Chapter 4

Words: 1125
Edited: December 25th, 2022

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Y/n's POV
Reki and I smiled at each other and we both made our way over to Langa. "You're awesome!" I cheered and hugged him. He was surprised but soon hugged back as well.

"T-Thanks Y/n" I let go of the hug and glanced over at Reki and he held onto Langa's shoulders, smiling brightly at him while his eyes were shining like stars

"That was... amazing!" He said like a child in a toy store. I smiled at his cute expression— wait what? I shook my head and glanced over at my brother who looked at me knowingly. I scoffed and looked away from him.

☾ Next day ☽

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I asked as I leaned against the reeling. Langa and Reki were standing behind the bikes at school. The two looked up at where I was standing and Reki pointed at Langa with a smirk.

"Langa wants to learn skating for real!" He said and I looked at Langa, asking if it was true. He nodded and I smiled brightly.

"So, first, you keep your rear foot on the ground while you put your other foot on top of the deck. Right around the screws on the nose." Reki told him and the Canadian-Japanese boy sat his right foot onto the skateboard.

"Right! Next, put your rear foot on the deck." Langa tried. He struggled a bit and I held out my hand, "If you're scared, I'll hold your hand." He glanced at it and then back at the board, "I'm fine." He said and did it. But, like the first time... he lost his balance.

"This thing moves!" I giggled and walked over to the skateboard. "What just happened was that after you got on the board, you got cold feet and the center of gravity shifted to the back," I said and picked it up. I walked over to Reki and handed him his board while I sat down own board.

"Before you put the rear foot on, keep the center of gravity at the front, and after you lift that foot, keep it at the center," I said while showing him. "Amazing. Yours doesn't move at all," He said and I smiled, "Why don't we take a small test? What do you say, Reki? On for a tour around the school?" I asked with a smirk and he smirked back "I'm on it. Let's go Langa. It will be good for you to try" he said and I began to skate away with the two boys behind me.

☾ Current time ☽

I looked down at my daughter that looked up at me intensely. I smiled, knowing she wanted me to continue.

☾ Story ☽

"Push is one of the basics, so you need to be able to do it with your eyes closed...! Your legs are too far apart!" Reki told Langa as we skated around the school. "Look ahead. Not on your feet!" I said and then noticed our P.E. teacher running after us "Hey! You three!" He yelled

"Crap! Let's make a run for it!" Reki yelled and I skated off with him beside me, Langa right after us. "Y/n! Reki! You'd better not get caught!" Our classmates called. We looked at each other and snickered.

Everything seemed to slow down for a second when I locked my e/c eyes on Reki's amber once... he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I lightly shake my head, got out of the slow trance, and skated off around the corner.

I immediately stopped when I heard someone crash, I turned around and mentally facepalmed to see Langa had crashed into the wall, we hadn't shown him how to turn after all.

☾ Next day ☽

Reki, Langa, and I were at the park by the ramps. Langa was practicing how to kick turn. "Think about temp! Ticktock, ticktock..." Reki said and repeated "Ticktock" about five times before Langa fell off the board. I sighed, "So, your front foot always comes off."

"I'll do it one more time," Langa said and stood up "Does your foot bother you that much?" Reki asked.

"I'm scared if it's not attached," Reki and I looked at each other and then back at the blue-haired boy, "I'd be more scared if it was attached. Oh, no duct tape! You almost died, remember?" Reki said and moved closer to the edge and went downhill off the ramp. 

We suddenly heard a beeping noise and Langa grabbed his cellphone, he looked at it and sighed. Reki looked at Langa, "What?" The blue-haired sighed, "Work"

"Another rejection?" I asked and sighed while crossing my arms over my chest "You probably were spaced out during your interview again," Reki said and Langa glared at him, "I wasn't!"

"That's it. You just don't talk enough. It's not a big deal, so let's talk a bit more, huh?" Reki said and grabbed a hold of Langa's cheeks and held them so his mouth was in a line. I held my laugh when Langa began to talk "I didn't get to the interview,"

"Just the resume? How are you filling those out?" Reki asked and let go of Langa's cheeks. Langa goes to his bag and handed his resume to Reki, I tried to look over his shoulder; I stood on my toes and that's when I saw it basically only stood his name and birth date.

"Seriously?" Reki and I asked in unison. 

"I didn't do any reading and writing, so..."

"Want me to fill it in for you?" Reki asked Langa sighed, "No way. They'd find out if part of my work involved writing things down."

Reki and I looked at each other and sighed, "I guess we have no choice."

☾ ☼ ☽

"We're begging you!" The three of us said to our manager; he sweatdropped. "You say that, but..." 

"There has to be something! I'm begging you!" Reki said and held down Langa's head when he tried to look at Oka.

Our manager sighed "I'll talk to the owner" he said and we looked at him "That doesn't mean you're hired yet." He said and we smiled happily at him. "Thanks a bunch!" We said and I hugged him. He relaxed a bit and petted my head. I then looked back at the clock.

"Oh shit!" I said and run to grab my skateboard "Y/n? Is something wrong?" Oka asked and I shook my head "No, but my... friends, wanted me to visit them before we're going to the mine tonight. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" They waved at me and I left.

3rd person's POV
Oka's gaze turned to the two boys that were still staring at the door Y/n just walked through. He smiled and then petted his pet, Sketchy.

'This will be interesting,'
