Chapter One



Snow fell over the town of Churchill, blanketing it in a layer of white. It was a week before Christmas and the town's downtown core was strewn with Christmassy décor. Bright lights dangled down walls and roofs, wreaths hung off doors and a few blow-up Santas and snowmen greeted people on lawns. But not a soul could be seen on the streets save for a few huddled stragglers who rushed down the streets, trying to reach their homes.

The store fronts were mostly dark since most storeowners had closed up before the impending snowstorm. There was one exception though, a little café tucked between a bookshop and a barbershop. The café's interior glowed golden with welcoming lights that seemed to light up the whole street. Inside, a tall boy slouched on a barstool in the café's uniform, completely absorbed in the book he held in his hands. In the corner booth, a girl lay slumped beside her cold coffee and cake, sound asleep. Both were unaware of the other person. They were also unaware of the snow that was quickly piling up on the streets.

Hours passed as he read and she slept. And outside, the snow kept falling.

Finally, the boy lifted his eyes from his book and snapped it shut when his eyes fell on the three feet of snow piled outside. His keen ears tuned into the radio station that was playing softly.

"...issued a warning to everyone. It will keep snowing through today and tomorrow so everyone is advised to stay indoors until the storm passes. Looks like we'll be getting a white Christmas this year folks!" the host laughed merrily and the station cut to commercials.

The boy sighed softly. "Guess I'm stuck here for a few days then," he murmured to himself.

He pushed himself off the stool and walked around the counter. Grabbing a damp tablecloth, he began wiping down the café's tables. When he reached the middle of the café, he lifted his head to flick a lock of hair out of his face. His hand froze in midair when he spotted the girl who was curled up in the corner booth, dead to the world.

Hesitantly, he approached her, unable to see her face since it was buried in her arms. When he got close enough, he could hear her soft breaths as she dreamed about something he could not see.  He did not want to wake her but he knew he had to tell her about their snowed-in situation.

"Excuse me," he said loudly, tapping her politely on the shoulder.

She did not stir. He poked her harder and she shifted in her spot but still stayed asleep. He tried shaking her shoulder but she merely batted away his hands while remaining asleep. He frowned with irritation and contemplated dousing her with the unfinished coffee by her head. His hand was on the mug's handle and he was lifting the drink when she finally stiffened and lifted her head off the table in a sleepy haze.

She looked terrible. Her right cheek was flat and red from being pressed against the hard tabletop for hours. The right side of her curly brown hair stuck out spastically after being rubbed too many times between her face and her hoodie. Her eyes were still hooded with the remains of sleep. She sat like a statue for several long moments, trying to wake up properly.

When she finally did, she jumped from the booth in fright. She was confused at why this boy was staring at her. As her mind cleared, she began to remember why she was in this café. She also recognized the boy. His name was Dion and he had gone to the same high school as her and now he went to the same university as she did.

"Hello Dion." 

"Hey Sydney."

Neither spoke for a time.

Sydney was too busy trying to avoid his gaze. She was embarrassed to have been caught sleeping and had no doubt that she looked like a mess right now. In front of Dion too!

"Right well, I'm just going to head out now! Lovely seeing you Dion," she chirped, with a forced smile. "I'll see you around."

She turned to leave only to be stopped by a firm hand around her wrist.

"You won't be able to get anywhere with the snow." Dion said as he tugged her back towards him.

Sydney looked out the window to see for herself. She winced when she saw the blocked door and the snow that just kept falling.

"No, don't worry. I'll find my way home. I better hurry before it gets worse." Sydney tried to escape.

"I won't let you leave in this weather Syd. Seriously, there was a weather warning issued. You're going to be stuck here with me for a few days."


"No buts. Call home or whatever but you're staying." Dion's tone gave no room for argument.

Sydney frowned deeply. Why? Why her? She glanced longingly out the door but she knew it would be asking for trouble if she dared step foot outside the doors of the café.

"I'm not that bad am I?" Dion joked with a playful grin.

Sydney returned the smile genuinely. "You're not bad," she replied honestly, "it's just that I'm worried about my parents." The last part was a lie.

This was that bad. Because Dion was her crush. He had been for three years now. And now she was stuck with him for at least two days.

Dion offered her a reassuring smile. "Call your parents. Let them know where you are and that you're safe with me. I'll make you a cup of hot chocolate while you do that. Everything's free while we're stuck here. I'm not going to starve you."

Sydney smiled at his generosity and tried to tamp down on her fluttery heart as she pulled out her phone. She dialed her home phone wincing guiltily at the slew of missed phone calls from home. Her mother picked up on the first ring.

"Syd! Are you okay honey?" her mother asked frantically.

"Hey mom, I'm fine. I'm alive. I'm also in one piece."

"Where are you hon? The storm is worsening and you're not home yet!"

"Right well, I kind of fell asleep at that Sugar Sweet Café place." Sydney admitted sheepishly.

"Really Syd? Why am I unsurprised?" Sydney could imagine her mother shaking her head hopelessly. "The shop downtown?"


"I know the owners. Is it possible for you to stay there until the storm dies down? It's not safe for you to leave." Her mother said.

"Dion already said its okay."

"Dion? You mean the Gallanger's son?"

Sydney nodded as she replied, "Yeah, that's the one."

"Well then, tell him thanks from me. Be polite okay Syd?" her mother warned threateningly.

"Yes ma'am."

"Call me twice a day."

"Yes ma'am."

"Turn around and touch the ground."


Her mother laughed. "I was just seeing if you'd listen to me. I'll see you in a few days. Love you Syd."

"You crazy woman! Anyways, love you too mom! I'll remember everything you said. If I don't call, you can always call me."

Sydney hung up and slid her phone into her back pocket. She took a moment to breathe in and relax her pounding heart. It was just her and Dion for forty eight hours. This was going to be bad for her poor heart. She took one last breath before she stood and walked over to the counter where Dion was waiting for her.

"Done?" Dion asked as she approached. He slid her a cup of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream once she slid onto one of the bar stools.

"Yeah, my mom's okay with everything."

"Great! Now, let's have the funnest two days of our lives!" Dion jumped onto the counter, narrowly missing Sydney's drink as he sat on the counter, his feet propped up on another stool.

"Riiiiggghhhtttt... Funnest isn't a word." Sydney leaned away from him consciously.

"Doesn't matter."

"How do you plan on having fun?" Sydney asked with feigned nonchalance as she took a sip of her drink. The whipped cream smeared a mustache over her upper lip but she did not care at the moment.

"I have my ways. Now, finish up that drink while I clean up the café." He winked, wreaking havoc on her heart before retreating to the main dining area.

Dion Gallanger was going to be the death of her. There was no doubt about it. Sydney sighed, resigning herself to her fate as she forced herself to turn away from that boy.

It was going to be a long forty eight hours.

She just didn't know how crazy it would be.
