Upon arriving Shen Jiu could only conclude that the Yunmeng Clan was beautiful and he could tell from Wei face that he thought so as well. But pulling them from their thoughts approached a younger boy "Father!" seemly the son of man that brought them here. "Jiang Cheng not now I have to settle our newest disciples in." Fengmian said while holding Wei closely, {Heck! If he hadn't know Wei he'll think Wei was his son!} The boy now known as JC pout as he stopped himself from raising his hands up to show he wanted to be held like Wei. And so seeing this Shen Jiu now held some anger for the man {As much as he was glad Wei wasn't getting treating roughly he had some dislike for the man's neglect towards his son.} So, approaching the younger boy then him who was just a couple inches taller then Wei he grabbed him and held him.

{The neglect JC received made SJ remember his biological father and how hurt Shen Jiu had been when his parents had solded him so, to make him forget he holded JC} Jiang Cheng now stunned was getting held by the taller boy. Fengmian saw this scene unfold but said nothing and commanded Shen Jiu to follow him to his and Wei room. So, Shen Jiu followed after holding Jiang Cheng tightly "What's your name?" Jiang Cheng finially spoke as he slightly poked at Shen Jiu "Shen Jiu."

{Shen Jiu had decided to let Shen Yuan keep the title Shen Qingqiu and the peak, they couldn't care less about Shen Jiu so why not just let them keep the "better liked" Shen Qingqiu not the one that had been with them since disciple years.}

This is the beginning for "Shen Jiu" and the end of "Shen Qingqiu ".

I'm back! I got motivation to update all books!
