Lucy's Solo Mission

Lucy's POV

I left Juvia, like I said I would and made my way to the edge of the island where I called out Virgo to take me through the spirit world to the nearest town. I nearly considered just going back to Fairy Tail and just keeping my distance from her for a bit. But that would be turning a blind eye. Something was wrong, and it felt as though it were up to me to figure it out. 

Juvia was acting strangely. She was always strange but this was different. She was angry, short tempered. Today was the first time I'd ever seen her look like she did, and she was looking like that at me. It was disturbing. Over the last year Juvia and I have become good friends. The three of us were a team, her me and Cana. I would trust Juvia to protect my life, but today it looked as though she would be protecting it from herself. At first I thought what happened with Gray had broke her, but then I remembered sitting by that fire. When she cried she didn't get angry or look for a fight. She hugged the closest person as if her life depended on it. Juvia was not a violent person. She was gentle, all love, often too much of it. So something was wrong. It had to be. 

Have you ever had an experience where you are suddenly taken away from a situation and realize what was happening? perhaps you had a friend, subtracted her presence and noticed she had never really treated you right. I had a similar moment of revelation as Virgo dropped me off and I made my way towards the nearest train station. It wasn't just Juvia, it was Cana too. When she was fighting Natsu and Gray she could have taken them out in a second. Perhaps her attacking Natsu at full force made sense, she did like the showman ship of a fight after all, but on Gray she used an unnecessarily painful deck. Her ace cards are brutal, I would only use them if the situation really called for it, and never on a friend. She had so many other and quicker methods: sleep cards, nullifying cards, heat cards, but she chose to go for her most painful option. If it were showmanship that she were looking for there were other options that would look more impressive than just a bright light, and wouldn't hurt as much as that deck. And Cana thought about it. Her move was calculated, she took time to ponder on how to defeat him. It was as though she wanted to hurt someone, just like how Juvia had looked at me today. Like they had no remorse. 

Come to think of it, this started a long time ago. They wanted to keep why we were missing a secret even though Erza disapproved and I'd basically begged them to let her tell. Erza told us how people were crying, suffering. How Guildarts and Macao drank, how Gajeel kept to himself, how Natsu didn't fight and about Grays obsessive behavior trying to find us. They had been family to the guild but were perfectly content with them suffering? That wasn't the Cana and Juvia I knew. They had changed. Someone had influenced them. I'd never really trusted that little black haired girl. And now I know why. 


Third POV

Where could Lucy have gone? That was the question on almost everyone's mind in Fairy Tail. Those on Tenrou Island had returned to Fairy Tail, hoping that Lucy had mad her way straight there, but their hopes were proved wrong. Cana and Juvia were welcomed back enthusiastically by those left behind at the guild but their happiness was countered by the deep depression that had come learning they still had no idea when Lucy would return. Wendy was perhaps the most emotional, crying of happiness when she realized that he friends were back and then again crying when she noticed the absence of her team member. The sadness turned to anger towards  her friends for letting her get away, like it would with any growing girl. 

And so she ran away, out of the guild. Gray held onto Erza's shoulder as she made a mover after her and shook his head lightly. But it wouldn't be long before she would be back, screaming about something that was coming...


Lucy's POV 

I had made my way back to Fortier and was heading towards the spot where we had trained. The enchantment was still in place, our old friend had decided to stay for a while longer. She was the one who had cast and maintained the enchantment for us to train within. When I began to feel faint I knew I was close. 

Fennris Venigricu. We'd met her when making our way towards the clearing where everyone usually trains. She was a young girl, around Wendy's age with dark eyes and even darker hair that went down to her waist. She wreaked of innocence, so kind and well-intentioned, she of reminded me of my blue haired team mate. I think that's why we decided to train with her, it was almost like having an extra piece of Fairy Tail with us. And her magic power? it was incredible. Off of the charts, I'd never felt anything like it. We had never really gotten close, I had always left the other three in order to train with my spirits but Juvia and Cana adored her. She had helped them drastically increase their magic power store and she was meant to be a very good teacher. I had always been more skeptical about her. I'd enjoyed her conversation and presence and she was kind to me, but every so often she would look in my eyes. I don't know what she was thinking, but I didn't like it when she did that. It made me feel uneasy. Like she was trying to do something, to hurt me through her stare.  But now I know. She wasn't trying to hurt me. She was trying to recruit me. 

I summoned a small amount of power, knowing I would likely need the rest in a second if a fight was to follow. 

"Cosmic Dust!" I called as magic energy was expelled from my body, large amounts of rocks from the surface of our planet rose into the air to join with small amounts of matter from the skies. They combine together to make a powerful attack, far more so than I'd intended as instead of simply cracking the Invisible Clipeo enchantment the whole thing shattered in a second and the pieces disappeared.

Standing there, as I'd expected she would be, was Fennris. Of course she'd still be here, a perfect place to hide as she sent war to our friends. War in the form of us. 

"Lucy? What are you doing here?" She asked innocently. But she wasn't stupid. She knew what I knew. 

"I'm here to ask you what the fuck you think you are doing actually?" 

She smiled, a small sadistic smile. "I knew I hadn't quite managed it on you. You were always so suspicious and you'd never train with us so I didn't have time to properly complete the enchantments. Meal times just wasn't enough" She said smirking. "But no matter, Juvia and Cana will be enough to take down your precious little guild from the outside, with a little help from a few of my other minions of course. All I have to do right now is eliminate you" she said matter of factually. "It's a shame really, you would have been far more use than those other two combined, your magic power is certainly something. Unless you're willing to join us?" 

"When hell freezes over!" I yelled in her direction. "And don't sound so confident, we have a lot of great wizards in Fairy Tail. When you heard one of them was coming you ran for the hills!" 

"What, that Erza Scarlet?" She laughed. "I could take her down any day, I just didn't want to raise suspicion. I think I'll give her to Cana to finish off. And that precious little boyfriend of yours? Juvia can take him" She taunted. "Just think of how her heart will break as she watched herself destroy him through the screen of her eyes. Or perhaps she'll enjoy it after what you two did to her" 

I could feel myself flinching at each of her words as she stared me down, but bravely I kept eye-contact, refusing to accept defeat. 

"What if I put a stop to this, right here right now?" I asked, preparing myself. 

"Then you'd make an interesting little warm up for me" she smiled. "You wont win, and you know it" she shrugged. "You know who I am, don't you Miss Heartfilia?" 

"Fennris Venigricu" I said aloud but barely audible. "It's an anagram"

She began to walk towards me, looking in my eyes with interest. "Yes, so clever. You could have made a great mage. Far greater than anyone in your little guild" she said, her voice hypnotizing. "You're magic is so resourceful, so useful, versatile. All that practicing paid off. It's a shame its going to waste"

"If you un-mix the letters it reads Nigri Veneficus" I continued, ignoring her taunts. 

"You could have been the one who got to take down that master of yours, he would have been easy work for a wizard like you, and that Guildarts? You've already took someone for Juvia, why not steal away someone precious from Cana too. You're the only one of you three who has the strength for that" she coaxed. 

"Nigri Veneficus is Latin for Black Wizard" I said. She was inches from my face. Her eyes were almost completely black except for a small circle of dark red in the iris. 

My lips pulled into an unnatural smile as I spoke again but something was very wrong. My lips moved but for some reason it didn't feel like I was the one that was speaking. "Your transformation magic needs work Lord Zeref."

There was a gust of magic as his black hair receded to a shorter cut and he grew from the innocent child I knew to the sorcerer who has killed millions. My eyes grew wide as I realized what was happening. 

"Oh Lucy" he said tauntingly. "For such an incredible wizard, you would have thought you'd know by now not to look in the eyes." 

My eyes widened as I felt myself begin to walk unwilling away. 

"You know it would have been interesting to fight you, but you need all of your strength right now. Those two wont go down easy."
