PART - 13

Author's p.o.v

"Any information about him", the boss of the group asked their men. "No..boss", the man said being afraid. "WHAT!!", the boss yelled at him. "Can't you able to find his hideout or about his family information", the boss asked them. "He is taking every steps cleverly bo-", before he completes his sentence he shot him on his fore head. Everyone lower their head cause of fear. "How dare you praising my enemy in front of me", the boss said angrily. "Killing your men is not a solution Eunwoo", a man entered his cabin. "Dad, what are you doing here?", Eunwoo asked his father. "When are you going to kill him?", he asked him. "Dad, I'm trying my best", "You know right, how I was determined to be in the mafia king position but he(Bang brother's dad) took over that position, even after I killed him that position went to his so called son Christopher!!", he yelled making everyone flinch at their position. "Now I want my son to rule over the mafia world", he said while patting Eunwoo's head. "Don't worry dad, I will soon take over the position", Eunwoo said and smirked.

On the other hand, Chan was now in his mafia house's basement. There he saw the man all tied up in chain, "How dare you touch my baby?", he said in a deep tone which scares the man to death but still maintains his voice. "Who are you anyways?", the man asked Chan but he just smirked. "Do you want to know?", Chan said and take out a knife from his pocket and placed in his neck. "Mmm...everyone call me the mafia king of Seoul", Chan said making the man to wide his eyes. "", the man said with nervousness. "I'm s.orr.y, I-", before he completes his sentence Chan cut the man's thumb finger in both the hands. "Ahhhh!!!", the man screamed in pain. "These thumbs are the one which touched my baby's lips", Chan said and and cuts all the fingers from the man's hand. The man is now a screaming mess. " me", the man begged Chan to spare his life. "I already told you right, I'm a devil and no one is now alive who saw my face", with that Chan slice his throat. "Dispose him", Chan said to his men and left the basement. He take a quick shower and wear a comfortable dress. "I have to go to my home", he said and went to his house. 


Leeknow's p.o.v

"Tomorrow is a big day for me", I said while hugging the dress which I'm going to wear for the party. "Lee baby, come downstairs for breakfast", my mom yelled. "Coming!!", I yelled back. I went downstairs and sat in the table in front of my mom, "Good morning mom!!", I wished her. "You too, have a nice day", my mom said making me smile. "When you are going to introduce your boyfriend to me?", mom asked me. My face become red due to shyness, "I will mom, why are you impatient?", I asked my mom but she just frown. "Cause I want to see my grandchildren that's all", my mom said simply. "Mom, you are making me blush", I said while hiding my face. "I want you to be happy that's all it's my last wish too", mom said. "Don't say like this mom, you have to be with me no matter what, soon I will introduce him and you will also see your grandchildren", I said and my mom smiled. I eat my breakfast, "Bye mom, I'm going to my work", I said. "Take care baby, come home soon okay bye", she said and kissed my fore head. 
"Sure mom bye", with that I left the house. I entered the cafe and I begun to do my work, "Fighting Minho!!", I said to myself and start my work. 


I was working when a customer entered the cafe but I didn't notice him as I was cleaning the mugs, "Anybody here", the customer asked. "Coming", I went to the customer. "Hello sir, what would you like to have?", I asked him. But he didn't said anything, "Hello sir", I shake him lightly then he came to his sense. "Are you okay?", I asked him. "I'm", he said. "I want a cup of coffee", he said and I nodded my head and went to make coffee.

Eunwoo's p.o.v

I was really tired so I went to a cafe to relax my mind. I entered the cafe but no one was there, so I just call randomly. "Anybody here?", I asked and someone replied me so I sat in a table. As I was scrolling through my phone when someone said, "Hello sir, what would you like to have sir?", his voice is so sweet. I looked up and saw his face, my world stops when I saw him. He is really beautiful, he shake me and I came back to reality. "Are you okay?", he asked me and I just asked him for a cup of coffee then he went inside. "He is really beautiful, I want him in my life no matter what", I said and continued to look at his features. I was staring at him then he came with my coffee, "Thank you", I said and he just nod his head and mumbled a welcome. "Sit here", I said making him confused. "I want someone to talk as I was getting bored here", I said and he sits in front of me. "What's your name?", I asked him. " Lee Minho", he said. "What a beautiful name", I said making him smile. "Thank you", he said. "Your name?", he asked me. "Lee Dongmin", I said my real name as I can't say my mafia name. "Okay", he said as we were chatting about some random things and we literally become close so I thought to ask about his love life, "Minho, can I ask you something?", I asked him. "Sure", "Do you lo-", I was about to complete my sentence that's when another customer steps in which made me pissed. "Sorry, I have to go, it's nice talking to you", he said and went. "That was really close", I said and drank my coffee and paid my bill. "Have a nice day", he said and I smiled. "See you soon", I said and left the cafe.

