Chapter 2

Julia and I walked inside my house and went up to my room.

My sister and I share a room but because she brings guys over and make a lot of noise, she made our dad build a wall and make another door so now our rooms are spilt down the middle.

Julia and I walked into my room and I flopped onto my bed while Julia flopped onto one of my bean bag chairs.

I have two bean bag chairs.

We started doing our homework when we heard giggling and chuckling.

Julia and I looked at each other with disgust.

"Put on some music this is going to last a while" I said

Julia nodded and grabbed my CD case and flipped through it and then put a cd in my TV and started letting it play.

"LOGAN" I heard Sienna squeal.

"Wait Logan?" Julia asked

I nodded and shrugged and turned the music up a little.

A few minutes later Sienna walked in with a bra on and jeans.

"Turn down that so called music" Sienna hissed

"No I really don't want to throw up all over the place while listening to you go all humping next door" I hissed

Sienna huffed and left my room.

Julia high fived me and we went back to work.

1 hour later

We are finished with our homework.

Sienna is done having sex with Logan.

"I can't believe she decided to have sex with her boyfriend's best friend" Julia whispered in my ear.

"I can't believe she had sex with her best friend's boyfriend" I whispered back.

Julia and I went down stairs to the kitchen.

"Daddy can I have some money?" I heard Sienna ask our dad

"Sure how much?" Our dad asked

I walked into the kitchen with Julia.

"45 bucks" Sienna said

I got some water and Julia got some ice tea.

My dad gave Sienna the money she wants and then leaves.

"Sarah?" My dad asked

"Yeah?" I asked

My dad put 20 bucks in front of me.

"Your allowance" My dad stated

"Thank you" I said hugging him and taking the money.

I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and then went back up to my room with Julia.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked my best friend.

"Sure. So Undercover?" Julia asked

I nodded and Julia got the movie set up.
