The Battle Of The Sodor Ironworks

May, 28th, 1994.

I woke up with a throbbing headache, tied in a chair. My vision was blurry but after adjusting it, it turned out to be Sodor Ironworks. Liam, Toby and Percy were also there. Suddenly, Diesel 10, 'Arry and Bert rolled up. Diesel 10's cab door opened and an unfamiliar man climbed out.

"You thought you could f**k up my experiments you stupid bastards?" he asked angrily. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at my head. "Now prepare to die!"


"WHY YOU LITTLE GREEN CATERPILLAR TRAITOR!" roared PT Boomer, storming towards Percy, with his gun still pointed at me. Percy rolled forwards and ran over PT Boomer, killing him. Blood flew everywhere and splattered over me, Liam, Toby, Percy, Diesel 10, 'Arry and Bert.

"If Boomer can't kill you, then I will!" yelled Diesel 10, swinging over his claw and reaching it to us. Thankfully, I found an old pipe and jammed it into the claw. Diesel 10 tried to close his claw, but the pipe jammed it. Diesel 10 strained so much he overheated his engine. Toby and Percy shunted Diesel 10 out of the ironworks. Diesel 10 continued straining until his engine was so hot and overheated, it finally gave out and exploded into a fireball.

'Arry and Bert were now crying and begging us to take mercy on them. We agreed we would, if they told us where this virus was being made. They gave us all the details. We thanked them and head off to the warehouse.
