the love interest

Tae giggled as he put on the jacket he had just been given before he got into the car.

"How very gentleman-like of you kind sir"

"Anything for you princess."

Taehyung's phone pinged yet again, but he brushed it off. Not even checking who just messaged him.

"Aren't you gonna check that?"

"Nah its okay hyung that's the default notification sound so it's probably someone wanting to talk about something unimportant" he smiled, his stomach doing flips at the guy in front of him.

"Ahh okay Taehyung"

i just read 16,722 words of straight up sex 😳 i hate myself ✋😔 for continuing to read it 🤪

Bogum, huh?

[m'kay that all for now!]
bye bbies!

oh p.s  vOtE plEth :)
