πŸ’Ž Abigail

A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)

Your adventurer's spirit. Her parents are more traditional and boring, she's always longed for a life of excitement and adventures. And you offer that exact lifestyle she craves. The secret forest, the sewers and mutant bug lair, the quarry mine, the skull cavern, the volcano. You've unlocked an entire new world for her to explore and experience with you.

B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)

Your chest, especially if it's on the larger side. This may be the fluff alphabet, but i'm mentioning this specifically because if you're a man, your probably bound to develop some nice pecs with all the laborious work you do, and she's totally into it. I just feel like she's very into curvy or muscular people. (but she'd love your body at any size/shape)More pg answer: you're legs/thighs, esp if you're curvy/plus size.

C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)

I don't know if there's a special name for it, but she loves the laying down and hugging position, both of you having your legs intertwined and arms wrapped around each other.She also loves the classic "head on your chest" If you're sitting though, she'll be on your lap until you get up.

D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)

I can think of a couple she'd love.Camping in the Ginger Island jungle, near Leo's house.Picnic and music by the lake near Robin's shop, specifically in the summer, where it's warm and there's fireflies out.Coffee and shopping at the Night Market.

E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)

At times she can be a bit immature, growing up she learned to be defensive and quick to assume (graveyard cutscene). Maybe in the beginning of your relationship it was more of a problem, but you learned to be patient with each other and now she's usually pretty good at speaking her mind clearly and maturely.

F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)

I really don't think she wants kids. She doesn't want to be tied down by parenthood, she'd rather just enjoy your company and live a life of fun and adventure.

G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)

Loves receiving gifts, it's a major love language of hers. She likes being gifted snacks and drinks the most. She doesn't seem like much of a collector or decorator. But she does give me the vibe of someone who likes eating/snacking a lot.

H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)

She's not much of a hand holder, she prefers hugs and kissing. But she does like to grab your hand and drag you around places with her πŸ’€

I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)

Immediate panic, you would have to calm her down and tell her your okay lmao.Once she's calmed down she'll run and get the first aid kit for you, repeatedly asking if you're okay or need to see Harvey.

J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)

She loves joking around with you, and unfortunately for you, she also loves pranks. If you ever got seriously bothered by it or asked her to stop, she would do so and apologize. But otherwise, she'll absolutely pull little pranks on you at least once a week or so. Whoopie cushions (a classic)Moves every piece of furniture an inch to the right while your gone for the day.Once in a while, she'll randomly text you "where are you?" or "ETA?", you always see the text and freeze, thinking "Oh shit, did we make plans? What am i late for?" but then she texts you again and says "just kidding!" so you can calm down and laugh about it.One Easter she labeled 9 eggs 1-10, purposely leaving out one random number, making you think there was a missing egg you could never find. You still wonder about it today, and occasionally do a smell check around the house. It cracks her up every time she sees you do it, but she'll never fess up.Her favorite long running bit is this though: She keeps a hidden extra bottle of your most used condiment in a mini fridge in her room, and every time the one in your kitchen fridge gets about empty, she refills it just enough so theres some to use next time. You always think to yourself, "why does this bottle never run out? I could've sworn i finished the last of it yesterday?" Eventually you'll figure it out though when you go to put something in her mini fridge because you're out of space in the kitchen. She absolutely loses it when she gets home that evening and sees the condiment bottle sitting on the kitchen table, she knows immediately that you busted her for it.

K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)

I'll be real, her favorite way to kiss you is just straight up making up. Doesn't have to be sexual or lead to something sexual. She just wants to kiss you for as long as she can.

L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)

Showing interest and being involved in your hobbies. Examples: Reading every poem/story you write, brainstorming ideas with you when you're experiencing art block, helping you hold things together during a diy project, surprising you with new exotic seeds or gardening tools in your fav color, being your sparring partner if you do martial arts, randomly ordering & gifting you new toys/figurines/etc for your collection.

M = Memory (favorite memory together?)

The day you gave her a bouquet. She spent all day kicking her feet and giggling about it, and then daydreamed about you till she fell asleep. To her, the day you asked her out was the beginning of your new life together.

N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)

You turning out to be traditional like her parents. (This may seem dark, but irl, there's absolutely a possibility for someone to completely switch up after marriage/engagement) (i'm also self projecting because i'm so much like her lol)She hates how she was raised with expectations to be a "proper young lady", when she's the definition of being a free-spirited tomboy. So i think deep down she'd be scared about ending up with someone who expects her to be a housewife and a SAHM. Because should that happen, she's either stuck in unhappy marriage, or she's forced back to her parents house. No happy ending in that scenario.

O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)

Eats rocks bruhBut seriously, here's a personal hc of mine:When she finds out pirates visit the island every other day, she'll sneak off and go to the cove, challenging them to duals, playing games, drinking. They would probably really like her weirdness and adopt her as their daughter lol.

P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)

Babe, cutie, hot stuff.

Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)

Gemstone hunting, late night talks in the graveyard, swimming in the lakes at the mountains, goofing around on Ginger Islands beach, fighting monsters, movie theater dates, museum/library dates, playing video games, watching tv, playing with her guinea pig.

R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)

Avril Lavigne: Girlfriend & ComplicatedEvanescence: Bring Me To LifeFefe Dobson: Ghost & Stuttering(i just think she'd like these songs a lot tbh, seems like stuff she'd listen to)

S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)

There isn't a single thing she keeps from you, she tells you every little weird, sad, goofy, and happy thought she has lol.

T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)

Not long, six months at most. She definitely falls fast (i mean she doesn't have a lot of options, can you blame her for wanting to jump into a relationship quickly)

U = Upset (how do they act when you're upset?)

Very affectionate and caring, she'll big spoon you and tell you everything's gonna be okay. Later she'll make you your favorite food for dinner and then turn on whatever show you want to watch. (and while you're watching tv, she'll bring David to cuddle you)

V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)

She likes showing off her progress on her swordsmanship. And yes she absolutely loves showing you off, she'll go on and on about you to everyone, all the time (much to Seb's dismay). It's to the point her friends feel like they're dating you too with how much they know about you LMAO.

W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)

She loves that you fight, it's very cool and exciting to her. And ofc she would fight with you, she actually really wishes you'd offer (please teach her to use a sword).

X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)

Moderately well, i think she sometimes might be oblivious to others feelings (like if your upset about her pranking you, she might not realize till later because she's distracted by laughing about it), but most of the time, she can read you really well because she knows you really well.

Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)

She wouldn't, she's actually waiting for you to pop the question.

Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)

Rainy days, music, ginger island, the graveyard, walks in the mountains, your house/farm, you in general, reading in the library, hanging out with sam & sab in the saloon.
