
Reyna didn't like how she always ended up in this situation. Tired, angry, and in a dire need of motivation. And sugar; definitely sugar. But alas, she dragged her feet as she walked out of the university library at exactly 2:27 in the morning.

You see, she was never good at deadlines. They weren't real, until they were real. The result of that seemed to always be late-night cramming and bullshitting through essays using Sparknotes. Unfortunately for Reyna, there were no Sparknotes about Greek and Roman conflict or the Argo's connection to both.

After debating for a moment whether she should just sleep behind one of the bookshelves, Reyna valiantly trudged her way to the elevator, blindly pushing a button and hoping for the best. Luckily, she ended up on the ground level, and dug her car keys from the bottomless abyss known as her backpack.

Leaning back in the old leather seats, Reyna took in a deep breath that smelled of old McDonald's and bad choices. She really should not have been driving, not when she was that tired. She twisted the volume knob for the radio, but the loud music did nothing to help her stay awake. It's a miracle she didn't hit anything on the short drive to her dorm.

Without caring about the noise that came from the slamming car door, Reyna hoisted her bag higher onto her back and slowly walked towards the entrance of the building.

More corpse than girl, the brunette opened the double doors and stalked towards the elevator with a sense of tranquility at the silence and quiet of the night.

When the elevator stopped at her floor, Reyna was more keen on just sleeping where she stood. But no, our lovely heroine grit her teeth, pinched her arm and speed-walked down the hallway to her apartment.

Pulling open her eyelids, she found her key and jammed it into the lock. She kicked the door open, walked in, and leaned against it to shut it. Dropping her bag at the front of the door, she walked a few steps forwards to flop down onto the threadbare couch in her living room. The moment she hit the sofa, Reyna was out like a light.

That is, until she was awoken by the sound of loud beeping. Reyna's eyes snapped open and she scrambled to grab her phone from her pocket. She grimaced as the bright lock screen glared at her with the time. It was only 2:54AM. It wasn't the alarm clock, as she originally thought it was. It sounded more like an oven. What sort of nocturnal asshole was using the communal kitchen at this time?

With a roar of anger and exhaustion, she leaped from the couch, opened her door, and set down the hall to give this person a very stern talking-to. By "talking-to", you can assume it was going to be more of a "yelling-at".

Clad in wrinkled clothes and all of her five-foot-two glory, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano stomped down the hallway and ferociously yanked open the kitchen's door to glare at the person making such a racket.

Accusing finger pointed, she growled, "What in the name of-" But that was as far as Reyna got before someone yelped and threw a handful of flour at her. Her once accusing finger dropped, as did her mood.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The voice sounded frantic and apologetic. "Hold on, don't open your eyes. I'll get you a towel." Reyna heard the sound of running water and hurried footsteps. She started when a cold rag touched her face, but kept her eyes closed until the person backed out of her space.

Wiping off the excess water from her eyes, Reyna slowly opened one eye and then the next. The first thing her eyes saw were the other's striking electric blue ones. Taking a step back, she allowed herself a moment to adjust her eyes to the light. After the bright white that filled her vision mellowed out, Reyna took a look at the douche who was using the oven at three in the morning. She sucked in a breath as she took in the girl. Regardless of how pretty the other might have been, Reyna was pissed.

But as Reyna took in the girl's concerned pout and the way that she was rocking on the balls of her feet, all of Reyna's anger dissipated. Instead of spouting off a totally "not-practiced" lecture about sleep, she sighed.

"What are you baking this early in the morning?" At that, the girl's face brightened, reminding Reyna of an over-excitable puppy.

"Chocolate chip cookies! I haven't put them in yet, but once I do, it'll only take about 15 minutes." The girl moved to uncover the view of the counter, covered in trays with small cookie dough balls on them. "Do you want some?" Reyna thinks she's finally seen it all.

But nevertheless, she was hungry. So she sighed and asked, "Why are you awake at three?" Moving to lean against the wall next to the door, Reyna dusted as much flour as she could off of her clothes and hair.

The girl gave her a look that said, You're awake at three. But she still answered Reyna. "I bake when I get anxious. I've got an exam tomorrow and I know none of what we're studying." After moving to open up the oven, she added, "I don't even remember what class it's going to be in." Rude as it may be, Reyna snorted at that.

"What're you up for?" The girl asked, putting on oven mitts.

"Let me think..." Reyna sarcastically tapped a finger against her chin, "Well, I was woken up by a loud beeping that wasn't my alarm clock. When I went to go yell at someone, they threw flour at me. Then, she asked me if I wanted cookies."

The girl looked guilty, but still grinned at Reyna. Sticking out an oven-mitted hand, she smiled, "My name's Thalia Grace. You are?"

Reaching out her own hand to comply, the shorter replied, "Reyna Ramírez-Arellano." Nodding, Thalia turned back to the oven, and put one of the trays onto the first rack. Shutting it, she put a timer on the microwave and took off the mitts.

"They'll be out in no time." She smiled and jumped up to sit on an empty space of the dirty counter. Swinging her legs, she asked, "What grade are you in? I'm a sophomore."

"Me too. What's your major?" Reyna crossed her arms.


"Huh. Do you, like, study trees or something? I'm majoring in Women's Studies." Thalia made an indignant sound, and glared at Reyna.

"I'll have you know I do more than just study trees! A forester's job is to restore and repair them. If there were no trees, everyone would be dead!" Luckily, there was no ice in the glare, or Reyna thought she'd be dead. The punk clothing theme of Thalia's was somewhat intimidating enough as is. Thalia's intimidation level lowered, though, as she had her bangs pushed up underneath an adolescent, sparkly, silver headband so her hair wouldn't get into her face. She had a curly undercut, blue streaks zipping through the thick locks. Just the type of girl Reyna's parents told her not to be.

Reyna chuckled, and muttered, "You look very conflicting. Baking chocolate chip cookies while wearing combat boots and band t-shirts." Tilting her head, she continued, "And apparently you speak for the trees."

Instead of retorting back at her, Thalia stuck up her nose and said, "Damn right I speak for the trees." She pulled her legs up onto the table so that she could wrap her arms around them.

They were like that for a few moments, Reyna leaning on the wall, Thalia sitting on the countertop. After looking around the small kitchen (truth be told, Reyna was rarely in here), she attempted to make small talk. "Do you have Mrs. Hera? Who teaches Humanities?" In an instant Thalia's eyes were alight with a concerning sort of sparkle.

Thalia's arms slammed down onto the countertop with a bang! "Oh my lord, that woman is a bitch." She said, shit-eating grin quickly making its way onto her face. "She's lost a majority of my hard-copy assignments, then tells me I have to do them over again."

"Really? She's only lost two of mine, thankfully. But regardless, she is so unprofessional, always checking up on her husband in the middle of class. I understand why he keeps having affairs."

"Damn, Reyna. She's gonna need some ice for that burn!" Thalia laughed.

Bonding over terrible teachers and shitty dress codes, the girls positively screamed when the oven went off, alerting them the cookies were done.

A banging came from the closed kitchen door, and a tall young man walked in, fire bright in his sea green eyes.

"Shut up, Pinecone Face. Some people have to sleep." He said tiredly, running a hand through his unruly dark hair.

Thalia shot him a look, "Go back to bed, Seaweed Brain." Reyna laughed at the ridiculous nicknames, and half-waved at the man, who lifted his chin in acknowledgment as he went back to his room.

Pulling on the oven mitts once more, Thalia turned off the oven and opened it, filling the room with the sweet aroma of cookies. Pulling the tray out and setting it atop the stove, Thalia turned around with a spin in her step. Her grin was like the sun, and Reyna blushed at the fact that it was directed at her. Thankfully, Thalia didn't seem to notice.

Instead, she whispered theatrically, "The recipe tells you to wait ten minutes for cool down before eating but that so isn't happening." Thalia shoved an entire cookie into her mouth as Reyna watched with a sense of amusement and worry. Thalia's eyes widened as she screeched, "Hot! Hot, hot, hot, hot!"

"For the love of Go- Wait, are those chocolate chip?" Yet another person barged in on Reyna and Thalia's odd bonding moment, this time, more accepting of the idea of sugar. As Thalia was rinsing her mouth out with cold water, the blonde girl turned to look questioningly at Reyna. The girl's grey eyes were intimidating, but they didn't have any ice in them.

Reyna explained, "She didn't pay attention to the directions." The blond snickered and walked over to the tray of cookies.

"Once you're done here," she said, grabbing a cookie, "Go to sleep. I can see your eyes bags, Thalia. You know you shouldn't stay up if there's a test tomorrow."

Walking back over to the open doorway, the grey-eyed girl smiled slightly at Reyna. "I'm Annabeth, by the way. Thalia and I go way back."

Reyna nodded, saying, "I'm Reyna. Thalia and I go back as of," She glanced at her watch, "Twenty minutes, when the oven went off, waking me up." She raised her voice so the tree-hugger could hear her loud and clear. "How are they?" She asked, gesturing towards the cookie that Annabeth just took a bite from.

"It's good, actually. Hot, but good. The first time I tried her cookies I thought I'd get food poisoning."

A hrump sounded from Thalia, who turned off the faucet. "Rude!" She said, fake-betrayal dripping in her voice, a hand clasped against her chest.

Annabeth winked in Thalia's direction, "Only being honest."

Reyna chuckled at the latter's playful scowl, and asked, "So how long have you two known each other?"

Annabeth turned back towards Reyna, an easy smile on her face. "We were childhood friends, more like siblings. Then when I was about seven, Thalia disappeared off the face of the earth!"

"I did not!" The other girl cried, "I just headed off to a boarding school."

"Four years! And you didn't contact me ever!" The fond expression on Annabeth's face was highly contradicting with the words she was saying. "Well, I need some sleep. I don't know how you stay up so late, but it's not for me. Thanks for the cookie."

Annabeth raised the item in question up at Thalia, and walked towards the doorway. Before she disappeared through it, she turned and said, "It was nice meeting you." Reyna hummed in response.

Once more, silence settled over the two. Thalia leaned back against the counter, eyes closed. Reyna moved towards the tray, keeping an eye on Thalia, wondering what she was doing. As if Thalia could read Reyna's mind, the girl opened her eyes, "I'm trying to remember what my schedule is. Half a year in, and I'm still forgetting it."

Reyna chuckled, quickly grabbing one of the cookies, and speed-walking back to where she was next to the doorway. Thalia was back to closing her eyes, face scrunched in thought. "Will I be seeing you around?" Reyna questioned, a hand moving towards the doorknob.

Reyna stared at Thalia, who had a small smile softening her features. "I sure hope so." The other girl answered. In the artificial light, the headband around her forehead gave her a halo, and Reyna fancied Thalia an angel. The angel of a girl slowly opened one eye, raising her eyebrow as she did so. "G'night, Reyna Arellano."

The other blushed, choking out a "Night", as she pulled open the door and almost ran out of the room, cookie in hand.

Once out of Thalia's line of sight, Reyna pressed her free hand to her forehead, grumbling, "Why do girls have to be so attractive?"
