Chapter I - Troubles with love

RWBY is owned by Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth.

(Y/N) - Your name.
(L/N) - Last name.
(E/C) - Eyes color.
(H/C) - Hair color


It's repost from my one shot's book!


    (Y/N) (L/N) always wanted to be hunter, and train in Beacon academy. He was very excited when they accepted his application and wanted to make his parents proud. Young man had (E/C) eyes that shine with smartness and happiness to everyone, and (H/C) hair.

    (Y/N) also wanted to meet great friends there, and one of his wishes was to met there his first girlfriend that maybe in future be his wife. Yes, he had very romantic heart, and wanted to feel true love in his heart with all of this butterflies his mother always told him that people feel when they saw loved person.

    When he got to the Beacon, he meet at first four people. First was his future great friend Qrow Branwen. He had dark spiky hair and donned a cloak, with predominantly dark or black clothing. Qrow shared red eyes with his sister, who was next person (Y/N) met there.

    Her name was Raven Branwen, and she was one of persons that will be very important in his future life. Raven wears a shallow cut black dress, five necklaces with an assortment of beads, a red girdle-belt, and a pair of matching gauntlets. She had red eyes, and black hair with red highlights.

    Next was Taiyang Xiao Long a man with blond hair that has two small strands sticking out from the top and blue eyes. He wears brown cargo shorts with a dark brown belt, black shoes, a red bandanna on his left arm, and a brown leather vest over a tan dress shirt with the right sleeve cut off. For armor, he wears a metal shoulder, leather vambrace, and a brown fingerless glove, all on his right arm.

    Last person Summer Rose was for him something more. When he saw her, he knew that it was love from first sight, and almost fainted seeing that his second dream is close to became true. She had black and red hair with beautiful silver eyes that make him just want to look at them to end of his life. She was wearing white hooded cloak, and skirt.

    (Y/N) and Qrow first talked, and he introduced him to Summer and Taiyang. Raven was more unavailable and not caring about him that only because (Y/N) walked to her and stood in front of her she asked what his problem was. He just laughed and said that she is sweet with her cold attitude making her blush and avoid his eyes.

    Finally, all of them talked about their plans there in Beacon. (Y/N) was very happy to find great friends just in first day, and tried to almost always talk with Summer, but saw that she is rather shy in his presence and dropped it for another time.




    (Y/N) was sure of his feelings, and saw that Summer Rose is person with rather shy attitude. She is so adorable, that my heart want to burst out and dance for her on the table... They friendship grow over time, and he was sure that she liked him back because of little signals she made for him.

    Now (Y/N) and Qrow was sitting in team STRQ dorm waiting for Summer to finally tell her about everything.

    Qrow mentioned to (Y/N) that last time he heard about his sister Raven silently talking to herself about him.

Qrow: Something is up with Raven (Y/N)... You are my friend, and drink pal. I know that you will not do anything to her that might hurt my sister, but still I wanted to inform you about this.

(Y/N): You are not drunk Qrow? Raven thinking about me? I was sure that she had eyes for Taiyang...

    Qrow smiled and shake his head in no to first question of another male in room.

Qrow: I'm not sure (Y/N)... You told me everything about your romantic heart, and that first sight love for Summer, but what if she had feelings for someone other?

    (Y/N) heart ached lightly when his mind flashed scene with Summer and another man. Qrow saw that something snapped in (Y/N), and fast said in other words.

Qrow: There is always another girls (Y/N) soo, just remember this ok? Not Summer, then maybe Raven... I will be glad having you in my family, and maybe your personality will temper somehow her.

    Qrow laughed with (Y/N), each of them knew that Raven is person who never change her personality or way of mind thinking. Then to the room slowly walked Summer Rose in her white cape, and seeing this Qrow just winked to (Y/N) and exited room with goodbay said to her.

(Y/N): Summer? Can we talk?

    She looked at (Y/N) with surprised face, but nod to him. He stood up and walked to her.

(Y/N): Well... I'm very bad at this, soo... No, just I wanted for you to know that I have sort of love feelings towards you, and do you have maybe some for me?

    Her eyes got bigger and cheeks show some pink, but Summer dropped her head and said almost in whisper.

Summer: I think... I love Tai. I'm really sorry (Y/N), but you need to know...

    (Y/N) just felt pain, that make him walk out from the room instantly doesn't care about any more words she said that 'I love Tai." His heart ached, and his mind dim. Summer looked up, and wanted to stop him, but she felt weak in the legs. Wait! I want to say something more... (Y/N)...

    She slowly lay on her bed thinking about what she just did.

Summer: (Y/N) you need to know that I feel love for you, but I'm not sure if I love more Tai or you. That's why I never did any move on you or him... I needed time.

    Summer Rose needed to say this, even if he was not here. Some tears fall from young woman eyes, thinking about him being very hurt after her rejection of his feelings. He need time... Then I will talk with him again...


Another timeskip.


    (Y/N) was sitting inside the local bar in the Vale drinking, trying to forget about event with Summer, but his heart doesn't want him to do it. Why? I wanted romantic love, no reject story. Someone sat next to him, but young guy doesn't even turn his head there.

(Y/N): Qrow if you came there to drink, that's great... I don't want to talk about anything now.

    Person was silent and (Y/N) only hear sound of glass placing on the table. He was glad that first time in his life Qrow will not talk, and only they will drink. (Y/N) had his head dropped, and only drink from his third bottle.

(Y/N): You know what Qrow? You said earlier about Raven... If this is truth, then why my heart doesn't love her from first sight? Then maybe life with be good for me, and your sister also will love me?

    He started laughing, but person still doesn't say anything only watching him.

(Y/N): Heh, in that version of time I was your family... Funny thing. I appreciate that you don't talk, but it's not like you Qrow...

    (Y/N) looked up only to see there Raven with stoic face looking at him.

(Y/N): Huh, it's you Ravie, now you see me - dumbass...

    She shut him with one fast move, and kissing him lightly on the lips. (Y/N) was surprised not knowing what's is happening.

Raven: For me... You are not dumbass (Y/N), Qrow say anything more about me?

    He laughed, and tried to kiss her again only to be pushed to his chair by her hand.

Raven: Nah, you are drunk... We will have fun in the future.

     Young man smiled to her, she also showed him her little smile. His heart now was not that much aching, and his pain slowly was ending creating place for happy feelings. It is my romantic love come true?


Another timeskip.


    For two months (Y/N) and Raven relationship grows, with almost everyone happy for them. Qrow was glad that his sister finally find good man, Summer was sad and doesn't talk with (Y/N) for three weeks doesn't want to destroy they love.

    Still, Rose had in her heart some feelings for him, and her heart ached seeing him happy with Raven. She knew it's bad for her to feel it, but she doesn't tell this to anyone. After one month she and Taiyang got together.

    So it's ended perfectly for everyone? (Y/N) had his romantic love, Raven find someone only for her. Qrow was happy that his best friend will be his family, and Summer with Taiyang, like they wanted. No, it was perfect to time of one event that changed everything, and everyone.

(Y/N): Everything I hear about love was lie... It's only bringing pain.

    (Y/N) just saw his now ex-girlfriend cheating on him with that two timing bastard Taiyang. It was just luck, they caught them, but he was feeling that much pain that (Y/N) just wanted to leave this place as fast he can.

     Then he collided with little drunk Qrow, and (Y/N) just told him that his dream about family is doomed, and with his hand told him to walk to room where Raven and Taiyang was. (Y/N) just wanted to be alone, and no one bothered him.

     In next week he just avoided Taiyang, Raven and Summer. Qrow one day wanted to apologize for his sister, but (Y/N) told him that it was only Raven fault. Summer break up with Taiyang in front of everyone showing to other students how he acted.

    (Y/N) stay away from all of this, wanting only for his first dream to come true forgetting about love, and family with loving wife. So childish...


Timeskip two years later.


    (Y/N) and Summer Rose was dating for one year. Two of them in pain after their partners cheat, and Summer finally telling (Y/N) what she wanted after hearing his confess make them again friends. Then it moved to warm feelings, and finally they got together again feeling love to each other.

    He and Summer was perfect for each other, and she always say that was mistake to reject him. Qrow was still good friend with them, always trying to again warall of them to each other, but one thing happened that (Y/N) said he will never forgive them.

    Yang Xiao Long was born. Now she had two years, and (Y/N) was perfectly sure that day when he caught them was that day, because Yang was now with them. Raven tried to talk with him several times, only for him to stay silent and walk away. Summer was more understanding, and talked with two of them, but always in cold attitude.

(Y/N): Summer you wanted to meet me, so I'm here honey...

    He slowly walked to her with hug, and kiss. She kissed back looking at him with true love showed in her eyes. Summer was little shy, and shivered after kiss making (Y/N) surprised.

(Y/N): Something wrong my Rose?

    She avoided his eyes, making him more concerned about her.

Summer: Do you remember our talk about family... Our little girl, we named Ruby?

(Y/N): Yes? That was very sweet time...

    Summer looked at him with blush, and closed eyes.

Summer: I'm pregnant (Y/N)... We will have our Ruby.

    He instantly hugged her and bombarded her face with kisses, making her laugh. (Y/N) spin her around holding her waist.

(Y/N): I love you!

Summer: I love you too my hunter.


Timeskip eleven years.


    (Y/N) was looking at his wife grave with sad face placing there like always bouquet of red roses, with him was their precious daughter Ruby Rose with her head dropped. (Y/N) hugged her tightly.

(Y/N): Don't worry my princess, daddy will find mommy. He just need some time.

    She nodded to his stomach. Where are you Summer? Our little girl really is in pain because of it... Why you did something like Raven, she was even worse not meting Yang... One year ago Summer disappeared in mission, and (Y/N) was not sure about it, he wanted to go and find her, but there was Ruby... He just cannot leave her without any of her parents.

    Qrow wanted to help, but (Y/N) knew that Ruby had liked him some romantic heart, and losing both of her dad and mom will be big punch to it. He still was enemies with Taiyang, but after talking with Summer five years ago he accepted for Ruby and Yang play together.

    Summer told him, that two girls was like sisters, and (Y/N) just nod to this. He saw Yang several times, but always wanted to avoid this meetings seeing in her face Raven, just with this bastard yellow hair.

    Qrow of course forced him to meet her, and girl very much liked her uncle like she named him, and doesn't understand why he was always busy, and doesn't have time when she was with Ruby having fun in their house.

    (Y/N) decided that Ruby will have Rose as last name from his wife. Now (Y/N) was on his sofa touching lightly picture of him and Summer holding little Ruby when Qrow appeared in this room. (Y/N) just looked at him with bored expression, this was no surprise for him to show there without knocking. Yang probably want Ruby to come for weekend.

(Y/N): Qrow did you drink? Why you look like shit? I will not let you alone take Ruby to Yang!

    Qrow just looked at him with incredulously, like he accepted something inside his mind. He walked to (Y/N) and placed his hands on his arms.

Qrow: I need to tell you something (Y/N)... It's about Raven, so just don't freak out...
