Maria's POV:

"your heart, you idiot,"




Avi and I both looked at our backs when we heard someone clearing their throat.

"I... I... brought some snacks,"


"t-thanks... Jay," I mumbled.

I share a look with Avi, as she help the guy in clearing one of our tables, to place the snacks he bought.


Why do I feel awkward right now???



Oh goodness~

I immediately hide myself under my thick cover, when someone opened my curtain, letting the bright rays of sunshine bloom inside my room.

"come on, come on~ we have something to do for today! better get up, or else I'll drag your piggy state out of your bed!"


"weo? weo? WEO??!" I complain when this MANAGER JEON started jumping and rolling on my bed just to force me to wake up.

"finally! you're awake, right?"

"what do you think so?!"

"yes, you're wide awake. Now, get up and wash yourself, we're going to kidnap you," he said as he pull me up, and push me towards my bathroom.

"*sigh, and where are we going?"

"just-just~ come on! palli! If you haven't finish preparing within 20 minutes, I'll ask your brother to dress you up instead!"

"aish! how can I bath myself when you're still here ah?!"

"oops? sorry~" he locked my bathroom door.

"PALLI OKAY?!" he yelled from outside.



"*sigh, did you woke me up this early morning just to take me in your grocery shopping?" I asked slowly, trying hard to threat Manager Jeon with my voice.

"no of course not, but partially yes, and not totally,"

I rubbed my temples and tighten my red old scarf around my neck.

"oppa," I called my brother, who's pushing the cart full of big sized products, picked by the guy who's busy checking the expiration date in front of us.

"how many years do I need to spend in prison if I lashed someone in public, showing no mercy?"

I think I heard someone gulped so audibly.

"I don't know, I am not a police nor a lawyer. But I'll ask a friend in position if you want, just tell me when will you do it,"

I smirked, and silently laughed an evil laugh inside my head as Manager Jeon quickly led us to the counter to pay for our purchase, after over hearing our conversation.


Where the Seoul are we?

I eyed the big apartment building in front of us, as the 2 boys bring out the boxes from the van.

"where are we? Is this where you live Manager Jeon?"

"nope!" he answered in english.

"owssh~" I exclaimed when Dan oppa shoved 1 full box on my hand.

"come on! come on!" Manager Jeon ushered, leading us on our way inside the building. 

We're about to enter the elevator but this manager-nim turned around, nearly bumping our boxes together.



"it's Maria,"

"yeah, yeah~ by the way, I forgot something inside the van, could you please get it?"


He handed me the car key, and add my box on his pile of boxes on hand.

"It's under the seats on the second row. Be careful in carrying it, okay? it's expensive,"


Then why not go and get it yourself?!

"just go straight of the 6th floor, second door to the right, 'kay? PALLI!"


I turned around after giving him a glare before starting my way back to the parking lot.

"why does Ri needs to be here exactly?"

"you'll see later,"


So my brother doesn't even know why am I being dragged here???


I immediately found the box he told me, and its kinda heavy when I lift it up.

What's this?

I opened it, and saw...

"beers? wines? seriously?!"

I scoffed, and went off the vehicle, locking the doors and went upstairs straight to the room, Manager Jeon mentioned.

I carefully knock on the door, and wait for someone to open it for me. And knock once again, when no one answered me.

"just a sec~" said a voice behind the door.

Why does it sound like there's a lot of people inside?

There's a lot of talking~

"yo—Ms. Lee?!"


Why does Dokyeom in here?

I heard a sounds of feet's running inside and not later a sec, Dino, Hoshi, Seungkwan, and Jun's head, peeked behind Dk.

What the...

What's going on?!

Don't tell me...



oh goodness...
