I know

"So harry potter or the chronicals of narnia?" Deremti asked as Miguel, Eli and Nyx were setting cushions in the little tent they had made."Well remind me again why we can't watch something more horro.Oh RIGHT BECAUSE DERMTI AND ELI ARE STILL 5 YEAR OLDs"Miguel said and Nyx nodded and laughed."I think Harry potter would be great"Nyx said."Which part?' Deremti asked.

"7TH"Eli replied quickly and Nyx just smiled at him while Miguel nodded. They all sat in the little tent they had created with bed sheets . Deremti in the middle holding Miguel's laptop while Miguel on the other side of him and Nyx and Eli on the other.
"Pass me the blanket will you?" Nyx asked as Migule passed her a big blanket which she opened and passed one side to Miguel. So that now all four of them were in one big blanket.
They were 20 mins into the movie when Nyx looked over at Eli "You can see the screen right?".
"YA" ELI replied while Nyx just passed him a smile.
"Hey princess pass me the popcorn"Nyx shouted. Miguel passed her the popcorn tray which she further passed to Eli."HOld it" she instructed as she occasionally took popcorn from it. Eli smiled at this.
"No no no dobby no no" Miguel shouted from the other side. "You cannot die." Deremti said. WHile Nyx was about to say something she heard sobs come from her side to see Eli crying his eyes out.
"Oh my god Eli , don't cry it is just a movie"Nyx said trying to control her laughter. "But dobby he- he is dead"Eli said in between sobs. Nyx hugged him still laughing "Don't cry Eli please pretty pls" she said as Eli continued to sob in her neck. Miguel and Deremti shrugged it of and continued to watch the movie.


"Don't tell me you both are asleep" Nyx said as she heard snoring sounds. "PRINCESS! DERMTI!" she shouted but they both were sound asleep. "Oh my god can you believe they actually slept"she said looking towards Eli only to find him fast asleep in her lap. Ya ya he was asleep in her lap but she didn't have any choice he just did not stop crying after Dobby died so instead of having her shirt soaked with his tears she just carefully whispered to him that it was ok and took his head from her shoulder and kept it  on her lap. Eli was a little shy at first but was ok after a while. Miguel and Deremti on the other hand were probably to much inside the movie to notice this.

Nyx smiled at the sleeping boy and carefully lifted his head from her lap and kept it on a nearby pillow. Eli said something in his sleep and turned around making himself a little more comfortable. Nyx just kept staring at him until she did something she herself could not belive. She leaned in and kissed Eli's forehead. As soon as she lied down she snapped back to her senses .what is wrong with you Nyx you can't just do that get a hold of yourself.but why did I do that?' she thought staring at Eli. Unaware what the future will bring for her.


Someone's alarm was ringing. "Oh god turn it of " shouted an annoyed Nyx "Well it is  your phone" Demetri said. "Oh shit" Nyx shot awake only to find her Mom calling her.85 missed calls she thought. "I should probably go guys" Nyx said to the half asleep boys."Is everthyong alright?"Eli asked. "Ya Eli. Everything is fine."Nyx whispered and smilled at him. Seeing his face made Nyx remember last night's events but she shrugged it of, she needed to take care of this mess before. She quickly tied her shoes and carefully left the Diaz house.

As soon as she opened her apartments door she saw a mess. All the photo frames were broken all the utensils on the floor and all the mirrors shattered to pieces. "Nyx where the hell where you?" her mom asked. "I- what happened here?" she asked. "First you answer me. I come home only to see my daughter not here and I called you the whole night where were you? Oh wait I know probably doing drugs just like your father" her mom shouted."Oh you don't get to turn this on me mom. Do you even remember that you took the only key of the apartment. What was I suppose to do? You weren't even picking up my calls. Well thank god of Miguel that I was able to atleast find a shelter to stay.I was awake till 2 am mom but you did not show up and don't you dare talk about my father like that he was the most sweetest man. You were the one who cheated, who left him alone to rot, I was 6 mom and taking care of you every time  you came home drunk. Was last night also one like --" Nyx was stopped by a slap on her face."You know what I don't even care about you. Go live with that friend of yours and his family you little piece of shit." her mom shouted. Nyx looked up "Ya probably I will".

Ding Dong- Ding dong. "Who is it- oH Nyx it is you. Wait what happened why are you crying?" Eli asked as he opened the door of Miguel's house to see a red eyed Nyx crying with a suitcase in her hand. Nyx did not say anything she just hugged him. She clung to him like her life depended on it. "Hey it is ok I am here" Eli said ,rubbing circles on her back.
"Miguel you might want to take a look at this" Eli shouted still hugging Nyx.
