Vic smirk from over my shoulder. Owen walked up to him again and he didn't look happy whilst I stood and smirked at the intern who Blue was now trying to eat through the cage. 'Blue' I muttered walking up to her, she looked at me with wide eyes- 'no' I said as I shook my head slowly, she grunted before turning and running off.

I walked over to the intern and helped him up 'you the new guy ey?' He nodded 'why do you thinking there was a job opening?' I asked and he gulped. I just smiled at him, everyone makes mistakes but mistakes here can cost lives.

I walked back to my car and Owen appeared with his bike 'time to go' he said bluntly, he didn't seem too happy (obviously Vic was being a dick) but I decided not to mention it and just nodded. He got on his bike and rode off, I waved to Barry then I followed him in my car.

We got the the bungalow and I went inside to change whilst Owen started working on his bike. 'What did Vic want then?' I shouted through the open door 'he wants to use the girls as a weapon' he said sternly. I felt the anger rise inside of me 'no bloody way!'

I appeared on the porch with a spare top in my hand 'what a prick, why doesn't he realise they are animals with feelings!?' I moaned and Owen looked at me 'because Mil, like you said, he is a prick, he just sees the money he can make, to hell with the consequences'. I nodded and then changed my top.

After about 10 minutes of watching Owen bang tools against his bike I made some lemonade and handed one to Owen, then I sat on the porch and watched as he messed about with the bike for even more time. I became clear to me very quickly that Owen and his bike had a very strong relationship and constant maintenance was needed to keep the relationship going.

We chatted ideally then there was a noise up the gravel path and a big white car pulled up, out stepped Claire- looking very business like and stern faced as usual.

'Miss Somer' she said as she looked at me, I smiled falsely 'Ms Dearing', she ignored me and walked up to Owen - she always hated me mainly because Simon wanted me to have her job but I refused. I could never hide myself away in an office, ignoring the creatures and focusing on the profits.

'We have an attraction' she announced boldly and I smirked, Owen noticed me and decided to antagonise Claire. 'That's not what you said the last time I saw you.' I tried not to giggle, Claire shifted and said 'I'm talking about the dinosaurs, Mr. Grady.' 'Owen.' He corrected her. Her formal tone was also irritating, we were all colleagues after all not children with teachers.  'What do you want Claire?' I asked impatiently. She looked at me then continued to Owen 'A new species we've...made.'

There was a brief silence before Owen spoke up 'You just went and made a new dinosaur?' Claire sighed and nodded her head, replying sarcastically with 'Yeah, it's kind of what we do here.The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks. Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you.' Owen looked at me and I nodded, he took my support of further antagonising and spoke with a smirk 'You wanna consult here or...' He looked around and stepped closer to Claire before whispering 'in my bungalow?' I burst into fits of laughter as Claire scowled. 'That's not funny.' Claire moaned. 'It's a little funny' I said as I held onto my sides, Owen came and sat next to me on the steps.

'We'd like you to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities.' Claire said. 'Why me?' Owen asked. ' I guess Mr. Masrani thinks, since you're able to control the Raptors...' this clearly hit a we've with Owen as he interrupted her 'It's all about control with you.' He paused before continuing 'I don't control the Raptors. It's a relationship. It's based on mutual respect. That's why you and I never had a second date.' Claire's face was a picture. 'Excuse me? I never wanted a second date.'

The pair then began to bicker 'Who prints out an itinerary for a night out?' Owen argued, I could see this lasting a while so I rolled my eyes and went to get myself another drink. When I came back out they were still bickering. 'It's Central America. It's hot.' Owen protested, i'd had enough 'Okay, okay.' I announced and they both stopped 'Can we just focus on the asset, please?' Claire said and I scoffed.

'The asset?' Owen continued 'Look, I get it. You're in charge out here. You gotta make a lot of tough decisions. It's probably easier to pretend these animals are just numbers on a spreadsheet. But they're not. They're alive.' Claire spoke next 'I'm fully aware they're alive.' I addressed Claire who was stood with her arms folded 'You might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that. They're thinking, "I gotta eat.' Owen chipped in 'gotta hunt. I gotta...' He did some funny little gesture pumping the air and once again I laughed, just at the disgust on Claire's face. 'You can relate to at least one of those things. Right?' He asked her.

She just looked blankly then broke the silence by announcing 'I'll be in the car. You might want to change your shirt. They're very sensitive to smell.' Then she waddled off in her ridiculous heels to the car. Owen looked at me and I was still laughing 'you gonna be okay?' I asked, he shook his head 'probably not' then we both burst out laughing 'sensitive to smell' I mimicked Claire 'I wonder if they are sensitive to snotty bitches?' I asked as Owen started laughing then to change then left with her. I decided to go and visit Fern...
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