
ZenMal12: how many more days babe?

SiennaMiller26: 15

ZenMal12: i'm going to pick you up at the airport

SiennaMiller26: Mmm ok, and my dad will ask many questions

ZenMal12: sux for him

SiennaMiller26: (Kissy face) Ur so cute

ZenMal12: That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me

SiennaMiller26: oops

ZenMal12: ur a cutie

SiennaMiller26: I know i am.

ZenMal12: you're so modest.

SiennaMiller26: ah crap, i gtg

ZenMal12: Where?

SiennaMiller26: I have a Volleyball game in half an hour

ZenMal12: You play V-ball

SiennaMiller26: yep

ZenMal12: Damn

SiennaMiller26: shut up u lil perv

ZenMal12: you'd look so good in those short, tight little spandex

SiennaMiller26: Bye hoe.


Oooops sorry i haven't updated. I kind of started slacking off on wattpad bc i became addicted to tumblr. Sorry. But i'm back, so more updates yay!
