I Just Can't


Hey so here it is...my update:)


This is a full Klaroline scene...so hope you like it:))


"Klaus" She whispered.

"Is It true?" He asked as he walked into the house.

She shut the door and looked up at him puzzled.
"Is what true?"

"That Damon fed on you when you were human? That he used you against you're will?" He looked dead serious and yet a little sad.

She sighed closing her eyes.
NoteToSelf: Don't drink too much next time.

"Yes It's true but I'm over it." She crossed her arms.

"Well I'm not.." He took a step closer. His eyes were burning with fury. "That Salvatore is going to pay"

Caroline narrowed her eyes.
"Klaus, whatever you're thinking...Don't do it"

He scoffed. "Well that won't stop me sweetheart. He will be dead in seconds"

She felt anger rise up in her.
"Why do you even care!? I'm Over it! So if you still want to be my friend; you wont kill him. Yes, i hate him for what he did but it doesn't mean he deserves death."
She poked him in the chest with anger.

His eyes soften a bit.
Does she really think i don't?

"Why do I care?...Do you really want to know?"
His eyes locked with hers.
She didn't know how close they were until that moment.

She sighed taking a small step back and looking anywhere but him.
a part of her knew why,.. But she wanted him to say it.
Though on the other hand..she was afraid to face the truth...
And of what the truth could change.

"Please Klaus. Get over it, I don't want you to do what you will regret"
once again her eyes met his.

He chuckled "I've killed many mutts like Damon, And I've never once regretted it."

She swallowed hard.
"You might not care of who you kill, but you will care when you find out who you can loose in the process"
She said firmly but calm.

"I need to do this. He needs to learn his lesson"

"You don't need to do anything Klaus, It's just me. I'm fine now."

His anger died down as he sighed heavily taking a step closer. so close that she felt his breath on her cheek.
His eyes bore into hers.

"You mean so much more to me than anyone Caroline, You are not just someone. You are important to me.. And you know why."

She felt her dead heart skip a beat as it began to melt.
No one has ever said that to her.
Her eyes welled up of his words, but she forced her tears to from falling.

She placed her hands on his chest without hesitation.
"Don't do anything...please, for me"

He placed his hands on top of hers, very lightly stroking them as their eyes locked.

"Because of you. I will let this go...For now" he brought her hands up to his lips.

She smiled a bit.
"Thank you...But why do you even care?"
Her curiosity got the best of her.
Why did he care?
She knew that he had deep feelings for her, but she thought they were gone and that he has moved on.
Like everyone else.

He moved his hand to stroke her cheek soothingly. her breathing hitched.

He smirked. "I think you know why. You just don't want to face it, Because you're afraid that you might feel the same way"

She let out a shaky breath as she removed her hands from his, Turning her head the other direction. She couldn't to look at him right now.
"I don't know what you're talking about"

He gently cupped her cheek and turned her to face him.
"Yes you do." He smiled "You know exactly how I feel about you. And that's why you've been avoiding me, Because you're scared that you have the same feelings for the person you want to hate...but can't"

She closed her eyes "I don't have feelings for you. I never did."
lie, and lie,

He lifted her chin up.
"I want you to look me in the eye and say that. If that's the truth; i wont bother you again." His tone was serious but she could feel his little smirk.

She opened her eyes and gazed right into his,
opening her mouth to say those words but nothing came out.
Cause they weren't true.
She was- is scared of falling in love with him.
It scares her like hell.
But sometimes she felt like it was too late to pushThose feelings away.

"I-I..." She paused closing her eyes again.
"I can't"

His smile got wider and his eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

"That's what I thought."

And before she could even reply or protest, His lips were on hers.
She was in shock by his sudden movement, She wanted to pull away and scold him of how wrong this is. Oh, but it felt so right; Him being so close.
His hands slid down from her face to her waist, Her hands pressed tightly against his chest.

She couldn't help but kiss him back.
He deepen the kiss as he flashed her against the wall, still kissing her... not breaking contact.
His hands slid up her shirt, touching her bare skin.
Her hands went from his chest to tangled in his hair.

Their mouths moved perfectly together as she pulled him closer.
She actually felt a spark in that moment.
A moment that she didn't want to end.

She wanted this.
It was too late to say that she hated his guts, Cause she did..
But she also hated herself for falling for him.

She snapped back to reality., Her feelings for him were deeper than she thought.
Oh, no, no, no. this is soooo wrong.

She used all her inhuman strength and pushed him away from her.
And suddenly she felt cold.
They were both breathless.

"We- we...Can't do this. I can't do this." She said shaking her head.
But wanting nothing more than to be in his embrace again.

He looked at her puzzled and pained at the same time.

"Because..." she sighed sadly

"..You moved on. You're going to be a father, and me being around here...me being around you. won't help"

He took a small step forward and took her hand, kissing it lightly.
"That doesn't change how I feel about you Caroline.
I can't move on even if i wanted to.
And i wish i could just forget you, but I can't.."
He paused.

"..I really can't. And I know you're scared to face the real truth right now.
but whenever you figure it out and will be ready...I'm right here.
As i said Caroline, I intend to be your last...that's not going to change"

"But i beg of you not to play with my feelings. And whatever you choose..I will have to except whether i like it or not"
He cupped her cheek and kissed her lips once more.

She breathed out a shaky breath as his forehead rested against hers. letting all what he said sink in her mind.

She wanted to say something back but before she could even blink twice..he was gone.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek.
These feelings are breaking her apart.
She let out a sob,
Why? why does she feel this way about him? she wants to hate him so, so, badly it would've been so much easier.
but she just. can't."


So? did you like their 'first kiss'

...Kol will apear soon though;)

Ya, this chapter was quite short.

But, thanks again for all the votes and reads and comments<3

Until next time>>>>>>
     Xo Klarolena
