
Life is like an ocean, which it drifts spontaneously just goes wherever it lands. Sometimes calm ,but sometimes still, it always goes up and down. Light peaceful , without disturbance ,only the murmur of water hitting the rocks can be heard. Some people  seems to be something that is slightly swayed by its ocean waves. The word peaceful only once came and experienced, They carried the weight and even wanted to drown their selves under the cold ocean but  they  still being lifted, drifting back to the cruel beginning.

Usually there is a hurricane that will challenge their strength, the big waves will force them down and take them back to where they are or came from.Nothing is worst than in their life, as they keep trying to drown in the sea, the drifts don’t beat to take them back to  start, in the dawn  where they came from  ,seems like  want to show that they are not for that place, the anodes do not embrace them but simply drive them back to it. This is just a proof that no matter what storm comes to the ocean, it will continue to wave until everything is over and return to its original location. The peaceful and quiet atmosphere will return. Their life is like an ocean, no matter how far the storms come, the drifts will destroy them that are ready to drive them back to where they started. Even though the coming storms continue to sink them, the drifts that will swing them back to where they belong ,will continue to be the end of everything.

They   thought that  everything will just end to this dark situation but there will be  another sunshine came ,that will gives them a  determination to independently and  bravely face  the waves    they will encounter with their full strength. And  there they can see the beauty of it's depths that they never  imagine it looks like a paradise, this will encourage them to dive more and eager to reach it's very beautiful part ,to the point that they won't realize the new day that risen which let them know the victory that they want to reach is already in their hands , that they already have their success by keeping up and down with the waves that now is now finally calm. And thats  how life really goes on , at the beginning you will see the most worst side of it but you must go with the flow of it, and face all the struggles that you will encounter to see the splendid and delightful part of it.
